Dental Love (SeungMinho)



Seungmin groaned at the sudden pain shooting on that one decayed tooth of his. this tooth, can't enjoy his ice cream in peace anymore.

"You okay?" Felix shoots him a concern glance. They were just on their break, enjoying (or in his case, he is not) their treats in their favorite ice cream store near their university.

"My tooth." Seungmin groans, eyeing pitifully at his ice cream bowl on the table.

"I thought you had it removed already?" There's a little frown on his friend's face, the ever so angel that he is. Seungmin smiles through the pain just to reassure Felix that he's fine.

Then he shakes his head, a shiver is suddenly crawling on his spine as his mind brings him to the idea of going to a dental clinic. People say, dentists are scary. He shakes his head again as if erasing his scary thoughts away.

Seungmin hears a giggle, "I know that look, Min." Felix giggles again, shoving the remaining spoonful of treats in his mouth, swallowing hurriedly just to shoot a teasing grin towards Seungmin.

"Just don', Lixie. I won't go."

"Why? I told you, it's just a myth. Dentists are not scary, they are friendly. And you will never feel pain, I promise." Felix had already three teeth removed and he boosted everytime after his appointment that it was painless and that the dentist was friendly."

But call Seungmin a coward and he will never care and won't mind it because he's a self entitled coward.

Night passed and comes another day with his tooth still aching, he can't focus on doing anything if what he always feels is the throbbing pain caused by his tooth. He can't focus on his damn assignments, he can't chew his sugary treats as he studies anymore. He whines and groans while he talks to his bestfriend once again.

"That's it, I'm making you an appointment." Felix says in finality.

"Wait, like right now?" Seungmin helplessly reached for Felix's hands who's already typing something on his phone.

"Yes, right now. I know a dentist, Minie, he took care of all my bad teeth and even did it really well, painless and he's...friendly." Well, that was suspicious, he eyed his friend with wary eyes.

"Come on, Minie, it will be fine. I promise."

He's never been in one dental clinic before and he's not dreaming of making an appointment anytime soon but he also knew Felix, he's very stubborn. If he wanted to do something, he'll really not stop bugging anyone (not in a bad way though) until he'll gonna achieve what he wanted.

"But how are you even gonna do that? I don't wanna drive to the clinic now to have an appoinment." Seungmin sniffed, he thought Felix would stop talking about it already.

"Oh, you know my cousin, Chan. His boyfriend is working as a dentist's secretary."

Seungmin groaned, he forgot that Felix is a social butterfly, there's like no one on earth that he's not friends with.

"You met him once, Jisung, ring a bell?" Felix said mindlessly as he continued to tap something on his phone.

"Park Jisung? He's Chan's boyfriend?"

"Uhm that's Chenle's though, he's gonna throw a fit if he hears that his boyfriend was being mistaken as somebody's boyfriend again." Felix giggles.

Well, sue Seungmin for not really that good at memorizing names or remembering anyone who came to chit chat with him because once they're done talking, Seungmin will forget them, except his bestfriend, his bestfriend's boyfriend, Changbin, and his bestfriend's cousin, Chan...yet he didn't remember Felix mentioning a Jisung that's Chan's boyfriend.

"Han Jisung. Round cheeks, looks like a squirrel. God, I can't believe I just said that."

"Oh. Forgot what he looks like." Seungmin said, "what about him?"

"He's Dr. Lee's secretary, I am making you an appointment as we speak."

Seungmin's eyes grew bigger at that, "no, no, Lixie, I did not say yes yet."

"Tomorrow, 10AM."

Seungmin groaned, accepting defeat.

So here he was, 10AM sharp at Lee's Dental Clinic's waiting area together with some others who are waiting for their turn. He can feel his heart ramming erratically in his chest as he lets his legs bounce rapidly, he tends to do this when he's nervous. He has his lower lip caught in between his teeth.

"Hey, it's okay. Just relax." Felix puts his palm over Seungmin's hand which was mindlessly opening and closing over his lap. He's thankful enough to have his bestfriend with him today, missing class for a day won't hurt anybody.

"I think I will faint in there, you have to drag my body out of here, okay?"

Felix laughs at him, "you are not gonna faint, just relax. Hey, take a deep breath." He did what Felix told him, after a second, his friend motioned to breathe it out and he did. Well, he's still nervous but at least his heart is calming now.

"Yeah? You alright?"

"I think so."

"You'll be fine. It's okay." Felix gave him his angelic smile.

"Kim Seungmin?" Someone called him from inside.

"Oh , Lix. It's happening." Seungmin stiffly stands up.

Felix just giggles, "go, it's alright, they'll take care of you. I'll be right here."

Seungmin slowly push the door open, it creates an ominous creeking sound, Seungmin's mind says run. His thoughts got distracted by a bright voice and a smiling face, he must be the secretary.

"Hi, this way please. Is this your first time?" The man might be hearing his beating heart, right?

"Uh- y-yeah."

"Oh, that's totally fine. You'll be alright."

The man leads him towards the dental chair and before Seungmin could open his mouth, he was gone.

"Lay down." Seungmin fliched at the newcomer, it's definitely the dentist. And God, he has a nice voice but it's kind of stern. He's right in the first place, dentists are scary.

"Are you, okay?" The dentist standsΒ  just perfect into his view and wow is this heaven? Because the man hovering over him was sure an angel, he wore all white lab gown, an angel right?

"You looked pale, here, just lay comfortably." His voice has gotten soft or was that just Seungmin's imagination?

"First time?" The dentist has a tiny smile on the corner of his lips, no one told Seungmin that dentists are this handsome. An eyebrow raised made Seungmin blink his eyes like he's waking up from a nice nap with a nice dream that includes this handsome dentist.

"U-uh, y-yeah, yes. It's my- f-first time." Seungmin swallowed hard.

"Seungmin, right?" The dentist pulls a monoblock chair and sits on it to made them face to face to each other.

"Yes?" Why does he sound unsure, ing great. But whatever because it made the dentist smile. He even looks more handsome when he smiles.

"I'm Minho, as you can already know, I'm the dentist. But we can't really start until you're relaxed." Minho says calmly as he also puts a bib around Seungmin's neck.

"Oh, I- It's just that I'm very nervous right now, my bestfriend made me come here in the first place."

The dentist, Minho, chuckles. He ing chuckles, Seungmin didn't know what's funny but he chuckles. Maybe this seems amusing to him, great.

"I can assure you that it will be fine." Seungmin could live with this moment right now, Minho is looking so kind and sounding so nice to him as the minutes go by.

"Sungie, can I have a glass of water please?" Minho turns his head a little to the corner where the entrance is located and after a few seconds, there comes his secretary with a glass full of water in his hand, as usual a friendly and bright smile on his face.

"Thanks, Sung." After his secretary was gone, he turns back to look at Seungmin again.

"Here, drink this first."

Seungmin might be thirsty because after a small thanks, he gulps it all down. Minho might find it cute and he chuckles at the sight.
Seungmin with his wide eyes (again, cute, in Minho's perspective) hands him back the now empty glass. Minho puts it over the empty small table there and then looks at his patient again.

"You okay now?"

"Yes, I think so, thank you."

"So, shall we proceed to extracting your bad tooth then?"

Seungmin wasn't so sure about that but he nods his head yes.

Minho made Seungmin lay on the dental chair again and gently guided his head to the headrest, "just breathe, relax." Seungmin did what Felix had said to him earlier to take a deep breath before nodding his head to the dentist.

"Good boy." Seungmin blinks at that, is he hearing things now? No, he's not dreaming of getting flushed in front of the handsome dentist.

"Open up first, I'm gonna see where your bad tooth is." Minho softly says, bringing the spoon excavator inside Seungmin's mouth after he gently held his patient's jaw to make him open his mouth.

"It's on the upper set, okay, relax, it's gonna be fine." Why does after hearing the okay word just ominously making him even more nervous? Because it feels like it'll be followed with non-okay stuff.

"Okay, I'm gonna rub this onto your gum hmm?" Minho shows his gloved index finger with something jelly on it. Minho's other hand cupped Seungmin's jaw coaxing him to open his mouth and he did. Seungmin could feel the dentist finger sliding onto his upper gums, and he could immediately taste some bitter liquid onto his tongue.

Near the chair was the stool and a small sink with a small tap and a plastic cup sitting on it, Minho then again gently guided Seungmin's face near the sink, "have some water but spit them out just to remove the bitterness."Β 

Seungmin was like a lost puppy, an obedient one who just follows what Minho told him to do. It was cute. Minho even helped his patient wipe some water dripping down to his chin using the bib.

When Seungmin was back at laying comfortably on the chair Minho gets the anesthesia from the stool, "gonna inject this, yeah?"

Seungmin's eyes went wide seeing how thick the needle was, he almost flew out of the bed if not for Minho's other arm which was now wrapping around Seungmin's shoulders to ground him.

"Hey, it's fine, I promise."

"I-it is?"

"Yes, just a little ant-like prick but nothing you can't handle, you're a big good boy."

Seungmin blinks so fast at that, he likes to be called as good boy. ing hell. This isn't happening. Seungmin's mind got tangled again, got so messy with so much happenings right now but he then pulled out from it by a soft hand cupping his cheek.

"You're alright, it's fine, I promise. This will numb your gums so the process later will be painless. You want that right?"

Seungmin mindlessly nodded his head, his thoughts were playing something else- like how this dentist's lips would feel like against his? How soft his hands are when they will roam around the entitety of his body?

"Good boy." That brought him back to reality.

"Now, open up and just lay your head comfortably on the headrest." Seungmin was in awe at how much patience this dentist had endured for him. Maybe, dentists aren't that scary at all.

"Hey, sweety, you with me?"

"Y-yeah, yes. I think I'm ready."Β 

"That's a good boy." Minho gave out a smile that warms Seungmin's heart or even his entire being for that matter.

Seungmin feels his toes curling inside his sneakers when Minho starts to get the syringe inside his mouth, feeling the ant-like prick caused by the needle made Seungmin's hands turn into fists beside him, he closed his eyes tight. Then another prick on his palate made him open his eyes, kinda blurry because of some tears covering them. It wasn't that painful, it's ant-like, right? But Seungmin was just a coward for things like needle so, you can't really blame him for silently crying at that.

"Shh, it's okay, now. It's done." Minho puts away the empty syringe and cups the patient's cheeks into his gloved hands, chuckling a little. Oh, this kid is getting more cuter as the minutes gone by. He then gently pressed the sleeve of his coat around Seungmin's eyes.

Seungmin can't talk as he can already feel some parts inside his mouth got numb, he hummed to get the dentist's attention, whose face was just an inch away from his anyway. Minho looked at him with a fond look in his eyes.

"You are so brave, you know that? How are you feeling? Fine?" Minho brushed his thumbs over the fat space of Seungmin's cheeks just to make him relax. Seungmin nodded his head.

"Good, baby. Now, relax your body for me."

Seungmin didn't know anymore, maybe the pet name sent him to heaven? He just laid there, letting the dentist do his job. Something twisting and turning just in the bad tooth's little hole, he can feel everything, the pulling and pushing of something inside his mouth but it's not painful at all. Now, he overthinks a lot, what if one twist of Minho's stuff in his mouth then the anesthesia will wear down and he'll feel so much pain?

"Hey, gorgeous. We're halfway there."

Seungmin just made a gurgled hum as Minho stood up from sitting on his chair, the former's hands flew up to hold Minho's sides. The action made Minho chuckle, "I am still right here. You're okay."

This was awkward but Seungmin wasn't too worried at that.

"Sungie? The hammer, please."

And that even made Seungmin's eyes grow wider, hands are tightly gripping on Minho's sides.

"It's okay, you won't feel anything. Just hold onto me." Minho murmured down at him. Seungmin just closed his eyes when he heard the secretary walking towards them with God knows what in his hand.

Minho gave a go signal to Jisung and made three hits onto something, Seungmin in fact never felt pain by it, his head just pushed down onto the headrest with each hit Jisung was making, the more for his hands to clutch tight around Minho's waist.

Then Minho took a look of the tooth while constantly wiping off some blood that's about to drip down onto Seungmin's chin, and looked at Jisung once again, nodding for another signal. Jisung made another three hits and more of Minho's fingers bracing Seungmin's mouth to open wide.

"Thank you, Sungie." Jisung once again was gone, probably to clean up some of the stuff the dentist had used.

Minho took out the tooth finally, putting it in a container then guide Seungmin's head to the sink once again, making him gurgle water from the plastic cup. Seungmin obediently followed Minho's instructions when he said to spit them out and take another gurgle of water and spit it once again onto the sink.

Minho then puts a cotton on the area that's still bleeding, "bite onto it." Seungmin did, not sure if he did the right thing though since he can't still feel his whole mouth.

"That's a good boy. And we're done, no sweat, right?"

Seungmin mindlessly nodded his head, Minho helped him got up from the bed and led him towards the wooden chair in front of a table that has a Dr. Lee Minho name plate on the front.

Minho wrote quickly the prescription and handed it over Seungmin with a soft smile on his face. He pointed the first medicine written there with his index finger, that's a cute finger, Seungmin's mind supplied. Now that the dentist's hand was out of the rubber glove, Seungmin can see them clearly and Minho owned such beautiful hands. He can't believe it that those beautiful hands have been in his mouth earlier. Well, that sounded wrong, but get the point.

"Take this twice a day," then his index finger goes to the second one, "and this one, every six hours."

"Hmm, uh- for how many days will I take them?"

"Two days."

Seungmin nodded his head, "thanks, Dr. Lee." He then fished out the folded bill in the back pocket of his pants and gave it to the dentist.

"Just Minho is fine, Seungmin. And no need for that, since it's your first time, I'm making it free for you." Minho smiled at Seungmin while the latter looked like a fish with his mouth opening and closing, can't seem to find the right words to say.

Jisung who was sitting on his table just a few meters away from Minho's, raised an eyebrow in interest then a knowing smirk plastered on his lips, of course without the dentist or Seungmin seeing it.

"I wrote my personal number at the bottom, in case you have some questions about any of your tooth or just anything." Seungmin just nods his head numbly, he cannot feel his mouth, okay? And was that a red hue coloring the tips of Minho's ears?


Before Seungmin completely leaves the clinic he hears something that makes him smile like a fool.Β 

"Well, that's new..." Minho's secretary wonders.

"Not a word, Sungie."

"Usually you're an angry tiger, leaving the poor patients scarce for life but then comes're like a soft...."

"I said shut up. Next!"

Guess, Seungmin will really thank Felix for this.

Seungmin forgets for a moment that he may look like a stupid fool with a numb jaw and a drool almost coming out of his mouth right in the middle of the alley with still lots of patients waiting for their turn.Β 

But does Seungmin care? No, all he knew was that he got his bad tooth removed and the hot dentist's number.


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I think this is the first time I write drabble about MinChan.


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