Stop Talking (HyunSung)


"Hyunjin hyung!"

Jisung barges in Hyunjin's room so suddenly that he almost knocks his laptop off from over his lap.

"Yeah?" He calms himself. It not new to him that Jisung always barges in his room so suddenly. Even before they started dating, Jisung was like this all the time.

"Do you know where Chan hyung is?" The intruder asks as he blinks his eyes slowly, looking cute and all. Hyunjin cooes internally at the sight.

"Uh..maybe he's with Jeongin? Out in a date or something." Hyunjin shrugs as he answers the younger.

"Ah." Then Jisung leaves the room. Hyunjin raises his eyebrow for a second, comprehending what just happened then just shrugged it off. He is back at playing some game using his laptop.

Not even 10 minutes later, Jisung comes back, pouting. And the older's a second away from throwing his laptop away and just kiss that pout off of his boyfriend's lips. But instead, he just raises his eyebrow at him.

"How about Minho hyung?" Jisung asks.

"Babe, did you forget? He has radio show with Seungmin today.. they'll be here any minute now."

"Ah." Then for the second time, Jisung leaves the room.

Hyunjin smiles at the retreating back of the younger before going back to his game.

5 minutes later, Hyunjin feels his bed dip, so he takes his eyes away from his laptop's screen and sees Jisung crawling towards him.

"Hi." Jisung grins.

Hyunjin just hums and he can see the pout again on the younger's lips before he goes back to his game. Honestly, he was distracted already. He is not mad or annoyed with the younger because he knows it's his way of getting his attention. And Hyunjin hates to admit it but it was effective. He pretends to be still engrossed with the game and while the younger is constantly calling him, he just hums in return.

"Hyunjin hyung." And Hyunjin just hums.

"Hyunjinie hyung." Another hum from the older.

"Jinie hyung~" another hum.

"Hyunie hyung~" Hyunjin hums and is fighting over not to crack a small smile right there and then.Β 

"Baby~" this was fun so he hums again, he finds it cute when Jisung wants his attention.

He can tell that the younger is pouting at him again, by the sound of it he can tell that there's a cute frown on Jisung's lips and he is seconds away from giving his games up and just give in and pay attention to his boyfriend.

"Babe---" Hyunjin took pity. He slams his laptop close and sets it beside him. He then grabs Jisung's shirt collar and presses their lips together.

Jisung didn't even flinch. He sighs in content and smiles into the kiss before straddling his boyfriend's lap. He wraps his arms around the older's neck as Hyunjin snakes his hands around the younger's tiny waist.

They pull away from each other's lips when they feel like they cannot breathe anymore.

"Finally, I have your attention." Jisung whispers, pressing his forehead on Hyunjin's.

Jisung's boyfriend just scoffs playfully, "I love you and all but you're annoying." Well, Jisung is always annoying but Hyunjin loves him nonetheless.

"Sorry, just want your attention." Jisung says, curling his fingers on Hyunjin's hair.

"Now that you have it, stop talking already." Hyunjin says teasingly, pecking the younger's lips.

"Don't stop kissing me then." Jisung answers as he leans in to close the gap between them once again.

"And babe.." Jisung suddenly says in between their kisses.

"Yeah?" Hyunjin manages to let it out of his already busy mouth.

"I love you too."Β 

Hyunjin hums in content. Yeah, his boyfriend is annoying sometimes but again, he loves him so much.

"OH MY GOD! I don't want to see that!"Β 

A shriek could be heard somewhere, it sounded like Jeongin's.

Hyunjin and Jisung, unbothered, continue kissing while chuckling as they can still hear Jeongin's mumblings about how a door lock works and that they should close the door first before doing anything. Well, they're just kissing, it could have been worse.

Poor maknae.

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I think this is the first time I write drabble about MinChan.


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