On The Snow (WooChan)


Chan and Woojin could hear their twins' giggles and laughter from where they stand and pressed with each other. The sound that comes out of the twins' mouth make them smile, even their oldest child's happy laugh make them happy as well. The kids choose a spot in the corner of the plaza that wasn't too crowded and it sure has lots of snow on the ground and even over the little fences perched up on the sides, the twins made tiny snow ball and comparing each other's creation while Seungmin made it his duty to carefully looked for his younger siblings.

"Hyungie, can you make this round for me, please?" They heard Felix say as he looked up at his older brother with his two little glove-clad hands scoop a tiny mountain of snow then presents it to Seungmin. And the older is more than happy to comply.

"Oh...I'm sure their jackets and gloves would get drenched afterwards." Woojin worries a little, he can't let them catch a cold when they're celebrating their favorite season.

"And Minnie didn't wear any glove." Woojin continues, eyes wandering with worry laced in them as he continues to watch them digging their hands into the snow to make snow balls.

"Hey, calm down. Minnie will be fine, he's a strong boy, he's gonna tell us if he can't bear the cold anymore, and we'll take the twins' jackets and gloves off of them later and just turn on the heater."

"Hm, yes. Yes, we can do that...thanks, Chan." Woojin doesn't know if it's because he's pregnant that he can't think straight anymore or if it's because he's a worrywart, he worries over simple things and completely missing to think of a possible solution instead. Thankfully, he has a very understanding and calm husband.

He can feel Chan drop a kiss on top of his head as he chuckles, it's fond, Woojin's heart flips at that, "you're alright, it's okay to voice out your worries, you know? It's not a sin."

"You're really the best." Woojin mumbles, a wide smile plasters on his face as he gently rubs his palm over his bulging tummy. Chan just gives him another kiss on the cheek this time before both of their eyes land back to where their kids still playing at. They can see that they're now happily running around in circles, it's mostly the twins, Seungmin is just happily observing his siblings and always on alert and ready if something happens (hopefully not).

"I'm so proud of our eldest. Look at him, he's already a good older brother to Jisung and Felix. Why did he grow up so fast, Chan?"

"Oh, babe...well, I think because he got lots of love from us?" Chan pauses to let out a low chuckle, "and I'm proud of him as well, already so responsible...he got that from you." Chan whispers the last words into his husband's ear.

Woojin giggles at the little nip Chan make on his ear lobe, "no need to flatter me, babe. Look, you already made me pregnant, for the third time around." He then lovingly rubs his tummy, feeling the baby kick inside him, Chan's hands follow along before noticing the expression changes on his husband's face.

"Babe? Are you okay?"

"Hm, Innie just kicked. He's agreeing."

Chan releases a booming laugh, a happy one at that. He even feels bad for distracting the kids with his laugh, he waves his other hand in the air as if telling the kids to not mind him.

"Nothing, babies, just continue playing there."

"I still love watching the kids play but...my legs, I think, I can't feel them anymore, love."

"Oh...we can go home then."

"No, not yet. I'm good, let the kids play, I'll just get inside the car."

"Okay, good idea." Then Woojin is guided by his ever kind husband into the passenger seat of the car, carefully checking his seat belt if it is already adjusted properly for his big tummy.

"I'm fine, Channie, the seat belt's good too." Woojin is chuckling as he holds his worried husband's hand that's keep on fumbling over the elastic belt across his stomach and chest.

"Okay. I'll check up on the kids."

"Hm." He then takes Chan's face to kiss his lips quickly.


"Is Appa okay, Daddy?" Seungmin eyes him with that curious and worried eyes, just like his Appa huh. Chan feels something fluttering in his chest because he knows that this kid right here is one of his and his husband's fruits of love. He extends a hand and ruffle his oldest's hair.

"His feet were beginning to feel numb so he just got into the car, he's fine and he still wanted the twins to play." Chan gives his son a warm smile.

"Hm, okay."

"They're like little tigers never gotten out of their cage huh." Chan says, eyeing the twins running around in circles while hearing their endearing shrieks.

Seungmin giggles at that, "Dad, they're cold already, I can see their bodies shake, they're just very stubborn. And Jisungie already starts sneezing and soon Lixie would-" Seungmin doesn't get to complete his sentence when they hear a little sneeze that sounds like the younger twin. And Seungmin eyes his Dad as if to say see what I mean?

"You're right, darling. I think it's time to go home then. Could you go to the car and starts adjusting the heater and prepare the littles' extra warm clothes?"

"Okay, Dad!"

"Sweethearts, time to go home!" As expected, Chan sees the kids halt their movement and hears a chorus of awwwww's. Chan could only smile fondly.

"But Daddy~ it's still fun! And- and it has still lots of snow and- achuu!" Jisung stops speaking then giggles right after.

"That's what I'm talking about, buddy. Plus Appa's cold already, we need to go home."

Little Felix gasps, "Innie's going to get cold too?"

"Yes, sweety, you don't want that right?"

The kids blinks their eyes in understanding before nodding his unison. God, they are so cute, Chan thinks. Once again he feels so grateful that these two cuties here in front of him are his.

"Good boys. Come here then so we can all go home." The kids scrambles their way towards their Dad and both demand him to carry them. So Chan has two arms full of Jisung and Felix when he walks towards their vehicle then he gets to safely deposit the kids into the back seat. Seungmin is waiting in there with the spare clothes ready, sling around his arms.

Woojin who is now very relaxed and warm, chuckles at the pink tinted on each of the twin's cheeks, "you sure have enjoyed yourself out there huh." He says and also is fond at Seungmin dutifully changes his younger brothers' clothes and makes them sit with their seatbelts on. After that it's then when Chan signal to keep the car moving towards the destination to their home.

"Yes, it's fun!" Felix answers.

"Can we do it again next time?" Jisung asks, still full of energy.

"Yes, can we?" Felix shrieks happily.

"Of course, lovelies." Woojin hums, the smiles on his kids' faces made him nostalgic. He remembered when Seungmin was still five years old, he's this happy too while playing on the snow. Time does really fly fast, without even noticing, their oldest is now seven, who also became so responsible older brother to the twins.

"I'm hungry~" The twins suddenly say in chorus.

"Of course, you are. That's what you two do, play and eat." Seungmin says.

Little Jisung gasps as if he has taken offence to what his older brother had said. While Felix is just blinking his cute little eyes, eyeing his twin brother then to his hyung.

"Appa, hyungie is meanie." Jisung says, pouting and even showing his puppy eyes to his Appa.

"Now, now, Seungminnie, don't be mean to them please."

"But Minnie's saying the truth though." Chan comments but there's a big grin onto his lips, his gaze is still directed on the road.

Little Jisung's cute gasp doubles up as he whines, "Daddy! Not you too!"

Chan has to laugh at that, Woojin too chuckles at the scene while their oldest son lowly laughs at the pout his younger twin siblings are sporting.

"There, there, no need to act cute, you're already cute. Of course, we had packed your snacks. Seungminnie, hand them their snacks please." Woojin says fondly, smiling at how the twins' facial reaction quickly changes.


The rest of the ride until they've arrived home is full of laughter and twin babies with full stomachs.

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I think this is the first time I write drabble about MinChan.


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