Kiss Me More (Hyunsung + I.N)


Jisung is about to bake a cheesecake because he's craving for one. He has his apron wrapped around his waist as he rolled up the sleeves of his sweater a bit just above his elbows. He smiled to himself picturing the outcome of his plan, he knew his little one is going to love the treat too. The weather today seemed to agree with their cravings of some snacks, it's not raining yet but there's some little noises of raindrops on the roof.

"Okay, flour, eggs.." Jisung mumbled to himself, double checking all the ingredients needed that he had laid on the kitchen counter and making sure he had pre heated the oven before he'd start his task.

He's humming to a familiar song as he turned off the mixer seeing the batter seemed already perfect. Then there's a pair of strong arms around his waist and a wet kiss on the side of his neck. Jisung wasn't really expecting that, he was so engrossed with his task at hand so he just squealed in a not so manly way. But who cares anyway, he just released a breathe upon hearing his husband laughed into his ear.

"Sorry baby, not sorry."

"Tsk. I love you, Hwang, but goddamnit do not sneak in to me like that." Jisung was grateful he got a perfect grip on the batter's bowl, if not, he'll be kissing his cheesecake goodbye.

Hyunjin, his husband, laughed as well as caressing one of his hands on the little bump on Jisung's stomach.

"Do not swear, baby."

"Well, whose fault was that?" Jisung clicked his tongue, ignoring his husband who was still latching himself on his back, and just continued his work- transferring the batter in to the pan so he can proceed to baking it.

"You're just jumpy."

"Where is Jeongin? You know you only have one job today."

"He's still happily playing with his toys all over in his playroom's floor." Jisung could hear the whines and could even feel a pout on his over dramatic husband.

"What do you want?" Jisung for the nth time today, and it's only 9 in the morning, clicked his tongue. He closed the oven after carefully putting in the pan and turned around to face the other, and yes Hyunjin was pouting. The younger rolled his eyes, "what?"

"Kiss me." Hyunjin grinned, his arms were still wrapped around his husband and has them rubbed on his back, he's careful not to accidentally squashed Jisung's tummy.

"I've been kissing you for the past 3 hours since we woke up oh my god-"

"No, I want more kisses."

"you're unbelievable!" Jisung gave his husband a loud smack on the lips, laughing at how Hyunjin chased his lips. The other groaned, he just wanted some kisses.

"Come on, kiss me properly." Hyunjin whined.

Jisung groaned, he's very hungry right now and he doesn't want to deal with a bratty husband, "you're just , can't you see this bump on my tummy? This was because you're always . And that started with you being whiny about wanting kisses!"

"That's not what you have screamed when I'm inside you-"

"Oh God, shut up! The baby's listening!" Jisung was exasperated over his husband already and take note that he still doesn't have his cheesecake yet.

"Shut me up then." Hyunjin wiggled his eyebrows suggestively while leaning in slowly into Jisung's face. Jisung just sighed, he shouldn't be stressed, it's not good for the baby. And just to shut his husband up and to his peace, he mirrored Hyunjin's action by leaning in too to capture the older's lips.

Hyunjin hummed in content when Jisung finally kissed him. He smirked on the kiss when Jisung opened his mouth just to make way for his hungry tongue and of course who was Hyunjin to deny that indirect request from his husband?

He happily Jisung's tongue for a few times before he roamed his own tongue around the younger's mouth, he pulled away for a second just to dive in again, nibbling Jisung's lower lip that made him moaned, Hyunjin knew that it was Jisung's favorite trick. He loved it when Hyunjin nibbled his lower lip.

"Hmm, baby, my tummy." Jisung said panting while still chasing the other's mouth, Hyunjin pulled completely away from Jisung's lips upon hearing his husband statement and looked at him in wide eyes. He then averted his eyes down to Jisung's bump.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry!" He thought that he might crushed Jisung's tummy accidentally.

Jisung chuckled at the reaction of his husband, "baby, it's fine. You were just a bit excited."

Hyunjin dramatically kneeled in front of his husband and kissed the bump on Jisung's tummy, "Daddy is so sorry, little one. I was just a bit carried away, Mommy's just looking hot while baking so it's basically Mommy's fault."

"Yah!" Jisung smacked his husband's shoulder who just grinned in amusement, totally unbothered of the hit he just received.

"I'm joking!" Hyunjin laughed loudly, loud enough for his older son to walk towards the kitchen, confused with the commotion he just heard.

"Daddy? Appa?"

The couple stopped with their antics when they saw the confused look on their son's face.

"Hi dear, come here, Daddy was just being silly. You hungry?"

Jeongin perked up at the possibility of eating some snacks, "Yes!" And just how nice is the timing when they heard the oven's timer rings.Β 

"Perfect! The cake is done." Jisung giggled in excitement. Hyunjin then stood up from kneeling on the floor to help his husband put the baked cake out of the oven. Jeongin ran towards his Dads and cling to Jisung's leg, his eyes were glued to the cake that was now laid on the counter.

They're circling around their coffee table for a delicious cake break, while Jeongin was already happily munching his share of the treat, Hyunjin seemed to have other plan first before devouring his own share of the cake.

And Jisung caught his husband's look on him, "what? I know, babe, you didn't really fancy my cheesecake but I have been craving it for a while now."

"Your cake is fine, I'll have to devour something else first." Hyunjin said, looking down at his husband's lips which he thought are more delicious that the cake in front of them.

"Ah not now babe-" Jisung was being cut off though, Hyunjin was almost swallowed his lips and he's a goner to his husband being like this too so he kissed back, it's not that he has other choices anyway. Hyunjin thought that yes, Jisung's lips are more delicious than the cake.

Hyunjin ended the kiss with a loud smack, and hummed in content as if he had tasted the most delicious snack in the world, "hmm delicious."Β 

He's finally focusing on devouring the cake as if he just didn't turn his husband on from that kiss alone. Hyunjin smirked, "what? I just wanted kisses." Hyunjin said innocently from the look Jisung was giving him.

Jisung just groaned, checking up on their son but he's not with them anymore in that living room, probably back into his playroom. Jisung scoffed while rubbing his bump gently, he just kind of craved something else now, thanks to Hyunjin.



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I think this is the first time I write drabble about MinChan.


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