
Town House Dork
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♣  f i n a l  ♣
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2 weeks later.


YoungJae was making himself busy and he did not stop working, even at lunch hour. HimChan, who had notice his behaviour, approached him carefully while carrying a box of pastries. He sits quietly beside YoungJae and put the box on his desk.

"YoungJae." He called.

YoungJae does not respond.

"Jae, YoungJae." HimChan nudged him.

YoungJae stopped typing on the keyboard and looked at HimChan. It was obvious that he does not sleep a wink yesterday and the fact that he had been sitting in front of the computer all day just made his feature look worse.

"Your shift ended like almost an hour ago, Jae. You should go home and rest."

"Wait, my shift had ended? What time is it?."

HimChan pointed to the clock and YoungJae sighed, rubbing his face tiredly.

"Here, have some. I know you didn't eat anything at all today. Make sure you eat it or I'll personally kill you. And have a proper meal when you get back. This is just to keep you energized for a while." HimChan handed him the box.

YoungJae didn't say anything and accepted it quietly. "Thank you."

YoungJae proceed to turn off his computer and packed all his things before standing up to leave.

"Don't think too much about it, YoungJae. I'll take you out tomorrow if it'll take your minds off of it."

YoungJae just offered a small smile at him. "No, I troubled you enough. I think I'm just going to sleep all day tomorrow anyway."

HimChan just sighed at him and they both walked together to the parking space and bid each other goodbye.

YoungJae drive slowly and he turn on the radio in low volume. He sighed for the millionth time that week. The reason why he purposely didn't sleep yesterday and he overworked himself today is because tomorrow is Saturday. It means that he doesn't have to go to work, which equals to him moping around in his house, thinking about that night.

He just hoped he will be tired enough that he'll just sleep the day off tomorrow.

Sunday is good. He had planned to go out with JongUp and JunHong. They will be doing things all day. He would not have to think about him during that day.





3 days after the incident.


YoungJae was confused with DaeHyun’s behaviour that night and they had been avoiding each other for three days.

YoungJae sighed. “Looks like we’re back to square one again.”

He was not mad at DaeHyun, since it was JunHong and JongUp who made them kissed. But he was confused as to why DaeHyun acted the way he did. He was not mad, or feel weird about it. Well, he already admit to himself that he does like DaeHyun, so maybe that's why. It actually feels nice. Even though they didn’t move, it was just lips against lips, but he still think that Jung’s lips feel nice. He blushed when he realized his thoughts and slapped himself lightly.

“What am I even thinking? He probably doesn't even like me like that."

Then he realized something.

“I don’t even know if he’s gay.”

When the thought sink in, he gasped. “Maybe that’s why he apologized. Because he didn't feel the same way? He looked really scared whenever he saw me. Sure, he flirt with me but that doesn't mean he’s not straight. Even if he's gay, he probably doesn't share the same feeling and he's scared if I might get ideas, so that’s why he was avoiding me."

Even though it will hurt him if DaeHyun doesn't like him the way he does, it hurt him more when DaeHyun avoid him, pretending that he doesn't exist. He decided that DaeHyun is more important than his stupid feeling, and he doesn't want DaeHyun to slip away just when they are starting to be close.

He sighed when he thought about it. 'It was just a kiss. Is he that mad? Or is he disgust with me? Does he hate me now?.' YoungJae thought.

YoungJae decided that he had enough of not knowing and he grabbed his phone on the bedside table. He typed something on his phone and press send.





YoungJae lay on his bed, waiting for his phone to buzz. It took a while.




Are you busy?


YoungJae's grip on his phone tighten when it took 15 minutes for DaeHyun to reply, which is unusual since DaeHyun always reply to his text faster than he could hit the send button.




I was wondering if you’d like to meet sometime? I have something to talk to you


This time, it took DaeHyun almost 40 minutes to reply


I’m not sure, I’ve been busy lately. You know, work. But maybe some other time.


Okay, I understand. Just let me know when you’ll be free, okay?


Okay, but I won’t promise.


It’s clear to YoungJae that DaeHyun didn’t want to talk to him. His heart felt like it was being stabbed and suddenly he felt like it was hard to breathe.


I'm losing him. Just when I realised my feeling, I'm already losing him.


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Present day


YoungJae though that it was final. That DaeHyun doesn't want anything to do with him anymore, and he had stop trying to talk to him when he doesn't reply to any of his text and when he pretend that he didn't saw YoungJae when he was literally in front of him.


He knows when to quit.


He was not mad at JunHong and JongUp. They didn't expect it to turn out like this. They've already apologised to both him and DaeHyun, and he didn't blame them. Not really. Even if they did started all this, still, they were just playing around. YoungJae already forgive them long ago. He still hang out with them once in a while.

Again, he was disappointed. It was DaeHyun who wanted to be in a friendship with him. It was DaeHyun who made him fall for him. It was DaeHyun who made him feel all this sort of thing he didn't want to feel at the moment.


Suddenly he was mad.


He doesn't understand why DaeHyun refused to have a talk about it. It was one kiss. It was not even considered as a kiss. It was an incident. It was ridiculous for anyone to get worked up over an incident. YoungJae didn't regret what had happpened that night but no matter how much he liked it, he can't help but wish that the incident didn't happened if it means that DaeHyun would not avoid him.


He arrived at his house, feeling exhausted all of a sudden. He had been thinking about this since that night and as much as he wants to stop thinking, he couldn't. He just don't understand why DaeHyun acted the way he did. If he hated him that much, he could just say it to his face and that way, he could move on.


He stepped out of his car and slammed the door closed. He unlocked his gate when suddenly, he heard a door being opened. He looked up and he regretted doing so.


Jung DaeHyun.


His heart started to speed up.


He watched him tying up his shoes. He noticed that DaeHyun was balancing his phone between his ear and shoulder. DaeHyun was on the phone and he laughed at whatever the person on the other line said.


YoungJae could hear his laugh loud and c

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I've changed my username from 'HanaBlingers' to 'AprilTwilight'


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ShinSeoRae #1
Chapter 12: This is so fudgin cute I forgot my worries for a while :))
Just a little sad Yongguk didn't meet them tho
yellowrere #2
Chapter 11: ohh please update it's so cute
altosankun #3
Chapter 11: no need to be sorry daedae im sure you 2 love it
just take my jaejae in the bedroom *shalala* this is so good pls more daejae
altosankun #4
Chapter 11: no need to be sorry daedae im sure you 2 love it
just take my jaejae in the bedroom *shalala* this is so good pls more daejae
BbuingBbuingMaknae #5
Chapter 11: more daejae im soo glad yesh*^*
Chapter 11: Omggg the devils duo! Lmao xD
Chapter 10: Daejae is developing I see ;)
Chapter 8: I wonder what will happen to me if i have friends like them XD
Chapter 7: Awwe. Their so adorable! Stop denying Youngjae! ;)