You're My Siesta (SeungMinho)


Now playing: Siesta by Weki Meki


Seungmin lazily walks into the kitchen, they just got home from practice and they're too tired to stay outdoor and eat in a restaurant or something, they decided to just go home after stopping by a wet market. They're craving for seafoods tonight, so they have settled with squid and shrimp. Seungmin knew that Minho's the one preparing their dishes tonight, he exactly knew where to find his lover.

He can't almost opened his eyes as he continued walking like a zombie inside the kitchen straight to the counter where his boyfriend is standing there stirring something in the pan. It also smells good in here. He stopped walking right behind the older and immediately shoved his face into the crook of Minho's neck, smelling Minho's cologne there as he also wrapped his arms around the older's torso.

When Minho felt hands pressed flat onto his still clothed abdomen, he smiled, turning his face a little on the side to rub his cheek on Seungmin's head, "hey, pup."

"You smell good." Seungmin murmured into the older's neck.

"Or it's just the soup I'm making." Minho chuckles.

"That too. But you really smell so good." It's not like he didn't know Minho's scent or cologne for that matter, he just wanted to compliment his boyfriend. And the fact that the combination of Minho's cologne and his sweats smell hot, it's making Seungmin feel awake and alive so suddenly.

"Hungry?" Minho looked to the side again, coaxing the younger to look at him by softly shaking his shoulder.

Seungmin made slow nods of his head that looked like he's just rubbing his face onto the side of Minho's neck, "and a bit sleepy!"

Minho chuckles again, "here, try this." Seungmin pulled his face away from the older's neck and opened his mouth to take the offer, he chewed the piece of a fried squid slowly before swallowing it. Ah, that tastes so good.Β 

"How was it?" Minho asks softly as he continues to stir the shrimps into its soup after putting all the seasonings.

"Great!" Seungmin exclaimed and finally closing the gap in between them, they shared a quick yet a sweet kiss.

Minho hums when they pulled away from the kiss, "don't even take a chance to nap, you'll end up sleeping without food in your stomach." Minho's voice was soft but Seungmin took it as a warning.

"I won't." Seungmin grins, squeezing Minho's abs over the apron he's wearing.

Minho then leans in again, craning his neck with a bit of difficulty but still managed to capture Seungmin's lips and gave the younger a long peck, Minho could smell the fried squid on his boyfriend's lips, "I'm almost done with this. I have a box of munchkins in my bag, go eat some while waiting for the table to get set." Minho says, dropping one more peck on to the younger's lips.

"Okay, love you!" Then Seungmin was already out of the kitchen, he goes upstairs and into their shared room to haunt Minho's bagpack. Minho shook his head in fondness as he turned the stove off after he made sure that the shrimp soup he's making was already done and perfect.

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I think this is the first time I write drabble about MinChan.


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