Chapter 3

Oh My iKon!

"Just accept it, I support you," Bomi says as they have their dinner together. Ahreum ponders for a moment, trying to come up with a decision.

"Since everyone around me tells me to do it, I guess I don't have much of a choice," she finally comes to a decision.

Bomi smiles at her friend, giving her support. Mr Yang had told Ahreum to come to the office tomorrow early in the morning to inform him about her decision. Both of the friends turn in earlier that night, especially Ahreum, who is anticipating the next day.


YG smiles when he hears Ahreum's decision. He begins to tell her more about the job. Apparently, Ahreum is needed as there are not enough female manager. She has to keep track of schedules, take care of the groceries in their dorm and scold them in case they do something wrong. Today is the day where she starts working as manager.

YG calls for someone on his phone and after a few minutes, there is a knock on the door. The person enters after getting consent from YG.

"Hi, I am Park Junmi, 30, the manager of iKon," the guy introduces himself to the girl in front of him. Ahreum shakes his hand and introduces herself too.

"Both of you are going to work together in taking care of iKon. I hope that you two will be able to work together in this matter," he says to both of them. Ahreum nods in understanding.

Mr Yang dismisses the both of them and Ahreum follows Junmi behind closely. He brings her to a staff lounge where they both take a seat and start to ask each other questions or inquiry about the job.

"So, we have to take care of nine boys together?" Ahreum asks to conclude off.

"Yepp. So Ahreum... Is it true?" Junmi asks the blonde girl while sipping on his drink. Ahreum looks at him confusion, not understanding what her new friend is trying to say.

"Is it true that you are from an orphanage and never once, attend school?" He asks her.

The said girl got taken aback by the sudden personal question but she still nods her head to imply that it is true. Junmi nods.

"Come, let me bring you to their dorm to make you get use to it before meeting the boys in the practice room," Junmi suddenly says happily and drag a dazed Ahreum along with her.


Ahreum’s POV

Wow, their dorm is surprisingly comfy. There is a bunk bed in the living room, which shows that there are a number of people living in here. I had Junmi oppa's permission to enter their room to have a look at it. Junmi oppa went upstairs to Tablo's house to meet someone called Haru.

I walk in the kitchen and go straight to the refrigerator. I scan inside and write down the things that have run out. After taking a tour in the kitchen, I make my way to the toilet and open all of the cabinets to check if the supplies of toiletries are still enough. I write down the things that have run out again.

I wanted to look at their rooms but after thinking for a long time, I decided not to. What if they are like those flower boys in dramas, where they will get mad at anyone who enters their rooms without permission? I do not wish to create enemies so I quickly put on my shoes and exit the apartment after texting Junmi oppa that I'm done with inspecting.

"Are you ready? Let's go and meet my baby boys!" Junmi exclaims loudly and again, drags me to the car. I laugh at his cute and childish behaviour.


"Kids! Remember about your new manager? Well, she's here today and will be working with me," I can hear Junmi oppa shouting in the practise room through the loud music. Junmi oppa told me to stay outside and "wait for the signal"

The loud music abruptly stops and suddenly, I can feel myself getting anxious and nervous again.

"YOU CAN COME IN NOW!" I hear Junmi shouting again. I laugh softly. So that was the signal? He might as well come out and tell me to come in.

I place my hand on the doorknob, with my heart in my mouth. My palms start to sweat from extreme nervousness. After taking in a deep breath, I slowly turn the knob around and push the door open. Without looking at the boys, I quickly make my way behind Junmi oppa, seeking refuge from all the stares I am getting.


The sweating boys blink at the small figure hiding behind their manager. Junmi chuckles when he feels Ahreum's hands gripping onto his shirt firmly. He reaches out for her hand, makes it stop gripping his shirt and gently pulls her beside him.

"Is the floor that interesting, Ahreum?" He suddenly asks the girl beside her. Ahreum hears people laughing at her so she shakes her head and slowly lift her head up.

She let out a shaky breath when she sees nine guys in front of her. Taking in a deep breath, Ahreum gathers all of her courage to start talking.

"H-hello. My name is Song Ahreum and I am your new manager. Do take care of me and let's work together from now on," she says to the boys with a smile on her face.

Silence filled the room and the boys are all staring at her, especially B.I. who is basically shooting lasers at the smaller girl. Junmi sense the stiff atmosphere in the room so he begins to speak up to save the poor girl who looks like she might just burst into tears any moment.

"Pack up, we are going back home. I will be going to order a feast in celebration of a new person in our family so let's start moving!" The boys cheered when being dismissed from practice early. They quickly pack their thing while Junmi waits outside with Ahreum.

"Ahreum, have more confidence in yourself," Junmi advised Ahreum.

The said girl just nods, feeling terrible for not doing her work well. Junmi sees the tension on her face so he ruffles her hair in an attempt to console her. It works as Ahreum chuckles lightly at the elder's action.

"Are we... Interrupting something here?" Both of the managers turn to their right and see all nine boys, all ready but staring at both of them with their eyebrows rose.

"Nope, you are not interrupting anything. Let's go!" Junmi exclaims and drags Ahreum along with her (for the third time in a day) while the little ducklings follow them behind, still judging the only female among them.

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sarahellenz #1
Chapter 5: is the main character B.I, really good please write some more its really good