Ice Ice Baby (SeungMinho)


Minho didn't see it coming, he didn't see a ball of snow being thrown at him and it hit his face. He shivered to the feeling of the melting snow crumbs ย on his cheek. He gasped hearing the tiny giggles of someone so familiarโ€” of course, he's familiar.

"Kim Seungmo!" Seungmin was giggling while running away from him.

"You want war, I'll give you war." Minho smirks as he crumpled enough snow into a fist size ball and begins to walk towards his target.

They were on break from the filming of their upcoming show. They were fooling around, running and laughing and playing on the snowy ground.

Seungmin shrieks seeing his boyfriend with a very determined eyes walking towards him. Minho smirks when Seungmin hides behind their co-members.

"Scared huh.." Minho mumbled to himself, seeing how the younger continues to flee away from him.

"I'm sorry, hyung!" But he's not really sorry, he's giggling and the glint in his eyes was visible to the older. Seungmin walked backwards to make sure Minho will not throw those snowballs in his hands if he will turn his back from him.

"Oh you're sorry now? You should have thought that earlier before throwing one at me, babe." Minho was power walking now and Seungmin widened his eyes then he power walked backwards too and he slipped.ย 

"Ow! Hah! Cold!" Seungmin dropped bum first on the snow bed ground. Minho's shawdow came hovering over his form then he crouched down in front of the younger.

Seungmin gulped, "I'm sorry. Really, really, I am. Please baby, I'm sorry."

Minho was amused, the snow ball in his hands were starting to melt so he dropped them off of his hand, he looked at his boyfriend who showed his puppy look eyes at him. It worked everytime but not today, Minho rose an eyebrow at him.

"Do not give me that look, you think you can get away from it?" Minho noticed how he didn't hear the voices and laughter of their friends anymore, they might have ran away from them for a few meters for that matter.

"I said I was sorry!" But in Minho's peripheral, he saw Seungmin's gloved hands were starting to gather snow and crumple them into a ball form.

Minho tsks and grabs his boyfriend's hands, "oh no you're not."

Seungmin groaned, he just wanted to play a little with him but no, Minho was too serious for his own good.

"What can you do now?" Minho whispered, his mouth is hot (even in this cold weather) beside his ear. Then the older came to look back at his defeated face now that he got both of his hands in Minho's hold.

Seungmin leaned forward to close the tiny gap between them, it was just a peck on his lips, "I am really sorry for throwing snow ball at you. I love you." Then he smiled brightly at Minho, he hoped that would work, he knew how the older was, he's that competitive and he won't stop until he got his revenge.

Minho on the other hand was a little bit surprised when the younger kissed him. They never kissed (even a peck) in public, their relationship was not a secret from their co-members but they were both not fond of public's attention on them so they kept lovey dovey moments in private. But why was he panicking? There was no one around.

"Relax hyung, there's no one around." Seungmin smirks this time as if sensing the older's worry.

Minho tsks again, "come on, up! We should go back to the others, I think our break is over."ย 

Minho helped him stood up from the cold ground, they're wearing water proof clothes anyway since their filming includes shots of them lying on the ground so the staff made sure to take care of that kind of clothes for them. Minho was just worried of the effects of the cold snow on their body. He helped his boyfriend dusting some snow crumbs on his pants and sleeves.

"What?" Minho raised an eyebrow at Seungmin who has this unreadable expression on his pretty face.

"Nothing. You're just suddenly become... silent."

"I have nothing to say, you just got away from what you did." Minho scoffed. Yes, Minho is known for having a cold heart (but that's not really true, he cared for the others secretly even though he seems to hate them) but it'll warm up when it comes to Seungmin, it'll melt when it comes to him, he's not just showing it and Seungmin knows.

"Or...cats... gotโ€”" Seungmin teased.

"Okay, I dare you to say it right now!" Minho glared at him.

Seungmin giggles, and Minho's heart is melting again, "alright, alright. I was just teasing you~" He came a bit closer to the older and cupped Minho's face, he swiped his thumbs over the crooked brows of his boyfriend. Seungmin wanted to see Minho's smile and hear his laugh more than an annoyed or irritated frown on his face, although he loved to sometimes. Minho released a breathe and this time he's the one surging forward to capture the lips of the younger. They're out in a public place but he didn't care, he's heart is melting for his own good and it is because of the man in his embrace.

When they pulled away from the kiss, they both puffed out hard and long snowy breathe and just laughed it off. They have decided that it was also good out here in a public place doing couple things sometimes.

ย "hyung."

"Yes? Oh wait, I know that look." Minho deadpanned. Seungmin grinned in return, see he knew him too well.

"Piggy back? Please?" Aish this kid, he's taking advantage of Minho's good side. But he can't look away from the smile on the younger's face. His eyes were full of love and who was he to deny him?

Minho scoffed, he can't believe how or when did he become this whip to the other, "ugh, fine! Come on." Minho crouched down and has his arms spread to his side ready to hold the younger's body on him.

Seungmin giggled for the nth time today, he's enjoying this too much but Minho's too whip for him anyway, he threw his body on his boyfriend's back as Minho's gloved hands took a hold on both of his thighs when he stood back up. Seungmin happily wrapped his arms around the older's neck and pressed his face on Minho's other cheek.

With a content Seungmin on his back, he grunted their way back to the site where their friends were waiting for them.



"I love you too." Minho focused his eyes on the ground to not accidentally slip and drop his boyfriend off of his back, yeah that's definitely it. Seungmin giggled again, noticing the pink tint on his boyfriend's cheek, he planted a long peck on it because why not.

"I know. You're cute when you blushed." Seungmin wrapped his arms even more tight around the older's neck.

"And don't give me reasons to drop you off of my back and let you roll down on the ground until we'll arrive on the site, how's that?"

"Nooooo, please. I'm good up here thank you very much." Seungmin slumping himself more to Minho's back, he got his face pressed on the other side of Minho's face.

That's more like it, Minho thought as he smiled at his boyfriend's antics.


SKZ-CODE teaser hit me hard and as a result, here's SeungMinho fluff uwu I'm whipped for these two as much as changlix ๐Ÿ˜š

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I think this is the first time I write drabble about MinChan.


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