
A/N: Hello people :) Please bear with me as I get back into the swing of things! It's been a long time... I'm sorry this is a bit short, but it's where I wanted to end this chapter so.... Thank you for your support! It means a great deal! I went through and deleted the nonchapters.... except the last a/n explaining my absence... I'll take that down soon. 


"Annyeong! Umma! Appa!" I leave my violin and purse on the table in the hallway entrance. I do my best to sound happy, putting a smile on my face, but the incident with Onew is still nagging at the back of my head....

"Omo?" I hear Umma getting out of her seat before I enter the living room. She smiles, coming over to give me a hug. "Baby, you're here! How wonderful!"

"Neh, Umma. How are you doing?" We both take a seat on the old yet comfy couch. This curtain patterned couch is older than I am...

"Well, I just got my hair cut. I couldn't stand the sideswept bangs... They required too much work." She touches her hair, a cute pixie cut, greying around the edges like a halo.

Looking over at Appa, it's amazing how he blends into his surroundings so well for being such a tall man. The air about him is just so gentle, he get overlooked so easily. "How about you, Appa? Anything new going on?"

He doesn't even bother looking up from his large novel, instead just taking a sip of his tea, mumbling, "Everything is same old, same old." His eyes quickly look at me. "Are you going outside to talk?"

How does he do that?! Whenever I want Umma's opinion on something important, we go outside for a girl talk. And Appa always knows before Umma that we're going outside to talk.

I thought I hid my insecurities, but he knows me too well...

How does he do it? Is it my eyes? Do I do something weird? Is it my voice?

"It's your hair. It stands up."


By the way, he apparently reads minds, as well.

Blood rushes to my cheeks as my hands shoot up to cover my head, feeling around for anything out of place. My hair stands up?! What!?

Umma starts to giggle, covering her smile. "Come on, Baby, leet's go outside." She grabs her tea, heading for the back door.

Still in shock, I slowly follow after her, patting my hair to keep it down. He has to be lieing. My hair does not stand up!

The yard outback is small, but perfect for my family. Just enough room to sit around and enjoy the sky.

"Umma..." My expression falls into a serious one as I sit in a chair.

"Yes, dear?" She sits as well, taking a sip of tea before folding her hands and looking at me across the table.

"...Does my hair really stand up?"

The giggle fit comes back for round two.

When she calms down, she's able to ask, "What's really bothering you?"

"Well, remember how I got this great oppurtunity to go on a concert run with my favorite band? It started with that..."

And so I explain in great and horrifying detail what has happened thus far. Even when she urges me to go faster and get to the point, I continue with the tiny things. I mean, Onew's parents' names are important for this story, right?

"...and he was gone. He didn't look very happy, either. I think he's angry with me."

Umma's smile returns. "Oh sweet thing... Young people are so cute." She takes a sip of her tea yet again. How does she have any left?

Wait. "That's it?" How does that help me? It doesn't answer anything! I feel horrible and she just goes and calls me cute? What kind of mother-

"Aunt Baby!"

A young girl of 6 comes running from the house and into my lap, giving me a huge hug.

"Oh my goodness! Did you get bigger? It's only been two weeks!" I wrap my arms around my neice tightly, fluffing her hair that looks just like mine.

"Neh, neh! And guess what? I already have your birthday present! But you don't get to know!" The young girl laughs evilly, yet it sounds ridiculous, so I laugh with her.

"You really are a bug, aren't you?" I tickle her sides. "You will forever be Bug! The weird and silly neice!"

"Ahh!" She jumps from my lap, heading back inside. She stops at the door to turn around. She gives me her best aegyo, saying, "I like being Bug, so there!" And off she goes with the evil laugh again.

How can I not laugh in return? What 6 year old doesn't have the evil laugh down yet?

Turning to look back at Umma, she's standing, a weird smile on her face. "Are you staying for dinner?"

Guess the conversation really is over. For good. 

"Yeah. might as well."

"Good. We can plan your birthday."

Yeah.... I turn a year older in just a few weeks. And so does he... I wonder if I'll be able to tell him 'Happy Birthday' or not... And after that, it's Christmas... and then the first concert....

Wait, wait, wait! Stop thinking about that stuff for now!

I shake my head, trying to forget. Tonight, no more thoughts about that! Or idols! Or chicken obsessed leaders!

Even if he is incredibly cute and I'll be seeing him again soon....

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Chapter 15: Nice fict.. update juseyo author nim.. ^^
Chapter 14: take your time <3
Chapter 13: Just came across this fic and I could say that the plot is kinda new to me :) I like it! ㅋㅋㅋ
Oh 2Min... such a wrong timing! Lol please update soon! ^^
kitsune-devil #4
Maymeihua: it has been awhile! I'm catching up on recent activity and Taeminnie is so manly now....
Chapter 13: hahaha! Taemin is so cute :') it has been long since he showed aegyo like that :'(
Chapter 12: hehehehehe and so the mission begins! i feel a little sad because of their little misunderstandings :(
kitsune-devil #7
:) I am so happy!!!!! KeiMisaki, Android17swife, maymeihua_.... Please expect the next chapter this week!!!!
Chapter 10: Yay. Pls continue rhe Story
Android17swife #9
Chapter 10: Congrats!! :-D I just started reading this fanfic and can't wait to see what happens next!! Please update soon!! :-)
Chapter 10: CONGRATS!!!!!! i hope you can continue even though it has been long... will wait and support!!