I Spy (WooChan with Jilix)


"I spy with my little eye something that starts with letter A!" Said Little Jisung excitedly. Words and enunciating them perfectly were not difficult for an almost five-year old Jisung. His parents thought that he's a natural like he was born with it already.

"Appa!" Came his little twin brother,Β  Felix, who has his eyes sparkling towards his brother.

"Oh! It can't be, Lixie. Think of something else." Jisung answered back cheekily.

Little Felix has his brows furrowed, he's not as good as his twin brother when it came to words but he certainly knew that Appa starts with letter A. At that time, their Appa came out of the door from their kitchen, the little immediately ran into Woojin's arms.

"Oh, hey, baby. Havin' a good time?" Woojin asked his son while wiping off the sweats that were splattered onto the kid's face with his palm.

"Appa!" Jisung called his father, wanting to be carried into his arms too.

Woojin shifted his attention to his other son, crouching a bit so he could scoop the kid up, "oh wow, you two become big boys now, you weigh tons already." He grunted as he locked his fingers together so he could not accidentally dropped one of the kids in his arms. The littles were just giggling at their Appa's comment.

"Is Appa starts with letter A?" Woojin cooed at Felix's cute expression, he was such a cute and innocent bub. He knew his kids were playing "I Spy" while he was in the kitchen earlier, this became their past time since their parents had introduced the game to them. Right now, they're all waiting for their Dad to come home from his night shift work.

"It is, honey. What's wrong?" Woojin said, pecking his youngest onto the cheek.

"But Sungie said I should find something else that starts with letter A." Felix replied with a pout on his little lips. Woojin then eyed his other son.

"Appa, I said something, not someone."

"Wow, Jisungie, you're doing better at this. Good job, love." Woojin pecked Jisung's cheek too,Β  he even blushed at the compliment as he thanked his Appa.Β 

"Your brother is right, bun, but that's alright, you still did a good job hmm?" Little Felix pouted even more at that but he understood it. He just gripped the back portion of his Appa's collar as he thought of other words that started with letter A.. But when he can't think of anything else, he looked at his twin brother's twinkling eyes. Woojin chuckled at that little interaction, these little persons in his arms are his sons and he loved them so much.

"What is it then?" Felix accepted defeat.

"It's Apple!" Jisung brightly supplied, his little arms were thrown into the air. Felix made a soft gasp as he craned his neck to turn and look at the glass bowl on top of the coffee table, there's apples and some other fruits there. Woojin softly laughed at his kids before hearing someone from outside just punching in their door code.

"Well, darlings, how about this? I hear with my little ears someone that starts with letter D is home." The three of them looked at the door when it opened wide and there they saw Chan.

"Daddy!!!" Both Littles shouted together that made them giggle right after.

Chan smiled immediately after hearing his little Angels' giggles and seeing their little faces that were painted with happy smiles, he can see how the two were both in his husband's arms.

"Hi, loves. What's going on?" Even if Chan was obviously tired from his work, that didn't matter at all, hearing the littles' giggles was enough to brighten Chan's day.

The kids were now in their Dad's arms, bouncing as they told their Dad about their game.

"Lixie and I played I Spy"

"Oh, were you?"

"Yes, and- and Appa joined too, then- then we got it right!"

"Aw lemme kiss my good boys then."

After they've settled down, one of the kids' stomach made a noise which made everyone laugh.

"Aigoo, someone's hungry..." Chan chuckled and kissed both of his kids' cheeks. They were waiting for Chan to arrive home from his night shift so they'll be eating breakfast together. It's their routine. And it's just normal that their kids were hungry now.

"Come on, loves, breakfast's ready." Woojin poked his head out of the kitchen's entrance and announced happily.

"Right, what's for breakfast today?" Chan asked directing it to his kids who were still in his arms.


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I think this is the first time I write drabble about MinChan.


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