That Feeling When (SeungMinho)


"Dad, Sungie said his mom is pregnant. He's going to be a big brother soon!" The first thing Felix did when the door has opened was excitedly yelling those words, he then haphazardly threw his bagpack on the floor beside his shoes after mischievously pull them off using only his feet. Somehow he had mastered that trick, taking his shoes off without even using his hands, it's a hundred percent he got that from his Dad. He even left his Mom outside, didn't wait for her once he got out of his Mom's car because of the excitement he felt at the moment. His mom, Seungmin, ended up organizing their shoes on the shoe rack and bringing Felix's bagpack with her.

"Hi, lovebug. How's school?" Minho momentarily turned around leaving the broth to boil some more to look at his son with a sparkle in his eyes, he seemed excited from just wanting to share his best friend's good news to him.

"Boring!" Minho chuckled at his son's answer, eyeing his wife who also has the same sparkle in her eyes as their son's. She drank a glass of water before joining her husband in front of the stove.

"It wasn't that bad, I'm sure." Minho coaxed his son to talk more about school because it's always the same answer everytime he asked him that. Seungmin just quietly locking her lips with her husband's, it's just a quick hello kiss, not wanting to miss this moment too with Felix, the kid seemed very excited about telling the news to his Dad even when they were still in the middle of traffic earlier.

"Eh, but Dad," Felix pouted after Minho planted a kiss onto one of the kid's chubby cheeks. "Sungie's going to be a big brother soon! I want a sibling too!" He added. The six-year old kid brightened when he talked about his best friend.

"Do you want a sibling, you don't want to be our only baby anymore?" Minho teased which made Felix scrunch his nose cutely. Felix loved to be babied and to be pampered, loved to kiss and hug his parents so much that it wonders Minho of when does this "wanting a sibling" stuff comes from?

"It's not that! I just feel lonely sometimes." Minho eyed his wife but she was busy rampaging the inside of their refrigerator, well, she's not lying when she texted her husband earlier that she's hungry and wanted to eat once at home. The reason she volunteered to fetch Felix herself so Minho could go straight home and start cooking for their dinner since he's the chef in their household, it's not just his profession.

"Oh my god, you think like a mature man already, but okay, is that what you really want?" Minho asked carefully, he and Seungmin didn't talk about this particular topic but he knew it would happen one of these days, since Felix is six and is very independent at that so he guessed it's time for another baby. He's not just sure what his wife would think about that.

"Yes, a baby sister and a baby brother." Felix said a matter of factly, as if it's just that easy, as if a baby sister and a baby brother would just pop out in the air like that. But Minho kinda liked that idea too so he indulged his son.

"What my baby wants, my baby gets." Minho said amusingly eyeing the other figure on the corner who is spitting something out of . While Felix is oblivious at what happened to his Mom, Minho on the other hand is chuckling at the bewildered look onto her pretty face.

"Yesss! And I want it now!"

Minho grinned more, "you hear the kid, my love."

"Oh my god, shut up! You're teaching your son some nonsense stuff!" But it was gone through another ear. Minho didn't forget to turn back to his soup and when he deemed it ready, he turned off the stove and then shifted his attention back to his son.

"Are you sure you wanted just two baby siblings, darling? How about 9? 9 is a good num- aww!" He didn't notice his wife's already standing beside him and smacked his arm hard.

"Baby, don't listen to your Dad, just go upstairs and change into your comfortable clothes." Felix just giggled at his parents' antics, he's too used at their bickering that he found it amusing all the time.

"Put away your school uniform properly okay?" Seungmin said once again to the retreating back of her son.

"Yes, Mom!"

Seungmin then turns to look at her husband again, "and as for you, Mister, how about I'll help you set up the table hmm? I'm so hungry right now."

"You don't want 9 kids?" Minho smirks.

"If you will conceive them then I'll very much happy to give you a dozen of kids. How about that?" Seungmin is not against of conceiving another human per se but at least not for now, she's very happy with one alone, she's content with just Felix but if he wants another sibling, maybe one would do but not for now, plus their kitchen isn't the right place to talk about family planning and whatnots.

"Let's set the table." Minho sighed, because he respects his wife's wishes, faking a sad pout onto his face.

"Are you serious right now?" Seungmin rolled her eyes playfully because she knew her husband so well and she knew that he's just faking it.

When Minho didn't stop his pouting, Seungmin sighed, "okay, I never said I didn't think of having another child, this isn't just the right place to talk about it. Let's talk later when we're in bed."

Minho's lips then has stretched into a wide grin, his brows were wiggling suggestively, "oh~ bed~".

Seungmin just pursed his lips but she's not annoyed, she can't just handle Minho's teasing sometimes but not in a bad way, "Minho, please, I'm hungry."

"Okay, okay, I got it. How about you sit already, be pretty," Minho guided his wife to sit on her chair beside his, "and I'll set up everything." Minho added before leaning down to give her a peck on the lips which made Seungmin sigh and hum in content.

That's also the time when Felix came back into the kitchen, dressed in his cozy and simple tee's and short pants and instead of sitting on his own chair, he walked straight towards his Mom and planted himself into her lap. Seungmin can't help but to chuckle at the kid, Felix is still her baby after all so she's not blaming him for it.

"Love, a big brother will not sit into his Mom's lap anymore." Seungmin teased, kissing the kid's cheek.

"I still don't have a baby sister or a baby brother yet." Felix pouted cutely. Well, he did have a point there. Minho who heard that just laughed softly.

"I don't mind, darling, because I can do this," Seungmin sing-songs before tickling Felix's sides with her fingers. The kid shrieks and giggles as he wiggles his body hoping to dodge his Mom's hands.

"Then this," Seungmin begins to pepper kisses all over Felix's face until the kid's little palms have managed to cup Seungmin's cheeks to stop her from kissing him.

"Noooooo...." Felix whines, teary eyes were sparkling under the kitchen lights' reflection.

"Yessssss...." Seungmin dives down to the kid's neck this time, peppering little kisses around it and Felix cannot help but to giggle once again, two arms wrapped around his waist securely so he will not fall off from her lap.

Minho shakes his head in amusement, there's fondness in his eyes as he looks at the loves of his life. Then clears his throat to get their attention.

"Dinner's ready."

Seungmin stops torturing the kid and just hugs him tightly into her arms while looking up to Minho, "ah, finally. Let's eat!"


In the middle of their dinner, Felix suddenly speaks up, "Dad?"

"Yes, bub?"

"I don't want a baby sister or a brother anymore."

Her parents chuckle at the sudden change of decision, "oh? Why's that?"

"Just because." There's a joyous laughter that could be heard around the kitchen that night. Whether they'll have another baby in this house soon or not, time will tell. Right now, they are content and happy to be together as three.

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I think this is the first time I write drabble about MinChan.


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