There's no Such Thing as Normal Anymore

Project X: The Failed Experiment
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Xiumin and the others, glanced warily at the four new people who had just barged in through the door. The four that slouched there gasping for breath, sagging against the wall. 

They all wore the same attire as he did. White jumpsuits, covered in plastic, and little black numbers on their collars. 

Judging on everything that had happened to them so far, Xiumin guessed that these boys were the reason that the alarms were going off outside.

When the alarms started, all four of them, Kris, D.O, Chen and himself, had shot up, confused and scared. The door wouldn't budge open, and they were left helpless to do anything if this was some emergency fire of some sort. 

Chen, D.O., Kris and him had eventually ended up sitting at the wall furthest from the door when nothing happened. Xiumin had taken a seat on the edge of the bed, where he had previously seated himself before Chen and the others had been tossed through the doorway, while Chen stood in the opposite corner. Kris and D.O. spaced themselves out on the floor leaning on the wall. They just sat there, still and unmoving, waiting for the siren to go off, or for someone to retrieve them. 

After a few minutes of silence, minus the siren blaring through the air, they hear shouting outside the door, too faint to make out what they were trying to say, before loud banging sounds vibrated through the walls. The four boys exchanged worried glances as a loud thump echoed through the wall. 

The lights in the room flickered on and off, and then, a quiet ding sounded through the room. The ding of the door being opened. Just then the doors were thrown opend and four new boys toppled into the room, nearly falling over each other, and hastily slammed the door shut behind them. 

They slouched onto the ground, breathless, and didn't seem to notice four other presences in the room.

There was a moment of silence, before footsteps sounded from the otherside of the door.

It sounded like a whole army of people were running through the halls. Xiumin glanced at the four new people who had barged into the room. They had gone incredibly still, not even seeming daring to breathe.

There were a few commanding shouts before finally, the footsteps faded away, and the group of four unanimously let out a sigh of relief. 

It became silent after that, the four new boys still unaware of the other four boys in the room.

That changed pretty quickly though, because then Chen's voice cut through the silence. 

"Well, this is definitely new," he said, voice heavy with sarcasm.

Four heads shot up and located them on the other side of the room. Xiumin locked eyes with a young looking boy with bleach blond hair and narrow eyes. The number on his collar read 94.

The boy quickly broke eye contact and seemed to shift behind another darker skinned boy.

"Who are you?" a deep voice asked. All eyes turned to the tall boy who had stood up, large ears sticking out from beneath his long hair. A dark number 61 stood out on his white collar.

"That's a really good question, isn't it. Why don't you start?" Chen retorted, 

The tall boy, number glared at Chen, and seemed to be about to start something violent if not for the darker skinned boy who stood up and roughly yanked the big eared boy back by the shoulder.

Xiumin studied the boy, he seemed young, but a lot more mature than his age. He carried himself with confidence. His eyes scanned the collar of this boy's outfit and found the number he was looking for. The number 88.

"Stop, we have bigger worries that names right now," he warned.

The big eared boy glowered at the darker skinned boy, while Chen shot a taunting smile in their direction. 

Xiumin caught a hold of Chen's attention and shook his head quietly. It was not a good idea to start something right now, judging by the situaton they were all in.

"Uh, guys?" a quiet voice came from behind them 

Everyone turned to look at a boy crouched at the enterence, ear pressed into the closed door. Xiumin noticed that he had bags under his eyes. He was almost used to the numbers on their collars now, that becoming the first thing he looked for. This boy had the number 68 stitched on there.

"I hear footsteps," he relayed to the group.

Number 88 swore.

"We have to get out of here," he told them, heading towards the door. 

"We can't," the boy with bags under his eyes whispered. But they ignored him and walked straight into the door. 

There was swearing again as they pushed against the now locked door.

"Stop, stop!" the boy with bags under his eyes shushed the other two who were struggling uselessly against the door, "They're coming closer. If you don't stop, they'll hear us,"

They stopped instantly.

"Great, what now?!" the boy with big ears growled,

"We hide," came a new voice. The blond haired boy with the number 94 stitched onto his collar spoke up for the first time. 

All eyes turned to him, but he turned to Xiumin and spoke.

"My name is Sehun, this is Kai" he gestured to the darker skinned boy, "Chanyeol" the big eared one, "and Tao," he pointed to the boy with the bags under his eyes. The three mentioned turned to look at Sehun confusedly.

"We all just met like, 10 minutes ago, but I think we are all on the same side here," he reasoned out, "So, can you guys help us?"

There was a moment of silence, as they all stared at Sehun. Mostly all of them with confused looks in their eyes. 

Sehun squirmed uncomfortably under the intensity of all the gazes, but remained staring at Xiumin.

He realized that he was waiting for his answer, because soon they were all staring at him.

"What??" he asked, "Why are you all looking at me?" 

He glanced at Chen, then Kris, whom both shugged.

Xiumin glanced back at Sehun, who met his gaze with a pleading look.

"But, what about that Doctor?" came D.O.'s soft voice.

He thought back to the event that had occured just earlier today, but quickly pushed the thought aside. 

"Whatever," he stood up and adressed them all. The Sehun kid was right, currently, they all seemed to be on the same side. 

"Quick, you three," he pointed at D.O., Kris and Chen, "over there by the door. Spread out and look conspicuous. Now you four," he turned to Sehun and his group, there are a few hiding spots here."

He directed them to the corner, telling them to squish in behind one of the heart monitor machines. Eventually, after some struggling, they ha

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new reader! :))
parkbaekhyun2705 #2
Chapter 29: I love this story so much!! Please continue
the story!! I'm so excited!!
Chapter 4: Noooo! Suho don't drown!
Also, Suho ur an idiot... if an animal tries to attack you, just grab a tall stick and lift it high above your head, making yourself look taller and intimidating in the animal's eyes, and then they'll back off on their own.
Chapter 3: Omo, this is an interesting story! :3 Me like
parkn20 #5
Chapter 23: Love this story! Can't wait for the next chapter :)
Chapter 23: They're finally meeting!! :D I love this story.
Chapter 18: This is cool! Lately I've been reading a lot of EXO Monster fanfics. But every single one of them is different and I can't help myself but to read them! Yours the first one that starts in the Lucky One lab tho...its awesome!!!!
ChristmasLight #8
Love this story!
erica05 #9
Chapter 7: I dont get it is he just killing them off, is that the whom story