

“Are you done, Kim Taeyeon ?” Baekhyun called her out.

No respond.

“Eyy, stop playing hide-or-seek already with me. How old are you Taeyeon-sshi? 4?5 years old?C’mon. Lets go home. That Chanyeol kid already spammed me with stupid messages !” Baekhyun whining as he shoved his phone in his pocket.

No respond too.

“This time its not funny, Kim TAEYEON !”

Still nothing.

Groaning out loud, he stand straight before went to the fitting room. Then he stiffed on his spot as his gaze wandered around the fitting room. All of the door open which mean, No one, even a single person in the fitting room. He went inside as he start to worried.Kicking the door one by one then he peeked inside the room. Nothing.

He stand at the center on the fitting room as he spin around, trying to believe that this is not reality. This is just a stupid dream.

But it is. This is the reality. And the reality is that KIM TAEYEON IS MISSING . Nowhere to be found anymore.

Ruffling his hair, he look around the store now. No long black wavy hair to be found in the store.He run to the counter trying to describe Taeyeon then asking the reception wether she saw her or no. But the lady just shook her head before turning her attention to other costumer.

Baekhyun bite his lower lips as he eyes cant stop wandering around the store.

Just right at the moment, his eyes catch this familiar figure which make him run outside the store and catch the person.


“Chanyeol-ah , did you saw Taeyeon anywhere?”

The tall guy raise his eyebrows before tilted his head towards Baekhyun. Baekhyun groaned out loud then smacked his partner.

“You’re not cute acting like that ! This is serious ! DID. YOU. SAW. TAEYEON ?” He ask sternly.

“I thought she’—“ he stop as the frigtenen feels written all over his face.

“Oh my god” Baekhyun sighed then dragged himself towards nearest bench. Instead sitting on it, he step up on it and look around. Trying to find the girl . But no one seems like her. No one act like her.No one … like Kim Taeyeon.

He finally jump down then sit on the bench . How dumb he is, for not giving Taeyeon his phone so that she could contact him or he could track her down if anything, like this, happen. Right that moment he felt all the regret for not leaving her any tracking device so he could track her.

Chanyeol know that Baekhyun’s face right now. He somehow knew that he feel like all was his fault.

He scoop himself next to Baekhyun then handed him his drink, that Baekhyun already ordered earlier before.Eventually, Baekkhyun takes it and was about to drink it but stop the moment his phone ringing.

Baekhyun put his drink away as he answer the phone .


His eyes widenen the moment he recognize with the voice. Taeyeon !

“TAE!—“ he almost shout out her name but has been cut off by someone.

“Oh, hello there Detective Byun ! I’m Kim Taeyeon’s future husband and the love of her life, Lee –“

“Bastard ! You better let her go . You maniac !”he scold, cutting him off back. Then he calmed himself down before continue, “She suffer enough, Junyeong-ah .Please, she doesn’t deserve this. You need to get over her”

“Nope” he said playfully which make Baekhyun clenched his teeth.

“Listen here, I’m calling you not because I’m going to heard all your nonesense talk . I want you to stop worrying about Taeyeon. She’s going to be fine under my protection. She’s just need to be a good wife and just love me the way I loved her.I’m pretty sure that she could do that,don't ya think?.She just know the consequence if she ignore the order”

“God, please don’t hurt her, Junyeong”Baekhyun plead.

Junyeong laugh out loud hearing those plead. “How could I hurt her, Byun Baekhyun-sshi? She’s the love my life. I would never hurt her.” Then he chuckle darkly.

“Yeah right ! You touch her a tiny little bit , I’m going to you up , you piece of—“

“Byun Baekhyun-sshi, just don’t even try to find her or even contacting her again. If you don’t want her to get hu—“

“Hell, I’m going to save her and kill you, you piece of trash”

Junyeong laugh again before silent on the line.

Suddenly, “AHHHHH ! OH MY GOD ! JUNYEONG ! PLEASE STOP !!” Taeyeon scream out loud which make Baekhyun scream out her name and pleading for Junyeong to stop whatever he’s doing to Taeyeon.

Then Baekhyun could heard Junyeong moaned in statified. “Damn her blood tasted so sweet” he laugh making Baekhyun disgusting on his attitude.

“Like I said Baekhyun-sshi. DON’T. EVEN. TRY. TO. FIND. HER. Or something bad happen and the next thing that  arrived to your house ,… maybe one of her tiny finger or maybe… her pretty little head. I guess that you don’t want that to happen, don’t you?So forget her, and her whatever stupid story that she’s been said to you . Don’t even try to act as a hero, because at the end I am Taeyeon’s hero.”

He laugh before end the call.

Baekhyun look at Chanyeol who’s watching him all along, nodding his head. He knew that staying silent and just follow Junyeong’s order will not change the fact that Taeyeon going to get hurt. She’s going to suffer with Lee ing Junyeong . Baekhyun need to do something.

“Junyeong?” Chanyeol ask.

Baekhyun nod his head.

“You need— no, you want to save her right ?”

Again, he nodding.

“And kill that bastard ?”

Yet again, he nodding.

“And you need my help?”

Baekhyun smirk before getting up .

Chanyeol sigh , “Are you sure about this?”

“ing yes.”




“I knew it !” Chanyeol exclaimed which make Baekhyun turn to him .He then smacked Chanyeol at his head as he mutter,”Then you shouldn’t ask me alot, you idiot. C’mon ! Lets go to the station.We need to find information about this bastard before killing him”

Baekhyun determine on saving Taeyeon.

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Thought on making one shot but end up making a short story . Heh. Enjoy !


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wildaagniya #1
Chapter 6: Noooo taeyeon-ah TT
funkyoilee #2
Chapter 7: finally you updated. can't wait for next chapter
mokumoku #3
Chapter 6: Update please
Chapter 6: NOOOOOO T_______T hope everything will be okay :(((((((((
k_nana #5
Chapter 5: This story already intrigues me so much with the plot n storyline, also of the characters. Esp Baek and Tae's here. I mean c'mon, admit it, detective Byun n detective Park sounds damn hot ;3 i hope u would have the time to give this fic a few new chaps, if that's not so much to take from ur daily life because I've been trying to search more good BY fics (yeah, i still sgip them hard as my first otp ever) n satisfy myself from their adorkable moments ;) anyways, good luck with ur writings!
Chapter 5: WOW, this story is so good, fun and interesting! Pls update as fast as you can. ^^
Chapter 5: Hahahahaha chanyeol aaaahhh why you imitate baek like that hahahaha xD so cute
Aihhh that junyeong guy ~
Btw baekhyun why so sweeeeeetttt ... omg
Chapter 5: This is such a good story, pls update! :)
MolinaV #9
Chapter 4: Please update!
ohbaektae #10
Chapter 4: it might be chanyeol wahaha
thanks for the update! cant wait for the nxt chhhap