Chapter 2

Oh My iKon!

Two weeks had passed since Ahreum started working in YG and she had left a really good impression to her colleagues and even Mr Yang who had been paying close attention on the new employees that he had hired. It is no doubt that Ahreum stands out the most as she is a quick problem solver and learn things quite fast. YG even questions if Ahreum really did not attend school as she looks professional when  doing her work.

"Let's talk about iKon, which is going to debut soon," Nabi suddenly voiced out to her friends during lunchtime.

When Ahreum questions who is iKon, the three friends choked on their foods simultaneously, making Ahreum rolls her eyes at their habit. Nabi, Daeun and Hyun Woo immediately volunteers to explain to their newbie about iKon, bragging to her on how good looking and awesome they are.

"They must be that good that even Hyun Woo fan boys over them," Ahreum chuckles. Hyun Woo pouts and acts hurt from the tall girl's comment.


"She's probably the only person in this company that does not know about iKon," YG's secretary informs him.

Hearing that, he smiles.

"Perfect," was all he said before he orders his secretary to call someone up to his office.

"Ahreum, can you send me a copy of the email?"

"My love, can you help me photocopy the list?"

"Reummie, I need help. Can you place this in the shredder? Thanks!"

The 2nd floor mini office is noisy with typing, sounds of machines and printing as the four friends are busy doing their works. Ahreum does every single order that her friends tells her to do, hoping that it would lessen the burden for them. As she is new, she also had not much thing to do so lending a hand won't hurt, right? Ahreum stands up and proceeds to the shredder to place the papers that Nabi gave her in it.

"Song Ahreum?" A deep voice suddenly calls out her name. Instantly everyone stopped doing their work when they see the man standing behind Ahreum.

"Yes? May I help you?" Ahreum says when she turns around, and gets greeted with a tall, bulky man.

"You are needed in the CEO's office. Please bring all your stuff, place it in the box and follow me to his office," Ahreum begins to panic.

'Am I getting fired?'

'Did I mess up?'

Are the thoughts that runs in her head at the moment. Even though she is scared and worried, she obediently listens to the man and pack all her stuff in her box. Daeun, Hyun Woo and Nabi looks at her with sympathy and apologetic look in their eyes. The man waits for her until she completes clearing her stuff and tells her to follow him to the office.

"Did you have lunch already?" She breaks the silence between the man and herself in the elevator.

The man shook his head. Ahreum takes something out from the box that she is carrying and hands it to the man.

"I have extra. You can have it," she hands the sandwich to the man who looks taken aback by her sudden generosity.

"Uhh.. Thanks?" He says unsure.

"Welcome," the cheery girl smiled at him.

As soon as she says that, the door to the elevator opens and they both walk out of it. There is a big black door at the end of the corridor. The man opens the door for her and Ahreum enters it after saying thank you to the man. She sees someone sitting on the chair with his/ her back facing her.

"My name is Song Ahreum and I believe you sent for me?" She says and bows down to the CEO.

YG turns his chair and smiles at the bowing girl. He tells her to place her box on the table and take a seat in the sofa nearby.

"I called you here and told you to pack up is because-"

Ahreum waits for the news and gulps in fear.

"-I am promoting you. To be a manager," he completes his sentence.

Ahreum's eyes widened from shock when she hears the word "promote". She could not believe it as she had just started work here.

"I-I do not believe it's fair. I had just started work here and-"

"You are capable of it, I swear. I have been observing you and notice that you learn things exceptionally fast and I desperately need a person for this job right now. You are the person eligible for this as you don't even know who is iKon," he explains everything.

Ahreum can't seem to take in all the information at that time so she requested a day to think about it and he agrees. After gaining some details from the CEO, she excuses herself and makes her way back to the 2nd floor office.

She gets greeted with her four eager friends. Ahreum tells everything to her friends, making them gasp in shock.

"Congrats girl, just accept the offer!"

"I'm jealous but since you are cute, I'll let it pass,"

"Wow, Ahreum, you are definitely getting laid by 9 handsome boys,"

Hyun Woo's head got smacked hard by two girl's hand, making him scream in pain. Ahreum blush in embarrassment again.

Instead of going home, she stayed back a little longer and helps her seniors with the work as she is waiting for Bomi to knock off at 6.


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sarahellenz #1
Chapter 5: is the main character B.I, really good please write some more its really good