You make it possible (SeungMinho)


Now Listening: Seungmin - Phobia


Seungmin failed his weekly test on this one subject and he's sulking. Weekly test was a big deal to him, especially when the professor of said subject is Dr. Seo. He was strick and so diligent in recording weekly test scores.

When he got out of his classroom, he went straight to his boyfriend's office. With one last quick glance around just to check if there were students loitering around the area that would see him get in Professor Lee's office.

He quickly opened the door after a simultaneous three soft yet rapid knocks and slammed it close then locked it.Β 

"Oh, hey, baby." Lee Minho greeted, surprised, he seriously didn't notice his boyfriend coming, yet it was not that surprising that Seungmin always risk at getting into his office without getting caught. Professor and student relationship was always considered taboo in the community but they've been going strong having this set up. They've been dating a strong year and a half, they've been spending holidays together, already been celebrating christmas, new year, summer, and halloween.Β  And it's not like Seungmin was still a minor and they loved- still loves and will love each other. So no taboo could get in the way of Minho and Seungmin's love.

When Minho felt Seungmin's vibe was different for that moment, he knew something was wrong. He then wordlessly beckoned the younger closer after he pushed his swivel chair back to make a room. Seungmin immediately took home into Minho's lap, his backpack never made into the professor's table and instead left sitting alone on the carpeted floor near the table.

"What's wrong, love? Why the long face?" Minho immediately put down the book he was currently reading without putting a bookmark in between the pages he was on. He then put a comforting hand around his baby's waist and the other was cupping Seungmin's face lovingly.

"I failed my Bio weekly test." Seungmin dejectedly said, pouting even more.

Minho cooed, "aw, love, that's okay. Test scores are just numbers. You'll do better next time. And to make you feel better," he paused to whisper into the younger's ear, "you've got the highest score in my subject."

But the younger just whined more, "noooo, you're just saying that!"

"I'm not! I'm telling the truth. Did your teacher scold you for having a low score?"

Seungmin shook his head. Minho smiled.

"Then, that's alright. He probably thinks you have just a bad day. Come on, that's not the end of the world."

Seungmin actually felt better already but he's dramatic so he needed to whine a bit more, "you should me to forget!"

Professor Lee laughed softly, squeezing Seungmin's soft skin on his waist, then he whispered again, "later, baby..." And he leaned back to look at his boyfriend's face once again, "but right now, you'll have to eat desserts to make you feel better."

"Ugh, not you too! It's just a myth! I'll just get diabetes and I won't still forget it! You should just me!"

Minho was so used at these moments like this and just chuckled, "how will you know you'll forget it after ing you?"

"I just know! You always ed my brain out of my skull then that certain memory will be lost."

Minho once again chuckled fondly, "aw, baby, I'll take it as a compliment."

"Take me home now. Please."

"Be a good boy, now, baby. We both still have one class left for the day. After that I can only bring you home with me. How's that?" Minho loved to pamper his boyfriend but he's strick when it came to his education.

"Fine!" Seungmin sulked.

"Kim Seungmin."

"Okay, okay! I get it." Seungmin sighed, but he's calm now. "I'll be good."

"That's my good boy. Up, it's almost time." Minho reminded.

Seungmin sniffed and realized that he just barged in there and ruined his boyfriend's study session, even though the latter didn't mind it one bit, he was still feeling bad about it.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to act like a brat and ruined your study session." He somehow looked guilty now, Minho just chuckled, kissing the corner of Seungmin's mouth.

"No harm done, my love. I already studied in my flat last night, I just did something to kill time."

"Can you please properly kiss me?"

"Aw, my polite baby. Of course. Come here."

And just like that, they lip locked and everything felt okay, Seungmin was sighing in between the press of their lips, he felt like his stress has left his body. That's how his boyfriend healed him, he has magic kisses.

"I love you." Seungmin whispered, eyes shining and were full of love and affection to the man whose lap he's sitting on. Minho has an equally wide smile onto his face.

"I love you too."Β 

Then the bell signalled for them to pull away from each other completely, but it's just for now. Seungmin will just wait for later and make Minho fulfill his promise.

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I think this is the first time I write drabble about MinChan.


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