Maybe later catch you in the elevator (WooChan)


Now playing: The Vamps - I Found A Girl


Kim Woojin didn't want to be here honestly, he rather rolled himself up in a burito with his fluffly blanket in his bed while listening to calming music than to be here surrounded by sweaty people grinding into each other and be boombasted by the loud bass music, his poor eardrums. But he has no other choice, it's a party hosted by the company he's working in, and as the executive secretary, he should be there- his boss' words, not his.

But anyway, he's already here, been gulping down two shots of mojito, a female's drink, yes, but if there's one think he despised so much in this world, it'll be dealing with hangovers. Ladies' drinks will not get him drunk, it'll only warm his stomach and that's manageable.

"Hey, Woojin hyung! Enjoying the party?" Seungmin, the company's database administrator, came to him to where he sat on the bar counter with a wide grin on his face. He's very reserved and calm when sober, but guess tonight it's the alcohol talking.

"You looked like you're enjoying it rather." Woojin gave the other the same wide grin plastered on his lips.

"I am. It's a celebration after all. It's our company's success." Seungmin had already slurred some of the words there. Woojin just hummed, advancing forward a little to the younger's body just to be there in case he'll tumbled down, he looked really that drunk already.

"Gosh, Minnie, you're drunk already. I'm surprised Minho lets you drink alcohol tonight." Minho is Seungmin's boyfriend, he's working in their company's branch and was also present in this party.

Seungmin scoffed, but he didn't sound like annoyed, "he's okay with it."

"We should find hi- oh there he is." Woojin smiled at Minho who is already walking towards them.

"Ohhh~ What's your name handsome?" Seungmin slurred, a big grin was again plastered on his lips. And while Minho chuckles at him, Woojin just sighs.

"Oh wow, please take care of him, he's drunk already." Woojin says, softly pushing the younger's body towards Minho.

Minho laughs, "don't worry about him, I'll take him home. Thanks, Woojin hyung."


Woojin had also enough, he sent a text message to his boss, notifying him that he'll head home while he's already making his way towards the elevator. He quickly pocketed his cellphone as he waited for the elevator's door to shut close. But before it completely closes, an arm was blocking it causing for the door to open again.

"So sorry but I need to- oh, hi Woojin." It was Bang Chan, the executive assistant of the other branch. Now Woojin is not the type of person who knows that many people around him, only his friends and colleagues and some of his friends' boyfriends, but he knew Chan once at a party too and they had a one night stand but that was it, he never saw him again until tonight.

"Hey, Chan." Woojin swallowed a sudden lump in his throat, he knew he's not drunk and he's not imagining it when Chan directly walks towards him inside the elevator and he stopped in front of him- like there's only a few inches between them. Chan seemed drunk, judging by his puffy eyes and he smells like alcohol.

"You looked good, Wooj." Chan whispers and if he's not so close to him already, he wouldn't hear him say it as the door slammed close. He could feel the other's warm breath fanning on his face.

"And you're drunk, Chan." He was about to push the younger from him and just settle him on his side or have him lean on the wall but Chan beats him to it. Woojin was the one being pinned against the wall. Chan when drunk was still strong, Woojin thought, that made an unsettling feeling in his gut. He has to remind himself that this guy right here with him had already with him, the memory of them that night made Woojin squirm in Chan's hold, there's a warm feeling swarming in his stomach too.

"Yeah, well, I drank a few shots but I can still think straight, Wooj."

"Are you driving home? You think you can still drive at this state?" Even Woojin thought the obvious, he just needed something to say to distract him from the sudden familiar feeling came crushing back to him from that night they shared.

"I'd rather let you ride me." Chan smirks, his eyes are barely opened, but his mind is still capable of firing lewd thoughts and out of his lips.

"Chan, you're drunk, will you just stop joking around? Can you still drive home?" Woojin was starting to get annoyed.Β 

Chan groans, "come on, Wooj. You didn't even miss me? I don't wanna go home, just wanted to stay here with you." He then proceed to drop his face on Woojin's shoulder and he thought that the younger was asleep. Woojin gasped loudly after feeling Chan moves and kisses his neck.

"Hey!" Woojin groans this time, really trying his hardest to pull himself away from the wall with Chan's body pressed against his to click on the button to make the elevator moving. Goddamnit, he almost forgot that they're still in the building's elevator and anyone could get in and see their state.

"C-Chan-!" Woojin closed his eyes, feeling the younger's hands traveling on his back down to his and squeezed his bums hard.

"I missed you, I even like you! I just didn't have enough time and courage to see you again and have a talk. But- I really like you and maybe this time might be my chance."

Chan does still think straight even if he's drunk. Impressive. But does he really?

"Well, at least let's get out of here first- mhmm- Chan!"

Chan is having the time of his life squeezing Woojin's and even pulled him closer and let their crotches pressed together. He then began to assault the older's neck just like how he devoured it that night. Woojin can't help himself but to bite his lower lip to suppress his moan, he can't help it but to surrender to Chan again, maybe those shots of mojito were clouding up his mind, maybe he's the one who was drunk. He bared his neck to an angle that gives Chan a perfect access to the side of his neck.

"Ah, !" Chan bit that spot that made him see stars, and as if his hands has its own mind when they flew up to Chan's head and slid his fingers into his silver curls. Woojin glances to what floor they were in already and they just passed by the 9th floor.

"Spend the night with me?" Chan murmurs into Woojin's ear after grinding directly to his crotch.

"Oh God.." He can feel Chan was hard and he's not doing anything better than him, he felt his twitching as if anticipating the implication of the older's question. God knows how Woojin was waiting for this day to come too. He was waiting for the other to see him again. He liked the guy too, how could he not? Bang Chan was y and hot and handsome, he's also cool, hard working, kind and just perfect.

He missed the guy too.

"Woojin, please..." Chan pulls his face away from the older's neck and looked up to his eyes, even if Chan's eyes were like shutting off any minute now but Woojin can still see emotions in there. He's hopeful.

"Okay, okay! Let's get out here first. You have your car?" He's surrendering himself again to this guy, but he's not complaining. It's also the time that they have arrived into the ground floor, the parking lot, and really trying hard again to drag Chan's body with him to exit from the elevator.

"No. I hitched a ride earlier. A friend..." Chan slurred.

"And where is that friend now?"

"Probably with his boyfriend."


Woojin managed to drag themselves to where he parked his own car, settled the younger first before circling back into the driver's seat.

"Mine or yours?" Woojin subtly asks.

"Mine is closer." Chan replies back, his head was pressed back to the headrest and his eyes were now closed. It doesn't matter if Chan goes straight to bed and sleep when they get there, Woojin was just too tired to think of anything else anyway. They still have the whole weekend to talk about this, about them.

"Yours it is then." Woojin has a smile on his face as he starts maneuvering the wheels to go out of the parking lot, away from the building and towards Chan's flat.



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I think this is the first time I write drabble about MinChan.


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