Back in the Lab

Project X: The Failed Experiment
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He frowned at the 6 bodies lying motionless on identical cots infront of him. 

"Only 6?"

The man beside him sighed. 

"Well, we are short on people. We'll get the others by tomorrow. They've already been targeted,"

The man nodded at the information.

Meanwhile, the other was still uncomfortable with the whole situation.

"Max, are you sure this is going to work?" he asked his partner

"I saw it with my own eyes, David, I'm positive," he walked away, examining the extent of the damage to their bodies.

Still unsatisfied with that answer, he pressed on, "That was sixteen years ago, you could have just messed up and accidentally switched the poison."

Max shook his head, "No, they definitely died, I watched it happen before my own eyes,"

He thought back to that fateful day sixteen years ago, where the setting had been similar. Twelve bodies instead of six hooked up to multiple machines calculating heart rate and body functions. He saw the poison drip into their IV tubes and enter their bodies. One by one, the machines stopped beeping. 

He looked at the machines now, hooked up to the bodies of the 6 grown test subjects. The screen showed a straight line, not picking up any signs of life. 

David shook his head as he watched his friend zone out. He knew what he was thinking. 

He glanced at the bodies lying before him, all carrying multiple injuries that he himself had some part in doing. They were mostly covered with the white sheets leaving their heads and chests exposed. 

There was something wrong with the whole idea of killing someone just to steal their bodies

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new reader! :))
parkbaekhyun2705 #2
Chapter 29: I love this story so much!! Please continue
the story!! I'm so excited!!
Chapter 4: Noooo! Suho don't drown!
Also, Suho ur an idiot... if an animal tries to attack you, just grab a tall stick and lift it high above your head, making yourself look taller and intimidating in the animal's eyes, and then they'll back off on their own.
Chapter 3: Omo, this is an interesting story! :3 Me like
parkn20 #5
Chapter 23: Love this story! Can't wait for the next chapter :)
Chapter 23: They're finally meeting!! :D I love this story.
Chapter 18: This is cool! Lately I've been reading a lot of EXO Monster fanfics. But every single one of them is different and I can't help myself but to read them! Yours the first one that starts in the Lucky One lab tho...its awesome!!!!
ChristmasLight #8
Love this story!
erica05 #9
Chapter 7: I dont get it is he just killing them off, is that the whom story