Signature of Love (SeungMinho)


Seungmin waltzing her way into the kitchen with her bed head and in a male t-shirt that's too big for her and a loose pajama bottoms, she looked like a lost puppy as she blinked slowly while scanning the kitchen with her sleepy eyes.

Minho chuckled at his wife, "morning there, love. Come here, puppy, have a sit."

That seemed to make Seungmin fully awake now and scowled at the man, "don't call me that, I'm not your dog!"

"I literally called you puppy, not dog." Minho answered, a matter of factly, with that smirk on his face. Seungmin loved that smirk but not quite at this moment.

"It's the same thing!" She scowled more, fortunately from Minho's point of view, his wife looked even cuter with that scowl on her face. His t-shirt around her frame made her even look cuter....and hotter at the same time.

"Come on now, calm down, love." Minho said as he approached the younger and immediately hugged the other before coaxing her to sit with him on one of the chairs there- well, dragging her softly and let her sit in Minho's lap facing each other.

"It's too early for this." Minho said sweetly and raised his hand to flatten the furrowed eyebrows of Seungmin.

"Yet it's never too early for you to tease me!" Seungmin said back with a slight frown and a pout on her lips.

Minho chuckled, "fine, I'm sorry, okay? Don't be angry with me, my love." He said while rubbing his hands around his wife's adorable cheeks. The younger released a pleased breathe out, immediately melting into her husband's touch as she relaxed her face and just slumped her entire figure on Minho's front making the other coo.

"Good morning again, pup. Did you sleep well?"Β 

Minho was making sure if Seungmin's feeling okay today since she really looked disoriented as she woke up. Her bed head was a mess but somehow it made her look like an angel. Minho thought, it's unfair. How could she still managed to look this good so early in the morning? But he's not complaining completely for having such a gorgeous wife. Anyway, back to the slight issue- or can he even called it that, although there's really no issue at all, he was just a bit worried. She seemed to act like this when she's having bad dreams during the night but recalling the events from last night, he didn't remember Seungmin having a nightmare. He always woke up when she's having one though.

"I had a good night sleep but I woke up without you there beside me." The pout was so visible as day, sitting cutely onto the lady's lips.

Minho then cooed at Seungmin for a few times already today, sometimes the younger was unpredictable but Minho was not complaining (again), "baby, was that why you're sulking?"

Seungmin didn't answer but the way she shoved her face into the older's chest, he knew that he hit the right button. Seungmin might be taller than Minho but she has her own weird yet cute way to make herself smaller in Minho's arms. But the man's body was much broader than hers, that's a given, everytime she perched in the older's lap, she immediately melted into her spot and looked herself small into Minho's arms.

"I'm sorry, baby, I had to leave you there. I made breakfast." Minho said before dropping a kiss on top of her head, encircling his arms around Seungmin's form. She's currently in Minho's t-shirt which looked big on her but she managed to look adorable as well, her shoulder would peeked out from the collar area once she moved. But he remembered her wearing a sweater last night.

"Did you just steal another t-shirt from my closet?" Minho really didn't mind it, in fact he loved it everytime she did this. The only disadvantage about it was everytime Minho saw his wife wearing something his, he felt excited that he can't help himself from attacking her with hot kisses that'll turn into something more.

"I didn't! I washed this with my own bare hands so it's also technically mine." Seungmin sniffed, just too shy to admit liking to wear Minho's clothes.

Minho softly laughed at that, he can't even made himself to retort back, "you're so cute, my god, what should I do with you?" The man did hold himself up not to carry his wife back into their bedroom and have his way into her.

"Feed me! I'm hungry." Seungmin pouted some more making it really hard for Minho to not take his wife right then and there. It's just a miracle, he still has a clear mind.

"Oh, but you said you're not my puppy....pups are the only ones to be fed." Minho has a wide grin plastered on his face when a weak punch landed onto his shoulder.

"I said I'm not your dog! I've never said anything about the puppy!"

They may bicker a lot but that's how they were, that's their signature of love.

"And I've never said anything about you as my dog, I just said you're a puppy, my puppy." It's just the same thing but whatever. This was the same morning as before, her being cute like this was way more better than to those mornings where he would tend a crying wife because of a nightmare.

"Whatever, just feed me!" Seungmin pulled her face from her husband's neck.

Minho just can't hold himself from surging forward and claimed those lips anymore. Seungmin made a surprised gasp but immediately wrapped her arms around Minho's neck while kissing him back. He heard her moan and hum and tightening her legs around his waist. Minho's a very good kisser and it would be Seungmin's end if he started kissing her. She'd turn into a puddle in her husband's lap enjoying the kiss, forgetting all the bickerings from a while ago. It's even a turn on how Minho would kiss her with still morning breath and all, she loved that Minho's never disgusted by that. Through that she knew she married the right man.

Eventually, they needed to pull away for some air, "you know how I feel about you wearing my stuff right?" Minho asked lowly, voice full of self control. It was also the time that Seungmin grinned, liking the implication of it, even more loving to make it a reality but first she needed real food.

"At least feed me real food first." Seungmin blinked her eyes beautifully at him while not so gently grinding onto his crotch, grinning after hearing him groan. Minho's hands were tightening around her slim waist.

"Oh, you're so done after this." Minho gritted his teeth in anticipation as he stood up with his wife still wrapped around him towards their dining table with the said breakfast already served there and ready to eat. There's only giggles from Seungmin echoing around the room which made Minho's heart racing. Ah, it's so beautiful to be alive.

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I think this is the first time I write drabble about MinChan.


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