Lovely, lovely, you are~ (Changlix)



Now playing: Lovely by MINZY

"Dad? How did you end up with Dada?" 7-year old Sunoo asked his Dad one night while they're at the table finishing up their dinner.

To say that his parents are not surprised with the question is a lie, it surprised them but was accepted. Of course, their son would eventually ask them why he has two fathers instead of having a Dad and a Mom like most family has.

Sunoo was then alarmed for a bit as he froze to look at his Dads if he had offended them by his sudden inquiry, "ah Dads, that came out wrong, I meant to know how you woo your ways to Dada, you know? The uh- dating stuff?"

Felix, his Dada, chuckles while Changbin, his Dad, has his eyebrows rose.

"What got you curious, sunshine? Do you like someone?" Changbin asked, amused.

"I- ah, Dad!" Sunoo flushed.

"Alright! Well... Where should I start?" Changbin said, pitying his blushing kid.

"From where you met Dada for the first time!" Sunoo's eyes sparkles as he focuses his attention on to his Dad. Felix started to clean the table and then washing the dishes on the sink with a wide grin on his face.

"Hmm..your Dada is quite snob before-"

"Hey, you're making me look bad to our son!" Felix retorts while he still busied himself with washing the dishes. He then heard a couple of giggles from his boys.

"Honey, do not believe everything your Dad will tell you about us, tss."

"Don't worry, Dada. You're fine!" Sunoo still giggles. Well, that didn't help Felix at all.

"I am telling the truth, son! It's true, your Dada was so snobby with me, let's say- we were not the best of friends before because he hated my guts."

"I did not!" Felix whined.

"But here's the plot twist, son." Changbin paused to signal for his son to lean closer to him, then Felix heard some murmurs. He rolled his eyes and just shook his head in amusement.

Changbin just whispers to his son's ear, something like, "he hated my guts but actually liked me, he's just in denial because I was all lookin' hot and with all the muscles. He told me that after we got married, I was his ideal type but just masked it with a fake hatred."

"Ohhhh~" Felix heard his son's reaction after all that murmuring.

"Well, I hope you're not murmuring things about me, loves." Felix says. What he got in return was some giggles from his son, Felix can't do anything but to click his tongue, not in annoyance but in fondness.

"Where did you two meet?"

"Oh we met at this famous club."

"Club? What's that?"

"It's a place you can relax after your stressful day from work, it's not for children though."

"It's a crowded place, love. Bad and annoying bass music blaring into your ears, you won't like it." Felix adds.

"So if I'll become adult, I can go to clubs?"

"Not until you become 30!" Felix hissed from where he started drying off the dishes on the kitchen counter.

Changbin chuckles at that while Sunoo pouts and sighs, "so what did you two do in that club, Dad?"

"Well, we-" Changbin paused for a while, suddenly a scene from the past came into his mind. Felix turned to where his boys had still seated on the table, a big smirk on his lips.

"Oh yeah, Dad, what did we do in the club that night we met?" Felix asked, teasing his other half. Changbin on the other hand blinked before looking back at his son.

"We talked."

"Okay? You just talked? Cool!" Sunoo was obviously not following with the teasing of his parents in front of him.

Felix smirks more, of course, they talked. But he knew Changbin made the right words to say to their kid. They can't just blurted out that they actually had in that club. They had a one night stand, but after that night it never became all rainbows and sunshines. Felix hated Changbin's guts before, thought the older was all cocky and jerk. Changbin took months coaxing the other to prove to Felix that his intention for him was all good and that he's not one of those kind of people Felix despised.

"Then after that, you marry him?" Sunoo was bouncing on his seat.

"Oh no, son. It was still a long process but well, eventually, he fell in love with me and accepted my proposal to marry him." Changbin has a fond look on his face, reminiscing their moments with his husband is nice.

"Well, I'm glad you're my parents. You're both cool!" Sunoo exclaimed.

"We love you too, darling." Felix chuckles as he led his boys into the living room and snuggled together in the sofa bed.

"Dada?" Sunoo called his other father while wrapping both of his arms around his Dada's waist. Changbin was busy with choosing a good movie to watch tonight but was also following the boys' hushed conversation.

"Yes, love?"

"Can I stay over at Sunghoon's house for the weekend? We have to finish our project."

"Hmm, project huh?"

"Dada, it's true!"

"I'm not saying that it isn't." Felix laughs a little.

Sunoo pouts, "Can I?"

Felix chuckles, "tell Daddy about it then." Sunoo then pressed himself to his Dad's body.

"Dad, can I?"Β 

"Of course, if it's about doing the project."

"It is, I promise!"

"Okay, okay, I'm just teasing. Of course, you can. Just remind me so I can drive you there."

"Thank you, Dad! Thank you, Dada. Best parents ever!" The kid snuggled even closer to his parents' warmth, while his parents gave him a few kisses on his head.

In the middle of watching a movie, Sunoo was already out like a light, his face was shoved into the crook of his Dada's neck and when Changbin noticed it, he took the initiative to bring him into his room and tucked him in his bed. Sunoo was already seven years old but so what, he's still their baby.

Changbin came back into the living room, immediately snuggled into his husband's side as Felix chuckles so suddenly, "we talked huh, how lovely, Bin."

Changbin knew what Felix had meant, it's that moment before, "well, we talked first."

"Oh yeah, like how you awkwardly complimented me then dragged me upstairs to me?"

"You know, you look lovely, tonight. I'm Changbin."

"I just found you so attractive, was that wrong? And hey, you liked me that night! You told me so!" Changbin was full mode whining at this moment and Felix just chuckles at him. After their one night stand, Changbin took time to gain Felix's trust but the greatest plot twist of their story was Felix liking and loving him back.

"I thought you will never like me, like ever. But you know what, the greatest plot twist that even happened in my entire life was you falling in love with me. I couldn't imagine my life without you in it, I was and still am so happy that you gave me a chance to prove to you my intention."

"You're a sap. You looked like hot and cold at the same time but is actually a cute little cinnamon inside."

"So that's why you fell in love with me." Changbin has a proud grin on his face.

"That's why I fell in love with you." And Felix won't get anywhere if he kept on denying things.

"I love you too. You're still lovely, by the way." Changbin whispers, starting to rub Felix's stomach under his shirt.

"And I'm still sore, keep it in your pants." Changbin grumbled, a long pout on his lips but Felix can't help it but to chuckle as he led his husband into their bedroom.



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I think this is the first time I write drabble about MinChan.


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