Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you (Han/I.N)


Listen to 22 by Taylor Swift :)


Jeongin smiled when he found his boyfriend in his favorite spot, he's been strolling around the entire campus for a few minutes now only to find him here. Of course, rooftop is his favorite spot. He didn't think of that and it must have slipped from his mind in worry of his older boyfriend. He's just sitting on the railing, thank God he's not smoking again. Well, he can't demand on what Jisung must do and not to do, he has his own mind and rights, but he's just glad the older listened to him once in a while about his lectures slash nagging for his health.

He slowly walked towards the other man who has his back on him, slipped his arms under the older's to completly wrap them around his waist. He hooked his chin on Jisung's shoulder, he giggled when Jisung jumped a little for he's not expecting his boyfriend at the moment.

"Sorry not sorry for startling you a little but I was worried, you okay?" Jeongin started, craning his neck to be able to look at Jisung's face.

Jisung grinned so wide while craning his neck on the side too to look at the younger's face, "hi, sorry I didn't tell you I was here. I'm fine, what made you think I'm not?"

"You're suspiciously quite." Jeongin answered softly, planting a kiss on the corner of Jisung's mouth.

"I am not now." Jisung nosed his boyfriend's cheek that made Jeongin blush, Jisung rubbing his nose to his face or neck always made him blush, he didn't know but he felt loved.Β 

But he can't let his feelings get in the way of the situation at hand, "come on, you know you can tell me anything. What's wrong? You'll not be here sitting alone if there's nothing bothering in that pretty head of yours." Sometimes he found Jisung aggressively smoking right in this spot, that's when the stress of school works was taking a toll on him. Jisung got stressed easily and as much as Jeongin was here for his boyfriend every step of the way, he still really made it clear to let the other know that he has someone to rely on, has someone to listen to his worries and what made him stress, has someone to reassure him that everything is gonna be fine.

"I promise, it's fine. I just loved the view from here you know that." Jisung made a swift move of turning around completely to face his boyfriend. Jeongin now is in between the older's spread legs, still had his arms around the waist.

"I know our exam is near, we can study together like always, we'll get through it and ace our exam like always too." Jeongin reassured, his voice is small and the way he said it made Jisung's heart melt.

"Of course, baby. I know that. Sorry for worrying you but I'm fine, especially that you're here with me now, it's so much better." Jisung grinned, cupping the younger's face entirely in his hands. He leaned down as the younger has leaned upwards too to meet him, he can feel Jisung's legs had wrapped around his hips to press him closer to his body and their lips meet in a sweet kiss.

Jeongin hummed in their kiss, so contented to have the older like this, but deep inside him hes not convinced with Jisung's reasoning, he still worries with him. Jisung felt the younger's worry while their lips were still connected and were slowly moving on their own pace.

Jisung pulled away first but was still cupping the younger's face, "I was just being dramatic, baby. You know the views from here, you're here with me always looking out for me and all that chessy s. It made me dramatic. Heck, I don't care about the exams, I wasn't thinking about it until you remind me." He then flashed his shameless grin at Jeongin.

"Aishh! I was worried so much and for what? For your dramatic ? Ugh you're insufferable sometimes." Jeongin smacked Jisung's thighs.

Jisung laughed so hard that made Jeongin clicked his tongue while back at wrapping his arms around the older's waist for the older to not accidentally fall over the railing.

"Oh you love me!" Jisung said, boastful as he said it because he knew he was right.

Jeongin rolled his eyes because he knew the older was right too, "unfortunately." He grumbled but there's a fond smile on his face.

"Come on now, before you worry so much about me. Let's worry our exams instead!" With one last kiss to Jeongin's lips, he jumped down from the railing and slumped his entire weight on the younger's back.Β 

"Ugh I hate you." Jeongin didn't actually feel that there's someone on his back, instead he has the world on his back, the love of his life.

"No, you're not." Jisung pressed a kiss on the side of Jeongin's neck.


"I'm always right."

"Yeah, yeah."

It's difficult for the younger to step down on the flight of stairs with an overgrown man (that he loved so much) on his back. And as he was on the last step, Jisung climbed down from his back and dashed towards the hallway to their classroom.

"First to arrive the classroom will have a kiss from the loser!"

Jeongin can't even think what really happened, "yah! Han Jisung!" Ah that guy, really. And Jeongin can't help but shook his head in amusement and smiled fondly to where Jisung had been running like a mad man.



When Jeongin has finally arrived in the classroom, there he saw Jisung already sitting prettily on his desk, grinning up at him while wiggling his eyebrows, "give me my kiss, slowpoke!" He then pouts his lips ready to claim his reward.

Jeongin can only roll his eyes and smiles at the older's antic, at least Jisung is really okay now that he's in his own cheeky self again, so he gave in.

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I think this is the first time I write drabble about MinChan.


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