Allergy (HyunSung)


Hyunjin didn't know Jisung has a skin allergy when exposed to cold until they've spent winter together in the mountains. The couple plan for a winter mini vacation, just a few days spending time with the two of them in one of the cabin in the mountains.

At first, when the couple arrived at their rented cabin's doorstep, Hyunjin noticed how his boyfriend's been restless, always reaching his arms to his back or to his legs or to anywhere he could reach. Hyunjin didn't think too much of it since Jisung just gave out his default wide grin everytime Hyunjin directed a look at him with a slight rise of an eyebrow.

But when Jisung scratched really hard at the back of his palm that the skin turned red, that's when Hyunjin got worried.

"Babe, your skin's almost bleeding, it's so red already. Stop scratching it." Hyunjin said as he dumped all their bags into the middle of the small space just a bit further inside the cabin.

"I can't help it, it's so itchy." Jisung pouted but at least he stopped scratching onto his skin.

"That itchy? What must be the cause of that?"

"I don't know, it just suddenly feeling so itchy and when I scratched it, it felt so satisfying that I can't stop anymore."

Hyunjin frowned, he never heard such a thing happened to his boyfriend like this before, he made Jisung sit on the loveseat and inspected his hand.

"I'm fine, Hyunie, it'll just go away." Jisung said while his hand was in front of Hyunjin's face, but as soon as he said it, his free hand flew down to his thigh and scratched on the surface above the fabric of the pants he was wearing.

"You've been like this since we got out of the van, are you itchy all over?"

"Hmm, it's weird actually, I have never felt like this before."

"Maybe you have eaten something you're allergic of..." Hyunjin wondered.

"I only take coffee today and cheesecake."

Hyunjin clicked his tongue, "go change your clothes into softer and warmer ones. I'll bring our bags in the bedroom."


"Better?" Hyunjin stopped cracking eggs to look at his boyfriend. Jisung looked cuddly and Hyunjin won't say no to it if only he's not making food right now, the younger was in his soft pajamas.

Jisung nodded his head, it wasn't really a big deal, he knew it'll pass and he tried not to scratch the area where it itched. He didn't want their vacation to be full of worries, he very much wanted to enjoy this outing with his boyfriend. They rarely gone out these days due to how hectic both their schedules were and this winter season just perfectly gave them the timing to do so and he didn't want an allegedly skin allergy ruin this moment.

Jisung made a few more steps towards his boyfriend and slumped his body against the older's back, wrapping his arms around Hyunjin's middle, "I'm fine, stop worrying, this is nothing. Let's enjoy this stay together hmm?"

"Hm, m'kay... You're not feeling anything weird, right? Is your tummy okay? Do you have a headache? Or-" Jisung cut his boyfriend off by covering his lips with his. The position was a bit awkward since Jisung was just tiptoeing behind his tall boyfriend to reach his lips but they managed nonetheless. It was just a simple press of their lips together, anyway, just to stop Hyunjin from his initial worry.

"What did I tell you? Stop worrying, I'm fine. I'll tell you if I don't feel fine, kay?" Hyunjin managed to turn around so he could face the younger. They looked at each other with the same smile onto their faces.

Hyunjin nodded his head, "okay..just tell me anything if you feel something out of ordinary." He told Jisung before shoving his face into the younger's neck and wrapping his arms as well around Jisung's waist.

Jisung hummed, "I feel cold though, maybe warm me up?" He's feeling bold, he knew.

Hyunjin pulled his face away from the younger's neck and smirked, "that's the first thing you wanna do upon our arrival huh.."

"Well, you did promise me something like ing me at every corner of this cabin."

"At least, darling, let's settle down first."

"What's more important than ing me first? Tsk."

Hyunjin laughed at his younger boyfriend's sulky behavior and pecked at his pouty lips, "what does my baby want then?" That seemed to brighten Jisung up, already having so many ideas swimming in his mind.

They did settle down first, Hyunjin coaxed his boyfriend in doing so with a promise of a wild later. And true to Hyunjin's words, since the both of them still felt cold even after walking around the whole cabin to organize their stuff, Hyunjin made Jisung scream in pleasure on their first day of that cabin.


In the middle of the night, Hyunjin woke up to some rustling beside him. He forced himself to open his eyes and there he saw his boyfriend sitting up who seemed to be restless. It immediately made Hyunjin worry, did his boyfriend get panic attack?

"Baby? What's wrong?" He too sat up to level his boyfriend. He can feel the surprise of Jisung like he wasn't expecting to wake Hyunjin up despite of him being careful not to wiggle too much on the bed.

"Oh, uhm- sorry, did I wake you up?" Jisung said in his voice.

"It's fine..What's the matter? Can't sleep?" Hyunjin brought the comforter around them, it's so cold not to the point of shivering but he felt like there's some kind of an invisible cool air that's loaming over them.

"Just woken up feeling so itchy all over."

"Oh, maybe it's because of a cold weather, I kind of know that there's this skin allergy thing, a reaction to a certain cold weather. Let's just go to the living room, let's make use of the fireplace and we'll cuddle up in there, I think it's a sofa bed I was seeing there yesterday."

They maneuvered their way into the living room, Hyunjin was quick to make fire, while Jisung was all wrapped up like a standing burrito with their comforter. Then the older set up the sofa bed, made a few quick turns to turn the couch into a bed.

"Come here, baby." He told Jisung while opening all the front buttons of his jacket and laid on the makeshift bed first, positioning himself onto his side while waiting for his boyfriend to do the same.

The bed was located adjacent to the fireplace and the warmth that cause by the fire there was just perfect and enough from their direction. Jisung was on his side as well, facing the older and koala hugging him. Jisung made himself small against Hyunjin's broad body, he felt so warm now that Hyunjin opened the front part of his jacket. Jisung was practically wrapping his arms around Hyunjin's warm stomach and back while the latter has his palm at Jisung's back under his sweater.

"Try not to think of the itchiness, just focus on me and go back to sleep."Β  Hyunjin murmured, tucking Jisung's head under his chin after dropping a kiss on top of it and his palm on Jisung's back started to move up and down on his skin. Ah, what did he do in his past life to get so lucky like this now? He has the best boyfriend ever. The slow movement of Hyunjin's hands on his back lulled him back to dreamland.


In the morning, the weather seemed to worsen. There's no snow storm or something like that, winter was always like this at their town but they're not used to this weather while staying here in the mountain. The itchiness on Jisung's legs and back was what woke him up, he noticed Hyunjin was nowhere to be found. Knowing him, his boyfriend was probably up way earlier than intended and made himself busy in the kitchenette.

True to Jisung's assumption, he found his boyfriend in the little kitchen in front of the stove, an apron around his waist. The older looked cozy he cannot help but walked faster towards the man and back hugged him so tight. Hyunjin already sensed the younger, he didn't flinched at the cold contact of Jisung's little hands on his clothed stomach.

"Hey, baby. You cold? You're hands are freezing."

"I'm fine... Good morning." Jisung dropped a wet kiss on the side of Hyunjin's neck.

"Good morning, baby. Breakfast will be served in a minute." Hyunjin flipped the omelette he was making and then lower down the flame on the stove. "By the way, how was your skin? Do you still feel itchy?" Hyunjin asked worriedly, he's afraid he would cut their stay short and go back to the capital so he could bring his boyfriend to the doctor.

Hyunjin could even feel the younger's pout over his shoulder without him seeing the younger, "yeah, it worsen a bit. My legs are so itchy right now."

Hyunjin sighed in worry, "we have to get that checked out, babe. I'm worried."

"But I still wanna stay here. I still like it here." Jisung pouted even more, leaning his face onto Hyunjin's shoulder blade as he pressed his palms against the older's abdomen with a little bit of friction.

"I know, love. But we have to, okay? We really need to check that out, I don't want you to suffer from the sudden itchiness of your body, you can't enjoy our vacation like this, anyway." Hyunjin turned off the stove to face the younger, cupping Jisung's face into his rather big hands.

And it's not like Jisung's not enjoying a thing because it really didn't matter where they were staying at as long as he could be with Hyunjin, that's enough for him.


With lots of persuasion later on, Jisung gave in. It's true that his happiness was spoiled by this sudden situation, but he could also not help but to feel sad at the idea of leaving already. They had just stayed here for like a few hours and yet-

"Fine, I love you so much, Jinnie. I hated this though, I'm sorry I had to ruin our vacation like this." Jisung said in defeat.

"Hey, it's not ruined, okay? And we can always come back here next time. You're the most important person to me and you're my priority, I can't just turn a blind eye and act like you're a hundred percent okay. I love you too so much, you know that." Hyunjin held the younger's hand, Jisung stopped poking his food with the pork to look at his boyfriend. He's actually at loss of words, usually he's good at it but right at this moment he seemed to be in daze. Hyunjin's words made him speechless, he just started to rub aggressively on his arm.

"What?" Hyunjin's eyes full of worry while looking at his younger boyfriend's struggle but he has a small smile onto his lips.

"Nothing, you're just wonderful...fine, let's go home then, it's honestly killing me, the urge to scratch my skin so hard is so strong."

"Right. Let's finish our breakfast first."


It turned out that Jisung has cold urticaria. Hyunjin was right, it was a skin reaction due to being exposed to cold weather. It's nothing serious, but it's still uncomfortable for the younger. He can't be exposed to cold weather anymore. Hyunjin was glad though that at least it's not that serious, he sighed in relief. They spent the rest of their vacation days at home with Jisung drowning into Hyunjin's hoodies and Hyunjin's hugs.

"Babe?" Jisung called, he's currently basking into the warmth of his boyfriend under their cover in the bed, despite of it being noon already yet the weather is still blazing cold. He's not itchy anymore because of course Hyunjin was always on guard, he didn't let Jisung out of the bed since after their trip from the doctor. Hyunjin took care of Jisung, breakfast and even lunch in bed just to make Jisung stay under their cover so he would not be exposed to cold. Hyunjin even installed another heater in their bedroom just to be sure. Jisung felt so happy and so loved, again, how did he become this lucky? He was blessed with a perfect boyfriend.

"Hmm?" Hyunjin hummed, his palm on Jisung's back continued to do its job by softly rubbing it up and down the skin.

"Thank you. I'm sorry again for ruining our vacation, I'll make it up to you when the weather's not this cold."

"Baby, it's okay, don't worry about that anymore. Your comfort is my priority, I'm happy if you're happy, you know that right?"

"Hmm, that's why I love you. I wonder what I did in my past life to have a perfect boyfriend like you in this life."

"Stop it already, I said it was fine. Silly baby." Hyunjin can't take all these compliments from Jisung, he could feel the tips of his own ears warming.

"Say it back!" Jisung whined, even without looking at Jisung, Hyunjin knew the younger was pouting. This silly antics of Jisung always made Hyunjin laugh softly.

"I love you too. There, happy?"

Jisung then giggled, "very. I'm hungry though." Despite of them being done with their lunch...if they're in the mountains, for sure they would be eating lots of food at this hour. That's how they would enjoy their vacation, always with food aside from being with each other.

"Babe, we just ate our lunch. You sure you're not pregnant?" Hyunjin chuckled, it was meant for a joke.

"If I am, will you marry me?" Jisung countered back in a teasing manner yet his tone was serious.

"Is that you proposing to me?"

"Could be. But I don't have the ring with me, it's in my coat pocket." That made Hyunjin blink his eyes while his chin was propped on top of Jisung's head, he's still processing the words he's hearing because all he knew was that he's just teasing his younger boyfriend. When Jisung didn't say anything anymore, Hyunjin pulled away from the younger's body to look at his face and found him already grinning at him.

"Wait, really? You really have a ring?" Jisung just continued on grinning at him.

"Holy- Jisung, you can't do this to me! I was just teasing you earlier!"

"Is that a no then?" But Jisung's grin didn't falter one bit.

"N-no! It's not that!" Hyunjin sat up in the bed bringing the younger with him.

"Baby, I'm suppose to be the one who's going to propose to you! Tsk." Well, this was frustrating. Hyunjin can't believe this. He wanted to be the one to propose to the younger and not the other way around. It's not like that he hated it, he just really wanted to be the one doing it to the younger.

"Well, I got it first. So?"

"So you're not pregnant?"

Jisung chuckled, it was fun making his older boyfriend stun like this. It's not really his plan to do it this way but it just came out. The teasing made it easy for him.

"Oh baby, how could I get pregnant if you're always using condoms? Next time, I want it bare." Jisung winked at his boyfriend while the older just let his mouth hung open. He can't still believe what just happened.

Jisung took the opportunity to get out of the bed and get the box of ring out of the pocket of his coat that was hanging on the hanger against the door. The little box sat there in the pocket for a week now, they were dating for like four years, turning five, he wanted Hyunjin as his husband already. They both have stable jobs so what's still there for them to wait for another year to get married?

When the younger had returned into the bed, in front of the older, he opened the box and laid it in front of Hyunjin, "I had a hard time thinking of ways of how to do it and your teasing earlier made it easy for me. I planned on doing it in the mountain but I ruined our vacation so...I don't have that long essay of a speech though. All I know was that I love you and I want to spend my forever with you. Will you marry me, Hwang Hyunjin?"

Hyunjin has now tears in his eyes, "you ! I should be the one to do it! You know I had it planned already! I just have to get the ring!" Hyunjin indeed has plan for this, he had his long essay speech memorized, he planned on doing it after their vacation, he had the perfect venue, he customized the rings and he just have to get it but now it was ruined by none other than his grinning boyfriend in front of him. Hyunjin sniffed and weakly punched the younger's chest.

"I hate you!"

"Aw, baby, is that a no?" Jisung faked a pout.

"Silly! Of course it's a yes! Yes, I'll marry you, idiot!" Hyunjin was almost sobbing if not for the chuckling Jisung.

"Well, I'll still expect you to propose to me." Jisung wiggled his eyebrows after he put the ring on Hyunjin's finger. Hyunjin just pulled Jisung's face and started a searing kiss, it's a relief that the younger kissed back with the same fervor.

"I still hate you for ruining my plan." Hyunjin whispered after pulling away from the younger's lips.

"You don't mean that." Jisung whispered back.

"....., you're right. I love you even though you spoiled the fun but whatever I love you so much."

Jisung chuckled, "that's more like it. I love you too, let's get married and let's have many children."

"Wow, what a plan." Hyunjin chuckled dryly, but he's not really opposed to the idea, his hands were fixing the comforter around the younger's shoulders.

"Hmm, and let's start making children know, to keep me warm."

"Wait, we'll be doing it backwards, baby."

"That's okay, come on, I'm . You'll have to me without that damn rubber around your though."

"Oh my god, you're so vulgar." Hyunjin said, chuckling at Jisung's words, while also letting his younger boyfriend drag him to lie back in the bed and eventually Jisung was straddling Hyunjin's stomach.

"Do something about it then." Jisung then gave a flirtatious wink.

"Really, you're making your skin allergy an excuse to make me you." Hyunjin said, deadpanned. But he's really happy that Jisung seemed to be on his default self again, happy, smiley, and teasing.

"I mean, come on, you love me plus you love ing me and you wanted me pregnant, let's make that happen now." Jisung said, bold and confident this time.

"Baby, that's the plan but at least after our marriage?" Hyunjin said as if he's not interested but was actually pulling Jisung's face down so he could kiss him.

"Let's get married directly after your proposal." Jisung whispered in between their kisses, momentarily biting down Hyunjin's plump lower lip so both of them could intake some air into their lungs. And Jisung being a stubborn little baby, he wouldn't stop until he got what he wanted. It's not like Hyunjin's not whipped enough for his younger boyfriend, now fiancee, to give whatever he wanted. With his allergy or not, Hyunjin was very much willing to give Jisung whatever he wanted.

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I think this is the first time I write drabble about MinChan.


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