Chapter 1

Falling for Mr Arrogant
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I sighed deeply as I sat down on the bench, waiting for the bus to arrive. My eyes were glued to the ground when I recalled the conversation with the doctor an hour ago at the hospital. It was really serious this time. Grandmother's health was getting worse, more than she had expected. My heartfelt heavy, I didn't know what to do. It was hard to accept the reality that she might be gone soon.

"Let's prepare for the worst," the doctor said, trying his best to keep her up to date with the situation, without offending her. This is one of the hardest jobs a doctor can have, telling bad news. At least he was very honest with her when she asked him to. "There's nothing we can do for her, except giving her the care she needs." He explained, with regret in his eyes. 

My mind was somewhere else, I could hear the doctor's voice in the background, but I was busy thinking about everything and nothing at the same time. The idea of grandmother not being here at all made my stomach turn. 

"Ms Hae Ra-shi—"the doctor called my name. I realised that I wasn't listening. "Do you have any other family members that can help you out?"

I stared with a blank face at the man, and a small "no," came out my petite lips. She only knew her grandmother. No one ever talked about any other family members. 

The doctor nodded. "Ok then, I will leave you for now until the visiting hour is over." 

Grandmother looked so pale and fragile. Did she hear everything? I hoped not, that might upset her. I grabbed her small hand, it was a bit cold, and put them between my two hands, trying to warm her up. 

The idea of leaving her all alone in the hospital didn't sit well with me, but I had no choice. It was the only way to get her the best care. I still remember the day I arrived at my grandmother's house, the way she took care of me was honestly the best feeling a child could ever feel and wish for. I smiled, for the first time in weeks. Just the thoughts and memories made me happier but also sad at the same time. I saw the bus pulling over, and quickly hopped on. Unfortunately, there were no more window seats left, I sighed, and just wherever I could sit. 




I threw my bag on the ground, and let myself fall onto my bed. Minutes went by before I decided to get up again, making my way to the bathroom. It was much quieter around the house. Before I could always hear my grandmother watching her television show, and laughing. This time, nothing, just silence. A sigh left my lips again, while I the hot water, filling the bathtub, and began to undress. After the water reached the right level, I turned the tap off and got in, carefully. The hot water pierced through my light skin, but it felt good and comforting at the same time. This is what I needed. I automatically closed my eyes and tried to relax my whole body. Just for a while, I wanted to forget everything. 

After 20 minutes, suddenly my phone rang, immediately caught my attention. There goes my moment of peace, I thought. I decided to get out, emptied the bathtub, and wrapped a towel around my body. I grabbed my phone, and a smile appeared instantly on my face. Of course, it was my best friend, Han Chae Won. Who else would it be? 

"Chae Won-ah," 

I could hear the loud noise coming from the background and knew that she was out again. Most of the students were because of its weekend. Only I would be the one staying home, watching all kinds of movies or dramas, eating the most unhealthy snacks. But tonight I felt like doing something though.

"Hae Raaaaaaa,—"Chae Won screamed through the phone, almost made my right ear deaf. 

"Are you out again, Chae Won-ah?" I laughed, this girl is something, making me laugh even when I don't want to.

"How do you know that?"

"Because I can hear the loud music in the background, you silly girl!" I shook my head. "So, what's up?"

"You know what's up," Chae Won raised her voice, probably because of the noises in the background. "C'mon, its Saturday night! You're always watching your dramas or whatever you're always doing." 

First I thought it might be a bad idea, yet I considered the invitation carefully, maybe it would be good to go out tonight, I needed some company, and finally agreed in the end. 

"Yeah, ok, I'm coming out." It was very quiet on the other side, except for the loud noise. "Chae Won-ah, you still there?"

"Sorry," the girl responded, she was amazed. "I thought you would say, 'no' again this time, but it's greatttttt!"

I smiled, "Text me the address, I'll leave as soon as possible." 

"All right, chingu, see you soon!" 

They both ended the phone call. 




After one hour, I finally arrived at the destination where my friend told me to be. I looked around because it was quite dark, did I get the right place? There seemed to be no one here. How is it even possible? I looked at my phone again, and it said, this was the destination. I decided to text Chae Won, just to be sure. I pressed send when suddenly a door flung open, and I could hear a loud bang. My attention turned to the person who came out of the building. I automatically raised my eyebrow while I walked towards the guy. He looked quite angry as he leaned his head against the wall. Should I even asked or bothered him? Should I say something or just stand here, awkwardly? I slowly got closer, and our eyes suddenly met. It felt as if he was looking straight into my soul. My heart was beating fast, not knowing why, or maybe because of him. I suddenly couldn't move an inch. The guy looked away and walked back into the loud building, while I stood there like an idiot in the dark. I was a stunt and could barely blink an eye. 

"Hae Ra-ah, you ok?" A familiar voice called my name. 

I looked up and saw a small figure in front of me. It was Chae Won. She looked concerned. 

"I'm sorry," I managed to say. "What, who was, never mind. What did you say?" 

My friend looked at me with a furrowed face but then guided me into the same building that guy was coming from. I followed her down the stai

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Chapter 1: Just read the first chapter. I like it!
Chapter 11: when they kissed .. my internal soul was screaming and squealing like a high school girl

but seriously Chanyeol, that was a really wrong move.. laughing at her pretend it was a joke like that :/

the formality they keep while calling each other is kinda cute tho. I'm glad to see that at least they have a little fun time together.
Chapter 11: I just wished Chanyeol wouldnt play too much of her heart, I mean she's innocent and fun to be with.
Chapter 10: Awwww Kai has a good heart and seeing Chanyeol jealous is fun! First Kiss huhuhu cuties!!!
Chapter 10: I see some changes..and I like them❤️ jelly jelly Chanyeol❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 3: Hello ! I'm a new reader, thank you so much for sharing this wonderful fic! I really like it.
Chapter 1: Thank you for coming back!❤️
greenland #8
I was so surprised to see the update of this story...... welcome back author..... thank you for updating
Chapter 13: authornim update please.. :D