D e c e m b e r .

The Diary of a Girl In Love
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Dear Diary,

It was December, and Taecyeon was getting weaker by the second.

We were madly in love, however, love wouldn't stop Taecyeon from leaving...

But I secretly hoped it would.

Everyday, my routine was the same.

I would go to the hospital, see Taecyeon until he rested for a while, then walked outside and cried.

I would always cry.

Wooyoung would always pat my back when I cried, and I found out that he really kept his word.

He would be there for me, whenever, wherever.

I cried because of Taecyeon's gaunt and tired face, his coughing fits, his sadness in his eyes, and false reassurance that he would be okay.

He was a fool.

But, he was my fool.

And I loved him.

It was a chilly morning, and people hoped that it would be a snowy day.

I instinctively rubbed my arms, and Taecyeon stared at me.

"Are you cold?" He asked, his smile weak.

I smiled lightly at him and pecked his forehead. "I'm fine, Oppa. Are you okay?"

His smile never faded from his face. "I'm fine, ______."

That sentence broke me into pieces.

Why would he keep lying to himself? To... me?

I sighed, and smiled at him.

"It's your birthday, Taecyeon Oppa." I said, gesturing to all the balloons and cakes surrounding us in his room. 

Wooyoung and I had thrown a party for him earlier today. He loved the party, but he was

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Chapter 14: Awww so sad for OC.. ;n; but nicely written!!
jesica27 #2
Chapter 14: Aw.!
Poor couple T_T
Chapter 14: Ol crap, I'm crying. He died. OSMASHGOSH. *Cries a waterfall*
Thanks so much for supporting! :D
Acgoo1999 #5
Chapter 14: Omg! The sad ending is really :'(
I cry a lot!
Fluffydar #6
Chapter 14: Crying sooo much
This might be a short one but it definitely has it details and emotions making most of us cry *wipes tears* Taec why did you have to die?!?!?!?!
justforoneday #7
Chapter 14: argh
actually crying
i love you and your stories muzikmaster ;A;
Ryeowooklove #8
Chapter 14: *bursts into tears* this was a really good story! There aren't alot of stories like this so it was nice to read one for a change!