Chapter 1

Oh My iKon!

A loud ringing of bells wakes the tall girl up. She sits on her bed and rubs her eyes. When the thought of the interview croses her mind, her eyes widens and she immediately springs out of her bed, running straight to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

Song Ahreum is not a normal 17 year old girl. She has a big dream that she desperately wants to achieve; which is to work in YG entertainment. How about school? Well, Ahreum was brought up in the orphanage since she was young and recently, the orphanage thought that Ahreum is old enough to start living without them so she has to live on her own. The Madam of the orphanage had given her enough money to buy an apartment and some money to last for a couple of months.

When she first started living independently, it was horrible. She had no friends until she starts working at a café nearby. It escalated from being a friend to a best friend plus roommate.

"Ahreummieeee! Wake u- oh, you are awake hehe," Bomi enters her room and got greeted with Ahreum, all dressed and ready.

Both of them made their way to the kitchen and have a heartful breakfast.

"How are you feeling? Your dream is finally gonna come true!"

"I know right. I am so excited, I hope that I get to work in the office section," Ahreum says dreamily.

After breakfast, both of them go out together, walking to their workplace as the café that Bomi works in is near YG building. Both of them says goodbye to each other and Ahreum makes her way to the building with an anxious heart.

"Song Ahreum," her name got called.
The said girl stands up and follows the staff that ushers her to a room. Once she enters the room, she is greeted by silence.

She walks to the table, where there are 3 people. The middle person, is someone who Ahreum recognizes; YG himself.

"Good morning!" She smiles to her interviewers. They got amazed with her confidence.

"Tell us your name, age and what you want to be part of in this company,"

"My name is Song Ahreum, 17 years old. I hope to be in the office department,"

"School? I see that you don't attend any,"

"Ah, that. I-uhm stayed in the orphanage and moved out recently due to my age,"

"Okay. Thank you for coming. We will call if we need you," one of the staff says.

Ahreum smiles and thank them before leaving the room. She leaves the building and decides to go and visit her friend at the café for lunch.

"What if they won't hire me as I don't go to school?" She says to Bomi, feeling worried about how she did during the interview.

"I'm sure you did well," Bomi encourages her as she serves her mocha tiramisu.

They chat for awhile until it gets busy in the café and Bomi has to continue working. Ahreum decides to go home and take a rest.

After taking a shower, she plopped down on the sofa, reflecting back on why she really wants to work at YG. Ahreum wants to work there as she heard that the pay is high and also YG is so successful in everything they do, making him as the said girl's role model.

The following morning, Ahreum wakes up to a call. Hearing the news that she got selected, she screams in excitement as soon as she ends the call. Bomi barges into her room, looking around worriedly with her bed hair. Ahreum runs and hugs her best friend tightly, making the squashed girl in daze.

"I DID IT! I GOT ACCEPTED! OMEGASH!" she screams out loud.

It takes her a few minutes to calm down and let go of the poor girl. Bomi catches her breath before congratulating her best friend. Ahreum is expected to go back to the building to begin her work later in the afternoon so instead of having breakfast at home; Bomi decides to celebrate her friend's achievement by having breakfast outside.

They parted ways at Bomi's workplace after the breakfast and Ahreum walks to the building again, with her heart in .

"Here's your table and your work is to check the sales of the merchandise sold, recording it in the computer followed by-" her mentor, Daeun, explains what she has to do for her work.

Ahreum learns it fast, which amuses her mentor. During lunch, Daeun invites Ahreum to have lunch with other colleagues.

"Hi, pretty. What's your name?" A quite good looking guy asks her as soon as she sits down.

"Hi, my name is Ahreum," she replies, flashing a smile at him.

"Ahh, look at at your dazzling smile! I'm captivated by it," he acted as if he was having a heart attack.

"Ya, Lee Hyun Woo, stop flirting with girls, will you? So irritating," a girl with a high pitched voice scolds Hyun Woo.

"Ah, I'm Jung Nabi," she introduces herself.

"In this floor's office, there will only be the four of us and the rest of you are under me, okay?" Daeun says and Ahreum nods in understanding

Daeun smiles and they begin talking about work as they munch on their food.

"Say, how old are you, Ahreum? You look so young," Hyun Woo asks the new girl.

"I just turned 17,"

Hearing that, the three seniors choked on their food.

"17!? That's young! You are even underage to have se.. to make lo.. to sleep with boys!" Hyun Woo exclaimed, earning a slap at the back of his head by both Daeun and Nabi, also making Ahreum blush in embarassment.

"Wow, Mr Yang must have liked you that much to allow a young person like you work here," Nabi says to Ahreum.

Now that her friend mentioned it, Ahreum also got suspicious on why she got accepted even though she is young and also uneducated. Her thoughts get interrupted when Daeun informs her that their lunch break is over. Ahreum follows her new friends back to the office to continue on with her work.


A/N: Thanks for reading, I reaalllyyy appreciate it!!

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sarahellenz #1
Chapter 5: is the main character B.I, really good please write some more its really good