

She strech her arms widely as she rolled around the bed. Yawning, then she blinked her eyes for several time enough to realize that she is not in her old bedroom. Also, the strong manly scent that she smell from the bed, almost melt her women heart. Then she finally aware that she is at Baekhyun’s room. Blushing abit as she remember what happened last night before she close her eyes. Hearing hummed lullaby from Baekhyun succesfully make her heart beating hard.Baekhyun sure have a lot of charms which Taeyeon herself couldn’t resist.

Just then she heard a fainted sound of snore. She rolled to the right side of the bed and slowly poking her head to look down on the floor.

There she met with Baekhyun adorable sleepy face also with Chanyeol who sleep beside him with his mouth slightly open.Now we know where the fainted sound of snore came from.She chuckle quitely looking at those two. They seems freezing sleeping down there eventhough they already wrapped themselves with a thick blanket around their body.

Feeling guilty, Taeyeon determined to redeem herself to them with cooking a delicious breakfast for them . She rolled herself to other side of the bed and slowly jumped off from the bed, not making any sounds.

She having her morning shower . When she was about to dress herself ,she stopped. She realize that she keep wearing the same white shirt and jeans. It has been washed by the hospital’s before but now, its already smells with her cold sweat from last night. She battled out with her thought, wether she should keep on wearing this smells shirt or ask Baekhyun for borrowing one of his cloth.

After afew of considering, she finally giving out and just keep on wearing her shirt. She knows that it might slightly smells but she has been burdened Baekhyun too much and maybe after this she could went for a walk around here and do some shopping for herself. Besides, she still remember her father’s bank account number. It still actived since her father left her some of his money .

Taeyeon walk out from the bathroom and took a peek on his bedroom to look if they still sleeping or already woke up.

“They still sleeping..” she mutters as slowly closed the door so she wont wake them up.

She then walk towards the kitchen since her stomach make too much of noises that maybe could be heard by  the neighbour. Silly…

Looking around the kitchen while holding on her hungry stomach, she peek abit inside the fridge and also inside the cabinet. Maybe her act abit sellfish since she didn’t ask the owner first , but hey, she really want to make herself and also the boys a delicious breakfast. Beside, she want to make it as a surprise for them.

She try to cook as quite as possible. But the sound of the spatula and the frying pan, just too noisy.

Taeyeon keep on looking behind her back so she wouldn’t make neither Baekhyun or Chanyeol wake up.  She really want to make suprises for the boys.

Minutes later, she succesfully make half-burned bacons and also half-cooked egg. She cry silently looking at her first breakfast .

“Gosh, Kim Taeyeon . I’m don’t know should I be proud of myself or should I cry for myself” she mumbled.

Seeing the food abit lacked, she make something that she’s good at. Kimchi Fried Rice. She take out some leftover kimchi from the fridge and also a cooked rice beforehand.

Just then, she hear some noises coming out from the bedroom. She expecting that the boys already waking up .Giggling to herself, she continue preparing the table. Putting all the product on the plate then she walk back to the kitchen.

Just right on the time, the boys come out from the bedroom.

“GOSH LOOK WHO’S IN THE KITCHEN !” Chanyeol exclaimed in angry manner.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes then he folded his arms and look on the dining table.He gasped.

“Whats wrong this time, Byun Baekhyun-ah ? We already found YOUR BELOVED KIM TAE—“ Chanyeol stopped whining the moment his eyes laid on the dining table .

Then Taeyeon came and look at both of them before ask, “whats wrong? Is it that bad? “

Baekhyun finally snapped out then quickly denied the statement.

“A-aniyo. This is my first time seeing this table full with this homemade food –“

“Me too” Chanyeol cut him off. Baekhyun glared at him but Chanyeol didn’t noticed it as he quickly sit down.

Taeyeon chuckle seeing both of them .

“Sit down” she said which eventually they both just follow it. Taeyeon chuckle seeing they both act as if like she is their mother.

She poured them some tea then ask them, “Both of you already washed your face and brush your teeth right ?”

Those two look at each other with their widenen eyes. From her corner eyes, she could see they both mouthed something like ‘just said yes, she wont know about it’

Taeyeon chuckle then look at them. She cleared which make both of them look at her with their cheeky smile. Eventhough they look so cute, but she wont fall into their trap.

“You cuteness wont effect me. Now go. Wash your face and brush your teeth before you could breakfast, boys.”Like a mother , she demand them .

“Yes, mommy” they both groan in union then raced to the bathroom.

Taeyeon chuckle as she take a sit and put the meal on each plate for them .

A few moments later, they both finally back to the table with half wet all over their body. Taeyeon widenen her eyes as she blink in pure shocked.

“W-what the—“

“He poured all the water at me !” they both say in unison,as they point at each other. Then they glared at each other before take their sit. Baekhyun next to Taeyeon as Chanyeol sit infront of Baekhyun.

“I hate you” Baekhyun mutters under his breath but all of them could hear.

Chanyeol knew that Baekhyun refers that to him but he just ignored it as he reply, “I love you too, Bacon-ah”

“You piece of—“

“Stop bickering, kids. Dig in your food”Taeyeon said as she stop them.

Giving Chanyeol the death glare, he turns his head to Taeyeon.Just right then, his smile crept on his face. She just look so beautiful this early morning.He’s wonder wether she’s wearing any makeup or not, because damn, she’s look so beautiful.He could see her dark brown eyes clearly, just like crystal clear. Oh and her lips look so kissable in this earlier morning, look just like strawberry lollipop .

Did he already said that she’s so beautiful today ?

Ahh, Kim Taeyeon so beauti—

“Yah, start praying. I need to eat” Chanyeol snapped his thought which make Baekhyun let out a big sighed as he look down and start to pray, saying his grateful for the food.Then all of them start to dig in.

While eating Baekhyun looked beside him, who is Taeyeon that quietly eating her breakfast. munching the food succesfully make his heart goes duguen duguen like crazy. How can she be so cute just eating like that ? God, is this some kind of “punishment” for him ?

“Yah. Stop staring at Taeyeon like a ert. You’re scaring me” Chanyeol once again disturbed him.

Baekhyun caught red handed now. Then suddenly he could feel the heat on his cheeks. Is this what people said , blushing? He question himself.

He look at Chanyeol who smirking like idiot at him .Then he look at Taeyeon who just lowered her head. He could see that she also blushing. Which at the end make him grinned.

“Now you exactly look like a true prevert” and once again Park Chanyeol snapped him again.

“Could you shut up for one minute?” Baekhyun said with anger.

Rolling his eyes, Chanyeol just keep eating his food before took another few glance at the couple. Finding another chance to or even her ?

“Oh, Taeyeon-sshi . Do you want to talk about what happen last night ?”Baekhyun ask as turn his head toward her.

Taeyeon look up to him. He could see her cheeks have this faint pink along with her widenen eyes, gosh,, that’s really took his breath away. He almost passed out seeing her this close. Oh my god, whats wrong with him this morning ? Being this weird all of sudden.

Then Taeyeon told them what happen last night. Which at the end, make both of the guys look each other with furrowed eyebrows. Both of them knew that sooner something worst might happen to her. He might came to this house and take her away, or doing something even worst.

Nodding his head, Chanyeol gestured Baekhyun to calmed her after seeing her still have this worried written all over her face.

Baehyun turned to Taeyeon as he smiled sweetly to her.

“Don’t worry, I will protect you. I will keep you safe,okay ?” he said almost sound a prefect melody in her ears.

Gosh imagine Baekhyun with his messy black hair, smiling with his cute rectangular smile on his face then said the words infront of , no, just a few inch from you, Taeyeon almost turn into a hot choco right there. Well she could almost killed by that though .

Smiling like an idiot, she just nod. Just like being hypnotized by Baekhyun’s cute smile.

Just then Baekhyun realize something on her.

“Lets go shopping after this !” he suggest out loud which make Chanyeol  chocked his food as Taeyeon look at him with her widenen eyes. Who would thought that a MAN , a GENTLEMAN would actually suggest that early in the weekend morning. Weird, huh?

“W-what ?” both Taeyeon and Chanyeol said in unison.

Rolling his eyes, he explained , “Look, Taeyeon keep wearing the same cloth. So you, Kim Taeyeon need to buy new clothes !” he said happily.

Both Taeyeon and Chanyeol stare at each other before look at Baekhyun in disbelief.








There they are at the shopping mall. Finding a suitabke shop for Taeyeon right at the moment. She keep walk in at one shop and looking around for about a few minutes but feels like hours for the boys, then walk out without buying anything. The boys would let out their groaned as Taeyeon just say her sorry.

“I just don’t find anything interesting at that store. It’s not my style at all. Their style just too girly for me” she explained which make both of the boys look at each other.Seems like they have this similar thought hearing those explaination.

“I know what you think, you idiot! Don’t ever ask—“

Baekhyun didn’t even finish his word when suddenly Chanyeol push his face away then look at Taeyeon seriously.

“So you were saying that you want to go to the guy’s kind of store?Because you’re into the boyish style? Heol..” he gasped.

Taeyeon chuckle as she waved her hands, denying the words. Which leaving Chanyeol confused.

“Come lets go somewhere else” Baekhyun pulled Taeyeon hand but then stop  as he turn and look at Chanyeol.

“What ?” Chanyeol ask.

Baekhyun smirked before said, “I’m thirsty. Could you—“

“Gosh, just said that you need some time alone with –“

“JUST GO, WILL YOU !” Baekhyun cut him off as he kicked Chanyeol away.

Taeyeon abit confused but eventually laughing them. Then, after finally sending Chanyeol away, Baekhyun pulled Taeyeon and enter the next store.

This time, the store really gain her attention, really suited with her style. Taeyeon look around as Baekhyun just sit and watch her carefully. Somehow, his heart pounding hard just seeing her side-profile. Does this mean…?

Out of blue, her side already gone from his sight. Baekhyun sart to panicked as he stand up and look around. Still no sight of her. Baekhyun even went to undergarment area to find her but still no sgiht od her.

He almost run outside when suddenly someone stop him.

As he turn around there he finally let out a relief sighed.

“Gosh, where were you !?” he groaned which make Taeyeon chuckle.

“Sorry, but I just picked some cloth that drop on the floor for couple minute,” she chuckle before continue, “don’t worry, Byun Baekhyun-sshi. I wont ran away from you” Then she continue her chuckle.

Baekhyun playfully pinched her cheeks, accindentally.Which cause her to laugh but then stop as they both knew how closed they being right now.

He let go of her as he rub his nape awkwardly.

“Uh—, so-sorry”

She then smile before said, “Its fine though. I want to try on this one, could you wait for a moment at here?”Taeyeon snapped him.

“Huh? Oh.. O-okay “ he look away .

Taeyeon shrugged off the weird behavior that Baekhyun just gave to her then walk to the fitting room.

Before enter the fitting room, Taeyeon almost slap herself.She sure one hell of a liar if she didn’t admit the flutter feels whenever she’s being with Baekhyun.Only god knows how dying she is looking at his good looking figure, oh, and his beautiul smile. Gosh, how does that person even live on this planet?

Right before she enter the room, someone pulled her which caught her off guard. Her little figure trapped in someone bigger than her, has been closed by a hand with a cloth. She even smell something stink yet weird.

The person lean to her ears as he wrapped his arms tightly on her waist.

“Hello, my love” the person whisper.

The voice, the similar creepy whisper, the scent that she wished she would forget forever, Lee Junyeong.

She widenen her eyes as she mumbled something. But because of her covered-mouth, he couldn’t hear it clearly. Which end up making he laugh like a maniac.

“Tsk, tsk,tsk.Did you really think that I’m going to get you next week like that ? I just cant wait to marry you, Kim Taeyeon. Gosh, how miserable I am this passed week because of you.Now, shall we go and prepare ourself for  the—“ the next words that he whispered to her just went through her ears since she already passed out in his embrace.

Somehow, Junyeong just managed to get they both out from the store without Baekhyun or even the public’s sight.




A/n:I'm terribly sorry for taking a long time to update this one. Since I've got lack of ideas, along with lack of confident on keeping this one going, BUT with some support from a few friends, I'll try my best to finish this story. Thankyou for keep on subscribing this and I'll update the next one soon since I've already half away to finish the next update ! YAY ! Sorry for grammar and spelling mistakes. I hope that you guys enjoyed *bow* DONT FORGET TO DROP COMMENT or hit the upvote ~♡ Thank you ~

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Thought on making one shot but end up making a short story . Heh. Enjoy !


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wildaagniya #1
Chapter 6: Noooo taeyeon-ah TT
funkyoilee #2
Chapter 7: finally you updated. can't wait for next chapter
mokumoku #3
Chapter 6: Update please
Chapter 6: NOOOOOO T_______T hope everything will be okay :(((((((((
k_nana #5
Chapter 5: This story already intrigues me so much with the plot n storyline, also of the characters. Esp Baek and Tae's here. I mean c'mon, admit it, detective Byun n detective Park sounds damn hot ;3 i hope u would have the time to give this fic a few new chaps, if that's not so much to take from ur daily life because I've been trying to search more good BY fics (yeah, i still sgip them hard as my first otp ever) n satisfy myself from their adorkable moments ;) anyways, good luck with ur writings!
Chapter 5: WOW, this story is so good, fun and interesting! Pls update as fast as you can. ^^
Chapter 5: Hahahahaha chanyeol aaaahhh why you imitate baek like that hahahaha xD so cute
Aihhh that junyeong guy ~
Btw baekhyun why so sweeeeeetttt ... omg
Chapter 5: This is such a good story, pls update! :)
MolinaV #9
Chapter 4: Please update!
ohbaektae #10
Chapter 4: it might be chanyeol wahaha
thanks for the update! cant wait for the nxt chhhap