Chapter 6

Oh My iKon!

The loud ringing of an iphone breaks the silence in the morning, in a small apartment. Ahreum fidgets in bed for a few times, hoping that the loud ringing would stop but, it didn't.

Sighing, she sits up and reaches for her phone under her bed (it fell there for some reason) and slides the green icon.

"Hello?" she tiredly says, voice hoarse.

"Song Ahreum, wake up now!" Ahreum's eyes wides when she hears the familliar voice and looks at the caller id. She then catch a glimpse at her wall clock, which shows that it is only 5:30 in the morning.

"B-but it's only 5:30 and my work starts at 8?" She questions B.I, who, for some reason is calling her instead of Junmi.

"Fine, but wouldn't it be a shame if someone barges into your room?" he replies and Ahreum swears she could hear him smirking on the other line.


The door to her room suddenly barges open, producing a loud noise and makes the girl jump slightly from the shock. Her eyes widens and she loses her grip on her phone when she sees B.I standing at her door with his phone in his hand, a smirk plastered on his face and a chainsaw in his other hand.

"BOMI-AH! BOMIIIIIII!! KIM. BO. MI!!!" Ahreum screams out loud.

Bomi runs in the room in a hurry, and sees her roommate under the covers, shivering and calling out her name over and over again, just like a mantra.

"Ahreum! What happened?" she approaches the horrified girl, and Ahreum immediately hugs her. She sticks out her shaking finger to the door and Bomi looks at the area where she is pointing but sees no one. She shakes her head and gently carress Ahreum's hair.

"It's just a dream," Bomi implies and Ahreum looks up slowly at her door.

There is no sign of B.I. standing there with his creeper face. She sighs in relief and look at the time. She sighs again when she sees that it is only 2 in the morning. Ahreum apologizes to Bomi for waking her up. Bomi nags at her too but still helps Ahreum to get back in bed. After tucking the blanket back to Ahreum, Bomi bids goodnight and exits her room after switching the lights off.

Unfortunately, she could not sleep after that horrifying nightmare.


"Wow, that dream must've affected you a lot!" Bomi exclaims as soon as she sees her roommate walk in the kitchen.

Ahreum looks terrible. A pair of obvious dark shades are under her eyes and her face is pale. Her hair is messy and her lips are also pale. Bomi would have panic but then she remembers that this is a normal thing that Ahreum's body does whenever she does not have enough sleep.

She serves her breakfast on the table and Ahreum digs in. While she was eating, Bomi helps to tie Ahreum's hair in a messy bun.

After breakfast, they walk to their workplace respectively.


"Good morn- WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU BABY?" Junmi shouts as soon as Ahreum meets him at the company.

Ahreum covers when a yawn escapes its confine and replies Junmi by just shrugging her shoulders. She is hella tired from the lack of sleep and has no mood to talk at the moment.

Junmi hands her his coffee and she takes and gulps it down right away. He ruffles his assistance's hair and drags her to the carpark.


When they enter the boys' dorm, Ahreum was mortified to see it in a huge mess. She quickly get on the move to clean the dorm while Junmi goes and wake the boys up for their schedules.

After a small cleanup, Ahreum goes in the kitchen and tries to make a light breakfast for them; which is egg sandwiches. Jinhwan and Yunhyeong, who had woke up earliest out of the rest, helps Ahreum out when they see how terribly tired she looks.

Ahreum rests on the bunk beds in the living room and takes out her phone and scans the photo which has iKon's schedule on it. She sighs when she figures out that it would be a really long day. A sound of a door being slammed closed got her attention and when she totally regrets when she looks up.

Junhoe and B.I. had just exit their room with their bag in their hands. Ahreum gulps and looks away, trying very hard to prevent the memory of her dream to flash right infront of her eyes. B.I. stops walking infront of her and smirks before making his way to the kitchen. Ahreum knows that B.I. probably does not know about her dream but she still could not take the embarassment. She sighs as she plops down on the bed.

As soon as everyone's ready, they leave the dorm, Junmi locking the door tightly. They then walk towards the vehicle that would bring them to the place where their first schedule is located. Thankfully, it's only at the company.

This time, there are five people in Ahreum's car instead. Bobby, Chanwoo, B.I, Jin Hyeong and Jinhwan are talking loudly in the back seats, apparently arguing on unicorns.

"Are you okay Ahreum? You look exhausted," Bobby suddenly asks their manager. Ahreum nods and smiles weakly at him.

"Here, I always bring coffee on the way to schedules but you can have it," Yunhyeong says and places the bottle in the cup holder beside Ahreum.

"Thanks, Yunhyeong," she said and smiles at him. When they stop at the traffic light, Ahreum takes a sip of the coffee, feeling a bit better due to the heavy scent and strong taste of the coffee.

After a 20 minute ride, they finally arrive at the company. They got reunited with Junmi and waits in the lobby while Ahreum goes and confirm their schedule at the counter. Once done, all eleven of them make their way to together to the studio.


I burst out into laughter when I see Bobby and Jinhwan making ugly faces. They are seriously so cute!

"Ahreum, join us too!" Bobby exclaims to me. Since the three of us are walking together at the back and no one except both of them can see me, it wouldn't hurt if I join them right? Furthermore, it looks fun.

I nod at them and made an ugly face. Loud laughters erupted from them and it makes me laugh too. It somehow got the other 8 people walking in front of us and they look at us questionly. We just shrug our shoulders and continue walking while trying to stiffle a laugh.

The studio is very busy. Different kinds of people are running around, taking care of the cameras, lights, clothings and props. A man in his 30s approaches us and immediately shakes Junmi oppa's hands and flashes a smile.

"My, my. What a pretty girl! Who are you, pretty?" he says to me as soon as he shakes my hand. I blush from his remark and look down in embarrassment. Something about him reminds me of Hyun Woo; their flirtiness. The sound of someone clearing his throat got my attention.

"She is our new manager," Jinhwan simply states and removes the guy's hand from mine.

"My name's Ahreum," I say softly.

"I'm Baram, Kim Baram. Your name really suits you by the way," he says and flashes me a smile. I thank him for his compliment and Junmi oppa immediately interrupts, asking on what we are supposed to do now.

He leads us to a room where there are a lot of mirrors and lights around. There is also a lot of cloths rack, with costumes hanged on it. There are a number of women in the room and they each takes charge of the members to give them a makeover. Junmi leaves me, saying that he has to discuss something with the producer.

"Ya, I'm thirsty," I see Hanbin looking at me expectantly after telling me.

"Ok," I replies him and proceed to talk to one of the coordi there. I can hear laughters behind me and wonder why.

"Ya, are you stupid? I want coffee," He suddenly says again, this time, the tone is much more firm. I smack my forehead when I realized how dense I was. I excuse myself from the coordi and goes out of the room, trying to find refreshments. Unfortunately, there was none so I decided to go and buy it outside, maybe at the café where Bomi works at so that I can buy them lunch too. I text Junmi oppa, telling him about my plans and he allows.


"Ohohoho! Look who came to drop by?" Bomi says as soon as she sees me. I smile at her and immediately gives her a list of drinks and foods. She nods in understanding and begins preparing the refreshments while I wait at the counter, scrolling through the schedule.

It takes less than half an hour for it to get ready and as there are quite a number of things to carry, Bomi volunteers to help me while her friend covers for her. She follows me to the building, feeling excited and hoping to get to see Big Bang. I laugh at her childishness.

When we reach the studio, we enter the changing room and see Hanbin sitting by himself. The others are having their turn woth the photoshoot so I guess he must be waiting for his turn.

"Here, I bought you your-"

"You took a long time," he says coldly. I flinch.

"Sorry, I bought lunch for you guys too and-" before I could finish, he snatch the iced coffee from me. Bomi protests but I calm her down. He takes a sip of the coffee and I watch as his face turns red.

"It tastes like ," he says and that might have triggered Bomi.

"HEY! Watch your mouth!" Bomi exclaims to him. I mouthed a 'stop' to Bomi and she complies.

"I- i can buy you a new-"

I got interrupted.


The time seems to have stopped at the moment. Hanbin leaves the room after giving a smirk to the poor girl. Bomi is frozen from shock, unable to comprehend what had happened. Ahreum feels a hard pang in her heart and her tears threatens to fall. She looks down at her feet and feels the cold iced coffee dripping down from her head.

"Ahreum!" Bomi finally speaks out and runs around the room, frantically searching for a towel. She successfully find one and quickly wipes Ahreum's dripping hair.

The said girl is still frozen from shock and shivering slightly from cold.

"How could he pour the coffee all over you?! That.. Bastard!" Bomi exclaims in anger. The door suddenly opens and it takes the two girls by surprise.

"What the..."

Haiii!! Hope you like this chapter!

Some quick discoveries ;

•baram in korean means wind or playboy

Anyways, sorry for any spelling or grammatical error; I have no time to proof read, hope you understand:)

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sarahellenz #1
Chapter 5: is the main character B.I, really good please write some more its really good