

“I’m sorry, Byun Baekhyun, but you’re suspended” Kim Minseok, the Police chief annouce which make Baekhyun look at him in disbelief.

“Wh— What the did I do,hyung ?! Why in’ suddenly?!?” he ask, dropping all the formalities.

“Watch your tone, Baekhyun. We’re not at the outside. This is office, your workplace, my workplace which mean that you have to know where your standard is. Show some respect at least. I’m your chief here, not your friends.” Minseok sternly said as he keep his formalities .

Baekhyun look away as he try to calm himself before look back at his “chief”.

“I’m sorry. But .. oh god, what’s going on? Why I’m suddenly get suspended?” he look at Minseok , abit boiling up.

“I don’t know. This is an order from the authority. I’m just taking order and didn’t question back since I don’t have any right”

At the cornerof Minseok’s eyes, he could see that Baekhyun still angry of what just happen to him. Came to work like usual then suddenly been called up to the chief room for getting suspended, really out of his daily routine. Baekhyun must be really shocked with the news.Also must be really frustated.

Then it hit Minseok. Whats really happen? He seeing how Baekhyun worked. He’s done such a excellent job, but why suddenly he’s getting suspend? Did Baekhyun do something without he knew but the authority? Did Baekhyun do something dangerous? Minseok thought.

He lean in the table as he propped his elbow up on the table and rested his chin on his palms then look at Baekhyun, “What did you do at the outside, Baekhyun ?”


“Then why –?”

“How should I know. God, now how I supposed to catch that bastard !” without he knew, he slip out something that shouldn’t be known by Minseok.

He raise his eyebrows as he look at Baekhyun.

The relasation hit him few minutes later, then he mentally slap himself.

“What bastard?” Minseok ask.

“N— Nothing. I better get –“

“BYUN BAEKHYUN “ With those, enough to make Baekhyun stop before finally spilled out the truth. Baekhyun didn’t dare to keep the secret much more since he knew that its going to be a disaster if keeping the secret from his Minseok that long.

After a few minutes telling the whole story, from A to Z, Kim Minseok finally understand whats going on. He then took a deep breath before look back at Baekhyun who just desperate on finding Kim Taeyeon.Then something popped up on his mind. He smirked at Baekhyun which make the latter blink at him.

“You fall in love with her right ?” the chief smile.

Baekhyun starled as he tilt his head then.

“Don’t act cute, Byun Baekhyun . I knew it from what you’ve told me”

“I-I don’t know?” he look away, try to avoid the hyung.


“Whatever it is, please don’t tell to others, please? I don’t want that them to involved in this” Baekhyun plead.

“But you’re suspended now, Baekhyun. You’ve got nothing now. I think its better that you told all of them. You need our help to catch that maniac.”

Baekhyun seems puzzled about telling the others. Well, actually Baekhyun have his own special force. Well, this “force” just for fun or if one of the group needed some serious help. With 9 members in the force, everyone of them has their own special skill. Kim Junmyeon aka Suho  along with Kim Minseok aka Xiumin making plans carefully because of their brainy brain also with their leadership skill. Baekhyun, Chanyeol along with Chen are investigating things or doing their undercover. D.O, Lay,Kai and Sehun were together for Techs’ stuff or weapons.They even helped the police department solving the unsolved cases using their own skills. No one knew about this ‘force’. Even the authority didn’t know about this. But with their help, many mysteries and unsolved cases been solved.Eventhough they all on the same force, they all working on different types of bussiness except for Suho, Xiumin, Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Suho who is a chief police, like Xiumin himself, but working on other district.

All of them met when one of the biggest suicide case found to the dead end and its leave unsolved. The minister gather all them and make them as a team. Of course at first they refused to worked together and all but as time flies, they finally solved the case and bonding very well together. Since that, they all keep on touch.

Solving each other problems and having their backs are the main thing that make their keep their brotherhood stronger.

Which Baekhyun, like it or not, have tell the brother. It’s a blood-promise that they all have already made.

“So?”Xiumin ask as Baekhyun snap back to reality.

The latter sighed.

“Fine. I’ll meet the guys soon and told them,” he said.

“But I think that Chanyeol already told the others about this and you just had to discuss whats your next plan, Baekhyun-ah” Xiumin said as he just smile then excuse himself because he needs to go somewhere else.

Baekhyun sighed, later then walked out from Xiumin’s office and went to his desk. He pack some files along with his medal for best investigation before. Then he put his police badge with his gun. Baekhyun once again sighed before left the desk. He could heard all those whisper and already figured out that the rumoured gonna spread all over the station much sooner than he thought.

As he step out from the police station, Kai and Sehun already waited for him at the outside. They both lean on Kai’s car as they busy playing with their phones. Playing games, he guessing.

“What are guys doing here?” Baekhyun stand infront of them with his folded arms.

The boys look up before look back on their phone. Meanwhile Sehun answer, “Chanyeol already told us what happened”

With that, Baekhyun let out a big sighed,Xiumin was right though. “That Chanyeol “ he muttered.

“Now what are you planning to do ?” Kai finally put his phone down and look at Baekhyun.Follow by Sehun .

“Lets talk when everyone gather together, huh?”

Both of them just nod their head before enter the car. Baekhyun follow afterward as he sit at the back with Kai drive the car and Sehun sit beside him.Kai drive until out of Seoul.

They went deep in a village and deep in the forest. In the middle forest theres a villa.No one goes there except for the boys. The villa has various type of flowers and a big pool. A fine design with an import furnitures from the other conturies inside and around the villa. Theres almost 15 rooms with every bathroom included with it.  Eventhough there alots of bedrooms but the boys usually sleepover on one room. They usually crush on Kyungsoo aka D.O’s room which its so clean and got a lot of game stuffs everywhere. So they hangout there and talked about stuffs. The villa also contain a massive living room, dining room, kitchen, the games room, the mini theater, gym, and also a big walk-in closet.

Baekhyun the only one who moved out because he always worked late at night and their villa too far from his workplace so he gets his own two-storey house near the police station. Suho also got himself a house near his parents, but he more prefer living with his brothers.

“We’re homeee” Kai annouce as he park his car on garage that filled with 20 of types of expensive cars. Well, what can you say? Boys and cars just like girls and makeups, the bonding is forever… Besides the boys are rich as ever.

Three of them get out from the car as they headed straight to the kitchen. Their stomach couldn’t wait any more drumrolls sound-like, and they needy for food.

Opened up the fridge , all of them gasped.

NO FOOD (but only green things, BUT to them, its still an empty space)

That GIGANTIC refriganerator are freakin’ EMPTY.

All of them freeze on their spot as they look with their mouth open, at the fridge.

Just right on the moment, Kyungsoo came from the upstair and saw all three of hungry people , with their wide open mouth and oh-so-shocking-faces, standing dumbfounded infront of the fridge.

“Hey what are y— ahh, you guys hungry?”

The three boys instantly look at D.O, wanting no-, demanding food.

“Well,” then D.O push those three as he look inside the fridge.Then he continue, “hey look! Theres some salads and some vegebtables here. Do you guys want me to cook with i—?”

As soon he look at besides him, those three already called some delivery foods. Kyungsoo faceplamed as he then proceed to go to the living room.

Then Baekhyun joined him. Along with those two .

“Is Suho going to be late for today?” Baekhyun ask at D.O as Sehun and Kai busy strolling all the shows on the TV.

“I think so.Maybe not, I’m not his secretary, bro.Oh, I’ve heard the news, Baekhyun-ah”

Baekhyun immediately noted to himself to shoot Chanyeol once he saw him.

“Chanyeol told you?”

D.O shrug as he sit straight looking at him .

“So, what are you planning to do now ?”

Just before he could told D.O that he wait for the others to come home, all of them heard noise from the front door. They all already expecting that Chen and Chanyeol already back home with their little argument. The boys ran to there seeing those two inside the house while pointing their guns toward each other, which of course nothing surprise about it. They two always “fighting” like that but at the end laughing like a fool while watching Mr.Bean. Oh dear…

 Then they spotted Lay who trying to calm those two down.

“Yah! Detective Conan much more better than your Naruto !”Chen shout.

“Oh My— How could you little rascal! Should I show you whats MY SHARINGAN looks like! Its black and I could easily shoot you from here you tiny kid !” replied Chanyeol with the same volume as Chen.

“Oh do you want to look—“

“GUYS!”D.O finally shut those two down.

“Oh, everyone is here?”Suho, who just came in the house with Xiumin followed behind him.

“Welcome home, dude !” Sehun reply which receive a glare from Suho.

Just before Suho could scold Sehun for the rude greeting, Baekhyun quickly cut them off by saying, “Ive got something to tell you guys”

Now eyes on Baekhyun.

Baekhyun cleared his throat as he smoothly shove his hand on his pocket.

“I’m pretty sure you guys heard already the stories from Chanyeol about Kim Taeyeon,”he glares at Chanyeol before continue, “ I’m going to save her from the lunatic.So who’s with me?”

There was a silent for a moment before suddenly…

The door ringing which make all of them turn to the door while pointing their guns at the door. Suho put him hand up as a sign for them to keep steady.

He walk slowly as he took a peek from the door hole before putting his gun behind him.

The guys frowned as they put down their guns. As Suho opened up the door and meet with some delivery guy and dealed with the guy. He pay him before were given 5 boxes of pizza and some bir.

As he finally closed the door back, he sighed in defeat as suddenly the guys, one by one, surround him and attack him for wanting the food. They all pushing and pulling each other just because they all want the food.But only Baekhyun and D.O who just standing a few feets away from the “attacking zombies”.

Baekhyun are dumfounded with the sudden intruded from the delivery and all, just right after his suggestion.He cursed under his breath as slowly walks to Suho for taking his pizza too.

But then D.O pat his shoulder as he say, “You know that we all with you no matter what right?”

With that, Baekhyun smile then he happily pushing everyone aside as he trying to grab his pizza too.

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Thought on making one shot but end up making a short story . Heh. Enjoy !


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wildaagniya #1
Chapter 6: Noooo taeyeon-ah TT
funkyoilee #2
Chapter 7: finally you updated. can't wait for next chapter
mokumoku #3
Chapter 6: Update please
Chapter 6: NOOOOOO T_______T hope everything will be okay :(((((((((
k_nana #5
Chapter 5: This story already intrigues me so much with the plot n storyline, also of the characters. Esp Baek and Tae's here. I mean c'mon, admit it, detective Byun n detective Park sounds damn hot ;3 i hope u would have the time to give this fic a few new chaps, if that's not so much to take from ur daily life because I've been trying to search more good BY fics (yeah, i still sgip them hard as my first otp ever) n satisfy myself from their adorkable moments ;) anyways, good luck with ur writings!
Chapter 5: WOW, this story is so good, fun and interesting! Pls update as fast as you can. ^^
Chapter 5: Hahahahaha chanyeol aaaahhh why you imitate baek like that hahahaha xD so cute
Aihhh that junyeong guy ~
Btw baekhyun why so sweeeeeetttt ... omg
Chapter 5: This is such a good story, pls update! :)
MolinaV #9
Chapter 4: Please update!
ohbaektae #10
Chapter 4: it might be chanyeol wahaha
thanks for the update! cant wait for the nxt chhhap