
Project X: The Failed Experiment
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He was panting slightly when he finally reached the stoplight. Setting down his guitar case and sports bag, He pressed the walk button and leaned against the pole. Despite it being 7 at night, the streets were still busy and teeming with life. 

As the lights across from him turned from green to yellow, he stood up straight and stretched. Well, as much as his sore body would allow. Dance practice had been brutal today and his body was not happy with him for pushing it so hard.

He bent down and picked up his stuff as the walk-ie man lit up across the street. He got across quickly and pressed the button to cross the road perpendicular to the way he just went.

He had just put his stuff down when loud honking sounded beside him. He glanced over and saw that an elderly lady had dropped her groceries in the middle of the road infront of a car. 

She was trying to pick up all her stuff as the man in the car was just continuously honking and yelling. 

His eyes hardened at the sight. He glanced across the road, the lights hadn't even turned yet. This man didn't even have the right to go. 

He immediately dropped his backpack and hurried to where the older lady was. Without a word, he bent down to help her collect the rest of her groceries. 

The elderly lady glanced up and him in confusion as he easily gathered all her belongings and ushered across the road to where his stuff was. 

The man in the car was unrelentlessly yelling at them until a passerby yelled at him across the road.

"Hey , SHUT UP. It's not even your right of way,"

Realizing this, the driver finally quieted. At that moment, the lights went green for him and he sped away, tires squealing at his speed. 

Meanwhile at the corner, the little elderly lady was thanking the kind man for his help.

"What's your name young man?" she asked looking at him through thick spectacles.

"I'm called Lay," he told her after a moment's consideration.

"Well thank you Lay, I am indebted,"

"Would you like me to walk you home?" he asked her as he gathered all his things. He di

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new reader! :))
parkbaekhyun2705 #2
Chapter 29: I love this story so much!! Please continue
the story!! I'm so excited!!
Chapter 4: Noooo! Suho don't drown!
Also, Suho ur an idiot... if an animal tries to attack you, just grab a tall stick and lift it high above your head, making yourself look taller and intimidating in the animal's eyes, and then they'll back off on their own.
Chapter 3: Omo, this is an interesting story! :3 Me like
parkn20 #5
Chapter 23: Love this story! Can't wait for the next chapter :)
Chapter 23: They're finally meeting!! :D I love this story.
Chapter 18: This is cool! Lately I've been reading a lot of EXO Monster fanfics. But every single one of them is different and I can't help myself but to read them! Yours the first one that starts in the Lucky One lab tho...its awesome!!!!
ChristmasLight #8
Love this story!
erica05 #9
Chapter 7: I dont get it is he just killing them off, is that the whom story