I L-O-V-E Y-O-U (SeungMinho)


Inspired by Seungmin's cute habit of sleeping on a couch in SKZ-CODE. Title's from DARARI 🎢
Minho's lips are immediately stretched into a fond smile after seeing the sight that greeted him upon entering the door. Seungmin, his boyfriend, is sleeping on the couch. His position makes Minho wince a little in worry because he's sure Seungmin's gonna whine when he wakes up later with an aching limbs. But he still looks cute in that position, it's one of Minho's guilty pleasure to look at.

Seungmin's sleeping on his side facing the entrance door's direction, Minho notices that it is becoming Seungmin's little habit in sleeping in that position, while his hands are tucked in between his thighs with his legs bent. His face makes a funny sight due to his cheeks that got squashed by the cushion under it. Nonetheless, it's a cute sight but still Minho can't help but worry a bit.

Minho doesn't notice that he's already squatting to Seungmin's face level, "hi, my love." He whispers, even his hand has a mind of its own when it slowly makes contact with Seungmin's soft skin on his cheek and caresses it so softly, careful not to wake him up with the movement. Then he ruffles the younger's fringes before dropping a kiss on his temple. Unfortunately, that's not seems to be a good move when it wakes Seungmin up, he slowly blinks his eyes in realization.

"Oh... Babe?" Seungmin's voice is croak, an obvious proof that he sleeps in that position for a bit long already.

Minho could only sigh, he doesn't mean to wake Seungmin up but at the same time glad that he can greet his boyfriend while he's conscious.

"Good afternoon~" Minho greets, dropping a little kiss on the tip of Seungmin's nose which scrunches cutely after.

"I didn't mean to sleep in..." Seungmin mumbles as he moves to sit up. Minho helps him sit properly before joining him on the couch.

"You're allowed to nap. But you should have done that in our bed comfortably." Minho says softly, two hands are now cupping Seungmin's cheeks, his left palm is softly caressing the cheek that got squashed by the cushion. Seungmin just hums, accepting the warmth and leaning more against Minho's side as he closes his eyes. If Seungmin were a cat, he must be purring now. Minho chuckles at his thought.

Seungmin then pouts, eyes are still closed, "hungry~"

Minho laughs, "of course, you are. What do you want for dinner then?"

"Hmmmmm, I don't know, surprise me. You know I always eat whatever you make." Seungmin replies and pouts even more.

"As you should or else I won't be making you food anymore." Minho says sternly, cupping the younger's cheek now tightly that Seungmin's cheeks are squashed up and his lips form a funny pouty look like that of a fish.

Seungmin whines as he opens his eyes and tries to bat Minho's hands away from his face, but to no avail. Minho just laughs and then loosen up his hold to his boyfriend's poor cheeks.

"Noooooo~ you're stuck with me so you have to make me food always!"

"I see you only agree to date me for my cooking skills." Minho's voice is teasing.

"You know that's not true!" Seungmin whines, eyes tearing up, ah, always so sensitive when it comes to this kind of topic. In the past, they had a hard time expressing their feelings to each other and now that they've been together for years, even lived in together for years as well, they didn't want to go back to those times dealing the same situation.

Minho chuckles, "okay, I'm sorry! I was just teasing." He then leans forward to plant a reassuring kiss onto the younger's lips that are now quiverring a little. It thankfully makes the younger smile.

"I love you."

"I love you too, baby."

"But I'm hungry..." Seungmin pouts again which makes Minho chuckle.

"Right. I'll make dinner now."

Seungmin hums happily as he clings onto his boyfriend's side as they walk further inside the house towards the kitchen, talking about the weather.


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I think this is the first time I write drabble about MinChan.


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