Chapter 9

Falling for Mr Arrogant
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I sigh, looking at the Ahjussi struggling to get all the luggage out by himself and somehow felt bad about it. Why is no one helping him, I thought, looking around as the parents or guardian gathered around to pick up their children? It might take a while if he's doing it alone. I couldn't stand this feeling and walked over, grabbing one of the luggage and put them out one by one.

"Ahjussi, let me help you."

The older man looked surprised, "Agassi, don't worry, I can do it." He breathed out heavily. 

"It's ok, it will go quicker this way," I smiled back as the older man nodded, showing his appreciation. "That way you can go home quickly too."

"Aigoo," The man smiled, "gomapseupnida!" 

All the luggage and bags were stacked up on top of each other, and sometimes it was heavy. Why does everyone pack so much for such a short trip, I couldn't understand? 

"Oh, that's mine," someone said surprised, grabbing the black leather bag from my hands. "Omo, Hae Ra-ah," Baekhyun gasped. "What are you doing?"


"Why are you getting everyone's luggage out?" Baekhyun asked.

"It goes faster this way; it's ok." I smiled back. 

"Thanks!" Baekhyun said, walking to back to his friends Kyungsoo and Chanyeol, as he saw students around the girl.

"Yah, daebak!" Baekhyun gasped. "You reallyyyyyy have a nice fiancé!" He looked over at Chanyeol. 

"Why?" Kyungsoo asked. "What happened?" 

"She's not the typical spoiled girl, isn't she?" Baekhyun grinned, looking at Chanyeol as he points towards Hae Ra. 

"Oh, why is she…?" Kyungsoo asked, but got cut off by Chanyeol walking away towards the girl with a sigh. 

"YAH, Hae Ra, can you hurry? I want to go home!" A student called my name, while I'm trying to get her luggage out, but was struggling as it got stuck somewhere. "Aishhh…" The girl got irritated. 

"I'm sorry, just a moment… it's stuck, I think." I said to her, trying to pull it out. 

"KANG HAE-RA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" A loud but familiar voice called my name, making my heart tremble and flustering. I felt a hand grabbing me away from the luggage. Everyone was surprised and scared at the same time.

"Chanyeol-shi?" I whispered, looking surprised as well, not sure what to say. 

"YAH, Han Sun-Hwa," Chanyeol scoffed, "get your own damn luggage!" 

"Aaah whyyyyy?" The girl cried out, looking annoyed at Chanyeol. 

"Chanyeol-shi, it's ok," I said, slightly pulling his arm. "I'm just helping."

"See, she said it herself." Sun-Hwa crossed her arms while pouting. 

"All of you get your own damn luggage!" Chanyeol yelled, looking angry at every student as they all startled, but still did as they were told. 

"Don't be like that," I whispered, feeling bad, trying to help, but everyone refused my help, scared Chanyeol would yell at them again. No one would want to be on his bad side, let alone define him as he's the most popular, richest and powerful successor of all time at such a young age. 

"Omo, I'm sorry," the older man apologised and bowed towards Chanyeol and the students. 

"Ahjussi, it's ok, don't worry! He sometimes overreacts." I said, smiling while looking at Chanyeol, who's trying to be nice but still act as if he doesn't care. 

Chanyeol grabbed both of our luggage and walked away, as Suho ran towards him, taking over the luggage instead while Chanyeol gets in the car. 

"Ahjussi, no worries, ok?" I reassured him again, before running towards the car.

The older man nodded, "Gomapseupnida, Agassi!" 

I greeted Suho quickly while he put the luggage in the trunk and got in the car. Chanyeol was looking outside the window, not saying anything. 

"Thanks," I said, knowing he meant well and was trying to help out.

"For what?" 

"I know you meant well…" I smiled, fumbling with my fingers. 

Chanyeol sighed, this time, he turned to face me, "Why are you even doing that for them?" 

"Because the ahjussi was doing it alone," I explained. "It's too much for someone to do alone; no one was helping him. I felt bad." I pouted. 

"It's not your job!" Chanyeol almost yelled but controlled his voice the moment Suho got in the car. 

"Aaah, why are you angry at me again? I didn't do anything." I said, a little annoyed.

"If you're like this, people will take advantage of you…" Chanyeol sighed. 

"Why do you even care?" I shot back. 

"Whatever, never mind." He said, looking away. "Do whatever you want!"

I wanted to react but decided it was best to keep my mouth shut, afraid we might fight again, and I was too tired to fight with him. Suho was there, so it would be too inconvenient for him to drive and listen to us quarrel over something stupid. 


As soon as we got home, Chanyeol went straight to his room without saying a word, ignoring me again. Back to reality, I guess. It was way too naive of me to think that things would be different after the trip. What were you think, Kang Hae Ra? He doesn't even like you, why are you still hoping? I grab my chest, feeling a little hurt inside and went into my room. 

I let myself fall onto my bed and stared at the ceiling for a while before getting up again. I need to face reality, and I can't get too comfortable here. Who knows how long I will be staying, it's not going to be forever. It's just for a while, so I need to stop dreaming and find a way out of this marriage. 

After a while, I undressed and jumped in the shower, feeling the hot water pouring down on my skin. It was hot at first, but then my whole body embraced the warmth, and it felt like it was hugging me from the coldness outside. The warm water running over my head and my body, washing away my unnecessary feelings and insecurities towards Chanyeol, clearing my mind at the same time, it gives me comfort. I know it sounds weird, but somehow I would always feel refreshed when coming out of the shower. 

I quickly put on my PJ's and walked out while drying my hair and stumbled when I hit something or someone. 

"What the…?" I gasped, a little shocked and surprised when I saw Chanyeol standing in my room. "Chanyeol-shi?" 

"Yaaaah," he said and laughed a bit, "How come we always see each other when the other is just out of the shower, what a timing…"

I suddenly felt somehow in my shorts and t-shirt, trying to hide my legs, but couldn't. Why do I feel shy in front of him? It doesn't make sense. Get your act together, Hae Ra, I thought. 

"Why are you here?" I asked him, sitting down on my bed, still drying my hair and try to act as normal as possible in front of him. 

"Oh yes," he said, remembering himself why he was here. "My Hyung is coming home tomorrow, so he'll be staying here for a while again. Grandfather told him about us, so I guess we have to act a little." 

"Hyung? You have an older brother?" I asked, thinking by myself since I've never heard someone in the house talking about him. So, that's the other boy in all the pictures? 

"You better be home tomorrow, cancel your plans if you have one," Chanyeol demanded. 

"But… I… Omo Kai…" I hesitated, thinking out loud, not sure if I could go to the arcade with him. 

"Kai?" Chanyeol asked, trying not to act differently when hearing the name. 

"Guess I have to cancel then." I sigh but nodded. "No worries, I'll be there." 

"Yaaah, you're having a date while you're engaged with me?" Chanyeol asked, feeling a bit jealous inside.

"It's NOT a date!" I gasped, shocked by his response. "And since when are we engaged, we're not!" 

"People might find out later, so you better be careful with what you're doing. You can't disgrace yourself and my family like that!" 

I rolled my eyes, blood boiling inside, not sure if I should feel offended or not. 

"So suddenly I'm your fiancé now, suddenly you care about your image? And why do you care if I would go out with Kai or not? It's not like we're acting as a couple in school, so why should we do it at home? I thought you clearly said that I have to stay away from you as much and as far as possible?" I shot back at him.

Chanyeol looked annoyed while sighing, looking down. He glares back at me, and I felt a storm coming over my head. I shouldn't have said it, right? Oh god… 

"Do you want rumours going around that you're two-timing?" 

"YAH, it's NOT a date," I told him again, feeling misunderstood. "We're just friends! Who is two-timing who? Tsss…" Not sure why I keep explaining myself to him? But I guess he's right, I do need to be careful about handling things like this, but I won't admit it to him. 

"Whatever, do what you want then!"

"Why are you angry again? I told you I'd be there!" I said annoyed, trying not to turn this into a fight again, but somehow it's already too late for that. 

"Fine." He said quietly, turning his back and walked out of my room without saying anything further. 

I looked down at my phone and quickly sent a message to Kai, apologising that I have to cancel. Hoping he wouldn't feel offended, since it was complicated to explain what's going on. 




Any minute now, Chanyeol's brother —Park Min Woo— would arrive from France for the first time in many years. Suho went to pick him up early in the morning, while all the staff prepared his bedroom and making a whole feast for welcoming the eldest son of the Park family. Even I was slightly curious about him, not sure what to expect.

"I hope it's not going to be too awkward," one of the staff whispers. "It's always something when the brothers are together." 

"I know right, always such a weird atmosphere." The other one agreed. 

I stopped myself from going further when I heard them talking, not sure if I should intrude suddenly, it kept me thinking about who this Park Min Woo actually is. 

"If they fight, whoa, hell would break loose. I don't understand them. They are brothers, right?" 

The other staff nodded, "They're half brothers, maybe that's why their relationship is not good? Fighting for inheritance maybe?" 

"Hmm, probably…" 

Meanwhile, Chanyeol's standing behind them in a corner, quietly listening to everything, he must've heard them. His eyes seem sad somehow. There was this look on his face that I haven't seen in a while. I didn't know how to help him. He probably didn't dare to go inside the kitchen now. 

"Aigoo…" I said, walking into the kitchen, interrupting the staff as they quickly shut their mouth, afraid I would hear, but it was already too late. I opened the fridge and took two bottles of water out, before leaving, I stopped and turned to look at the staff. I know they don't mean any harm, but they should be careful when talking, someone might hear them, and it won't do anyone good. 

"You should be careful, you know," I said to them, not in an angry tone, as I know it's not my place to lecture someone, but I kind of felt it needed to be said. "Someone might hear what you said."

"Omo," the two staff's gasped out of shock. "We're sorry, miss." They both apologised and bowed. "We won't do it again."

I nodded, "I know… don't worry, I won't tell. Just be careful in the future, ok?"

They both nodded, feeling a little bit of shame, it wasn't my intention, but working in this house, I guess you can't be openly expressing things like this. It might hurt someone, and they might lose their job over it. 

I make my way out of the kitchen, looking for Chanyeol and saw him walk back up to his room and quickly followed him. He went straight into his room, leaving me in an awkward position. Should I just knocked and give him the bottle of water or just leave it here, but then he wouldn't know it's out here? I sighed, not sure what to do. It's not like I can make him feel better. 

I put the bottle down in front of his room, quickly knocked on his door and ran away to hide in my own room. Like this, he wouldn't feel pressured to see me or explain something. He must've felt sad earlier. My heart was racing at the same time while standing at the door, trying to hear if he opened the door or not.

A door seems to open and closed, which makes me wonder if he took it or not. Out of curiosity, I slowly opened my door, trying to be as quiet as possible and saw that the bottle was gone. A smile appeared on my face when I realised he took it. 

He must've been thirsty hiding away in his room the whole time, waiting for his brother to come home. Was he nervous or afraid? What are you thinking, Park Chanyeol? 


All the staff were gathered together in a line; it almost felt like the royal family was coming. Grandfather was feeling better and seemed to be in a good mood as well. Everyone was excited to see the eldest son Park Min Woo, but somehow Chanyeol was quiet, although he's usually quiet at home, this time was different. It makes me wonder what's going on with the brothers. I know it's probably none of my business, but seeing Chanyeol like this, hurts my heart a little even if I try to deny it, I can't. 

The black Mercedes finally arrived. To be honest, I was slightly nervous about meeting him. I wonder if he would look like Chanyeol or not. What kind of person is he? 

The car stopped, and one of the staff opened the door. My eyes widened when a tall and very handsome man in a dark blue suit stepped out. I can't believe my eyes and had to blink a couple of times. Omo, he's like an image of Park Chanyeol! They really do look alike!

"Whoa, handsome…" I whispered to myself and noticed that Chanyeol heard me. He rolled his eyes, looking a little annoyed. 

Grandfather walked towards his eldest grandson, shaking and hugging him. "Welcome home, come… let me introduce you to someone new in our family," he said proudly, guiding him towards me. "This is Kang Hae Ra, the girl I told you about." Grandfather introduced us. 

"Annyeoghaseyo," I greet him politely with a deep bow, showing my respect. "Welcome home…" I said, not sure what to call him and hesitated for a while. 

The handsome man looked at me from head to toe; I felt being screened and didn't know how to behave around him. I kind of felt a little intimidated. 

"Nice to meet you, Hae Ra-shi," he said in a friendly tone and smiled. "Let's get along."

I nodded, feeling myself smiling a little awkward. I guess he's nice, so it should be fine, right? Nothing to be scared about. 

Park Min Woo turns to face his younger brother and nodded, and Chanyeol did the same. 

"Welcome home Hyung." 

The eldest brother went inside with his grandfather, and we both followed quietly. My eyes went straight to Chanyeol, and somehow I was a little worried about him. Maybe because of what I heard this morning? It's definitely going to be a long day. I can tell. 

The dining table has been prepared with all kinds of food, especially Park Min Woo's favourites to welcome him home. Grandfather sat at the head of the table like usual, Park Min Woo sat down on the other side next to him, where I usually sit, but this time I had no choice but to sit next to Chanyeol. He didn't say much and was really quiet. 

We listened to his Grandfather and the eldest son talk about business overseas, updating about his life and what has been going on lately. 

"I'm sorry, I'm rude," Min Woo smiles, looking at me. "We talk too much about business at home." 

"No worries, I'm used to it. Don't mind me." I said, trying to be polite. 

"Have you been adjusting well, it must be difficult for you in the beginning?" He tries to make a conversation. 

"Yes, it was, but everyone is so nice and trying to make me feel at home, so… I guess I'm doing all right," I explained. 

"Since Hae Ra came, the house has been less quiet." Grandfather smiles. "I like it."

I smile back at grandfather. 

"My brother hasn't been giving you a hard time, right?" Min Woo asked, looking at his brother, trying to break the ice between them. I wasn't sure if he was serious or sarcastic. 

I nodded, "Oh… euhm," I look at Chanyeol. "No,…" I lied, even though we fought most of the time. 

"Good," the eldest son said, smiling. "Otherwise you can come to me." 

I laugh slightly, trying to be polite, not sure what to say. "Thank you…" 

"You can ca

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Chapter 1: Just read the first chapter. I like it!
Chapter 11: when they kissed .. my internal soul was screaming and squealing like a high school girl

but seriously Chanyeol, that was a really wrong move.. laughing at her pretend it was a joke like that :/

the formality they keep while calling each other is kinda cute tho. I'm glad to see that at least they have a little fun time together.
Chapter 11: I just wished Chanyeol wouldnt play too much of her heart, I mean she's innocent and fun to be with.
Chapter 10: Awwww Kai has a good heart and seeing Chanyeol jealous is fun! First Kiss huhuhu cuties!!!
Chapter 10: I see some changes..and I like them❤️ jelly jelly Chanyeol❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 3: Hello ! I'm a new reader, thank you so much for sharing this wonderful fic! I really like it.
Chapter 1: Thank you for coming back!❤️
greenland #8
I was so surprised to see the update of this story...... welcome back author..... thank you for updating
Chapter 13: authornim update please.. :D