

A/n : Sorry for taking too much time. But here's the update ! Enjoy !


Walking out from their hideout, Baekhyun now walk through his living room.Then from there, he could see his gigantic best bro.

“Baconn !” he called him out happily as he spread his arm, expecting a hug from Baekhyun.

Baekhyun smirk as he ran to him and jump before smack his head. He’s got the feeling like he is doing a slamdunk toward Chanyeol.

Indeed, its Park Chanyeol. The most annoyed yet the best partner detective that Baekhyun ever got.

Chanyeol frowned from the smacked that his get. “What was that for ?!”

Baekhyun chuckle then just shrug his shoulder. He then staring at Chanyeol from his hair till toe.Chanyeol just wearing this big singlet with a short. His outfit does make him look so tall and hot.But…

‘What the hell did he wearing this kind of outfit, in this cold night? Is he out of his mind or something? Its freezing out there’ he thought.

Notice that he’s been staring, “What ? Am I too y for you too handle?” he then grin as giving him a flying kiss as if like he's flirt with Baekhyun.

With that Chanyeol earn himself another smack-on-his-head for the second time.Eventhough its hurt, Chanyeol could manage to chuckle.He rub his head in process.

“What the hell do you want?” Baekhyun ask.

“Nothing. I’m bored”he whine.

Just then Taeyeon peeking from behind the door. Chanyeol could sense something that watching him and Baekhyun from his bedroom, so he turn his head and finally met with Taeyeon’s.She starled but then quickly hide herself behind the door.

Baekhyun chuckle looking at Taeyeon hiding like that. “Cute” he mutter.

Then Chanyeol look back at Baekhyun as he mouth him, ‘Who is that?’. Baekhyun just pat his shoulder before walk pass him and went to his bedroom.

“Come on. Its not that maniac. Its my friend. Don’t worry” Baekhyun said as he pulled her out from the room.Unknowingly, he interwined her hand which make Taeyeon gasped and look down to their hand that prefectly interwined to each other.Baekhyun seems not noticed it and just brought her to Chanyeol happily.As for Chanyeol of course he noticed the interwined hands both of them.

As they both stand side by side, still holding hand, Baekhyun introduced Taeyeon to Chanyeol.They both awkwardly bowed to each other.

Baekhyun still didn’t aware that he still laced his finger together with Taeyeon and make all of this introduction abit awkward, just smile widely like an idiot. Then Chanyeol cleared his throat as he look away .

“Whats wrong, giant?” he ask.

“Seriously? You thought that I would be jealous seeing you holding hand other women ?” he said, almost sounded like he’s sulking.

Baekhyun blink his eyes as he try to catch what Chanyeol said to him. He then look down on his hand and finally realized it. Quickly he let go of their hand and took a glanced at Taeyeon . She already flustered in red and had her eyes look away.

‘Ahh, that’s why suddenly I felt warmth in my hand’he thought.

“Are you guys doing SOMETHING? Well, I’m sorry if I interupting that SOMETHING happen in there. Please , go back and continue to whatever SOMETHING that you guys doing. I’ll take my leave now” Chanyeol keep on emphrease that ‘something’ words as he smirking like a ert. As he was about to leave, suddenly Baekhyun pulled him and make him stand still.

Seeing that Chanyeol still smirking like a ert, Baekhyun hit Chanyeol's head. “Stop thinking dirty stuff, you ert” he stated.

“What ? I’m just saying” he mocked him .

Taeyeon just stare at those two as she shook her head. ‘Choding…’ she thought.

As both of those “children” keep on bickering about something unrelated things, Taeyeon took a step back as she walk to the mirror that show you the view of his frontyard, his garden and also facing the road and neighbourhood. It seems so empty since its already dark at night. But she still could see houses and the streets because of the lightroad.

Her eyes wandering around the neighbourhood but then caught something. A familiar figure behind Baekhyun’s car. She could see his face eventhough he already wearing his hud on. Those creepy smile with that eager eyes staring straight through her eyes. Her body start to shaking up but could stand still like a soldier. That figure took a step forward as Taeyeon took a step backward. Eventhough they a few meters away, his murder aura could reach until her spine.

Baekhyun who just rolled his eyes because of what Chanyeol said to him , then suddenly look at Taeyeon who just stiffed infront of the mirror that facing his frontyard. He shut Chanyeol up then slowly called Taeyeon’s name.


No respond. Just then, he knew something was wronged the way she just staring outside.

“Oh, c’mon , Baconnn! We’re not don—“ just before Chanyeol could finished his words, Baekhyun put his index finger on his mouth.Then he gesture him to look at Taeyeon, who stiffed like a statue. Chanyeol slowly look towards Taeyeon. She look like she’s been possive by something, with her eyes already redden and parted abit then her shaken body.

“Taeyeon-ah ?” Baekhyun called her again .

Still no respond but then suddenly she shook her head bit her lower lips which anytime sooner those lips would bleed.

Surprise with that, the boys look at each other then looked back at Taeyeon.

“Taeyeon-sshi ?” now its Chanyeol turn to called her out with a little bit louder tone.

Still no respond.But then, they both saw Taeyeon moved as if like she mouthed something to the someone/something at the outside.

Both of the boys walk towards her .

Back to Taeyeon, it seems like she already under his spells.Her eyes never look away even a milisecond. She keep her eyes on him so as him . At first ofcourse his eyes filled with eager , but then its start to softened which make Taeyeon knew that was so fake.

“Hello, sweetheart” he mouthed which she could see it clearly.

Taeyeon just too afraid to mouthed him back.

“Don’t you miss me ?” he mouthed again.

No respond.

“Aww, you do miss me “ he mouthed but then smirk.

Taeyeon could feel her eyes already pool with her tears but she need to hold on to it and stay strong.

“You such a bad girl, you know ? Running away from me just weeks before our wedding. Are you having those people called bride-panicked, don’t you? You should just told me that so I could arranged you to go on a vacay so you could relax and do well for our wedding later on”

Taeyeon bit her lower lips hard as she try to calmed herself down.

Then she saw these fire on his eyes that conclude that he’s in rage right now. He’s a horrible monster.

“The are you doing in that loser house? Are you crazy ? You’re mine ! Only mine ! Get the out from his house and lets go home ! RIGHT NOW!” he almost scream but still aware with his surrounding , he controled his beast inside him so he still mouthed her.

“You need to go to doctor, you know ? You are a sick man, Junyeong-ah.Just stay away from me. From my life. Found someone else even better than me and live happily. Forget me. Please” she mouthed to him, pleading.

Her words like pouring fuel on the fire. Junyeong now much more angry and just glaring at her from afar. If its not because of those two cops, he surely now barging into that house and pulled her hair as dragging her out from that house. Then shove her into his car and brought her home to be punished like a , she deserves.

Oh of course Junyeong already checked on Baekhyun’s police profile and also his detective partner, Park Chanyeol. That Taeyeon sure still has her own luck on this one. Bumped onto an A++ detective and getting help from him . But he just a detective after all. Junyeong’s power beyond than what they could think of. He could easily used his power and get rid of that Byun Baekhyun.

He sighed to calmed himself before mouthed back to her. “I’m gonna get you, Kim Taeyeon.” With that he dissapeared in the darkness. So mistery…

Just after that, both Baekhyun and Chanyeol  went infront of her and blocked her view on the outside.Taeyeon quickly snapped out and shook her head. With all the power left on her body right now, she dragged herself on the nearby couch and sit down. She curled herself as she burried her head on her knee and hug herself.  (I’m sorry, I am not that good explaining about someone’s position)

The boys look at each other then look outside on the neighbourhood. No one. Not even a movement. Then stared back at each other before went to her.

Baekhyun sit next to her as he rubbed her back. Chanyeol who is still confused, stand infront of them. Then they both could her sobbing which make both of them starled .

They at look at each other then look back at Taeyeon .

“H-hey ? Are you o-okay ?” Baekhyun ask, still rubbing her back, try to comfort her.

Taeyeon didn’t answer instead her sobbing become louder.

Chanyeol feel so frusterated because still lost because of what happen, then poked on Baekhyun’s shoulder which later Baekhyun giving him a death stare so he could stop poking his shoulder. Then he ignoring Chanyeol and comfort Taeyeon again.

Rolling his eyes, Chanyeol poke again Baekhyun’s arms which he knew its much more annoyed for Baekhyun .

He was right ! Baekhyun now, turned to him and cursed under his breath before he utter, “what?” annoyingly.

Chanyeol smirk then lean down so that his eye level same as Baekhyun’s.

“Can you tell me what in the world is happening ?” he whispered carefully so he would not disturbed Taeyeon’s sobbing session.

“I’ll tell you later. But now, can you help me make some hot choco for her and bring here”

“Why should I—“

“Go, Park Chanyeol” Baekhyun demanded which make Chanyeol stand back straight and rolled his eyes.He went to the kitchen as whining under his breath .

Chuckling on how Chanyeol’s behave, Baekhyun then turn his attention back to Taeyeon . He lean closer to her as whispered sweetly to her, “Hey, wanna talk about what happened?”

Taeyeon slowly lifted herself up and sit properly as she facing him with her puffy eyes and shook her head. “C-can we t-talk about this l-later?” she stuttered abit.

Baekhyun giving her the most sweet smile he could ever do to her then nod his head.

Just then Chanyeol, back with two glasses on his hand then he said out loud, “I think that you already out of choco, you choco monster. Did I already told you to stop drink a lot of hot –“

Baekhyun rolled his eyes , “Now you sound like mom, Chanyeol ~” he whined.

Chanyeol shut himself up as he shot his glare toward Baekhyun but then realize that Taeyeon already giggle looking at those two bickering.

“Oh, you are done sobbing ! Great . I’m sorry because not be able to let you taste the great hot choco by Park Chanyeol which is myself, and its because of this kiddo that already out of his choco and being grandpa for forgetting buying new stock of choco” he nagging.

“Mom~” Baekhyun whined . Taeyeon who just witnessed the whole scene giggle. Both of those gentlemen in awed saw her giggling adorably.

 Then Chanyeol snapped out and offered her a glass of water. She smile as thanked him .Chanyeol returned back with a toothly smile.

“Mine ?” Baekhyun ask for his water.

“Get for yourself, you lazy ” Chanyeol said as he plopped himself down on the couch beside Baekhyun . He drink the water that he already take for himself.

Groaning louder, Baekhyun get himself up and went to get his water himself too.

Then he came back and look at Taeyeon who just take a sipepd of the water and watch some random channel that on the tv with Chanyeol. Maybe Chanyeol, himself switched on the tv and randomly pick on a channel.

“Taeyeon ?” Baekhyun called her out.

Taeyeon look at Baekhyun who just standing a few feet away from her then raised her eyebrow.

“Don’t worry, okay ? Sleep on my bed. I will protect you from that maniac” he suddenly burst out.

Blinking her eyes, then a crept of smile formed on her lips but then she’s worried. “How about you then ?”

“I will sleep on the floor beside the bed with Chanyeol “ he grin as Chanyeol already widenen his eyes and look at Baekhyun in disbelief.

“Since did I even agree on –“ just then Baekhyun smacked his head to shut him up .

Taeyeon still worry for both of them to sleep on the hard floor. “R-really?”



They both say at the same time . Baekhyun smacked Chanyeol’s head one more time so he answered it right , again .

“y-yes..” finally Chanyeol said as he rubbed the area that Baekhyun’s smacked.He glared at that Baekhyun but he just ignored him.


Just before Taeyeon could finished her sentences, Baekhyun walked to her and pulled her up. He could see her tired eyes already.

“Come” he then guided her to his bedroom . He pushes the door opened and bring her to his bed. Its alittle bit mess but quite comfy. He sit her down and tucked her in the bed.

“B-but Baekhyun –“

“No. Don’t say anything . I know you’ve gone through a lot. Relax yourself and visit your magical dreamland. Ride a unicorn . Eat some candy . Be free at there. Don’t think about that maniac,okay ?” he caressed her cheeks then hummed a lullaby which she found so peaceful in her ear. Minutes later, she drifted to dreamland . Like Baekhyun said, a magical dreamland…

He hummed abit more of lullaby then slowly walked from the room .

He walk to the living where Chanyeol still stucked with the tv.He smirking at Baekhyun who now sitting next to him .Then a crazy idea popped on his head . Chanyeol lean his head on Baekhyun’s shoulder, pretended to sleep with his smile still on his face. Then he pulled Baek’s hand and placed it on his cheeks just like what Baekhyun did to Taeyeon while ago. Chanyeol hold his laugh as he , “sing me a lullaby so I can go to my MAGICAL DREAMLAND! And meet my unicorn and – “

Baekhyun already flushed in red as he now doing this arms locking with Chanyeol.  Eventhough feeling abit hurt, Chanyeol still laughing out loud looking at Baekhyun who is now blushing so hard .

Minutes later , Baekhyun let him go and smacked him much more harder as he mutter idiot to him.

Chanyeol stil chuckle but then he stared at Baekhyun and said,“You owed me a lot, Byun Baekhyun ! Now tell me from beginning !”

Sighing hard, Baekhyun then tell Chanyeol from A to Z which at the end make gigantic gasped.

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Thought on making one shot but end up making a short story . Heh. Enjoy !


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wildaagniya #1
Chapter 6: Noooo taeyeon-ah TT
funkyoilee #2
Chapter 7: finally you updated. can't wait for next chapter
mokumoku #3
Chapter 6: Update please
Chapter 6: NOOOOOO T_______T hope everything will be okay :(((((((((
k_nana #5
Chapter 5: This story already intrigues me so much with the plot n storyline, also of the characters. Esp Baek and Tae's here. I mean c'mon, admit it, detective Byun n detective Park sounds damn hot ;3 i hope u would have the time to give this fic a few new chaps, if that's not so much to take from ur daily life because I've been trying to search more good BY fics (yeah, i still sgip them hard as my first otp ever) n satisfy myself from their adorkable moments ;) anyways, good luck with ur writings!
Chapter 5: WOW, this story is so good, fun and interesting! Pls update as fast as you can. ^^
Chapter 5: Hahahahaha chanyeol aaaahhh why you imitate baek like that hahahaha xD so cute
Aihhh that junyeong guy ~
Btw baekhyun why so sweeeeeetttt ... omg
Chapter 5: This is such a good story, pls update! :)
MolinaV #9
Chapter 4: Please update!
ohbaektae #10
Chapter 4: it might be chanyeol wahaha
thanks for the update! cant wait for the nxt chhhap