Part III

When Morning Comes

It’s been twelve years since Minseok’s debut as an idol, as an artist under SM, but this year, he’s not renewing his contract. He’s had a number of solo activities since, as an actor mostly, and a representative at variety sports show. He’s been actively participating as a member, but this year, he has decided those twelve years as an idol is probably enough.

Minseok is still not certain of his future, with no one to manage his career, but it’s fine. He’s moving on to another dream of his. A probably bigger and scarier life. A life where he is the one who will decide for everything – no one to dictate and no one to blame for bad decisions. No one, but him.

He starts up a coffee shop. It’s quaint and personal and sits in the less busy streets of Samcheongdong. Chanyeol was the one who recommended the place, and when he visited, the owner was more than willing to have the space sold. He was moving to the States and it was the last property he has under his name. After a few negotiations, mostly on the terms of payment and mortgage, the place was sold to Kim Minseok.


On opening day, Minseok is surprised to see the number of people lining up outside. Baekhyun was the one who publicized the event in his Instagram, posting a picture of him behind the cash register with a caption Be sure to visit Xiumin-hyung’s Coffeeholics tomorrow’s opening day, and the next day, and the day after that, and kekekeke and Minseok is thankful their fans showed up for support, even if it was only a few months after his retirement from the idol life.

It was only Jongdae who appeared on opening, bringing with him two reporters who covered the ribbon-cutting and interviewed him for a 30-second exposure in the late evening news. Minseok didn’t mind, he wasn’t expecting this anyway.


The shop is bustling from morning to the late hours, until Coffeeholics has to close up.

“Don’t you think we should hire at least a few part-time helpers?” Minseok asks. He feels like he’s undermanned but his shop manager told him it’s just the hype of the first day. Minseok has taken a few classes on management a few years back but it’s not like he was able to apply what he learned until now (except in his entrepreneurial thesis that he took for a whole semester), so he hired one of his juniors in university to help him manage the job.

“I think we should wait after a few more days,” Kangjun answers, a little hesitant. When Minseok offered the job, he was bouncing from one office work to a franchise management to a branch management to another. The offer was tempting and it will be in line with his degree so he grabbed it with the condition that Minseok will still be physically in the shop to make decisions. He was basically just an adviser and a physical support to Minseok’s new venture. “If it doesn’t die down within the next two weeks – although I am hoping that it will remain like this – we’ll need a few more hands.”

Minseok nods and proceeds to the group of office ladies at the far end. He needs to close up and nobody in his crew wants to do the ushering out on their first day. Some of the fans didn’t want to leave just yet, half-expecting a photo opportunity but Minseok politely leads them outside saying that his staff still need to clean-up and prepare for tomorrow’s operation.

They promise to return the next day.


It’s almost one in the morning when Kangjun bids Minseok goodbye. His other staff has long gone and he stays behind just so he could take one last look around the shop. He grabs a mop from the storage and proceeds to clean what he thinks are missed spots in the middle of the store.

“It’s all real,” Minseok announces to no one in his empty shop. “It’s actually happening.” But there is a hint of sadness underlying the satisfied verse.



Lu Han pushes the heavy glass door, appreciating the heat of the enclosed shop. Having walked in the cold for about an hour, getting lost around the blocks, he’s starting to imagine things, like how he would see Minseok behind the cash register taking his order, or behind the espresso machine working out an Americano or a latte. What he didn’t expect was Minseok – a black apron around his waist, and a mop on his hands – wiping at an invisible stain on the floor. Lu Han’s pretty sure he’s not hallucinating; some habits really don’t die.

“It’s all real. It’s actually happening.”

Lu Han smiles to himself, and prevents himself from running over.

“Sorry, we closed a few- ” and the mop drops to the floor with a loud clang.

“I’m back,” Lu Han starts, his smile widening every split second.

It’s Minseok who runs over and hugs him, tight like he’s not sure Lu Han’s not real. Like his best friend will vanish if he doesn’t hold him tight. And Lu Han hugs him back, just as tight, leaves them both breathless.

“I thought you wouldn’t make it,” Minseok whines, holding back his tears, biting at Lu Han’s hood, his words come out muffled. But Lu Han understands and he pats on Minseok’s back.


Minseok sits Lu Han down at a booth near the counter. He locks the glass door and partially pushes the button for the roll up doors.

“Americano?” Minseok asks as soon as he’s rounded the espresso machine.

“Warm,” Lu Han smiles. “It’s freezing outside,” he supplies when Minseok raises an eyebrow. They usually get it iced.

Lu Han watches Minseok operate the coffee machine. He smiles back at Lu Han as he waits for the coffee to drip. After a while, Minseok pushes the coffee to Lu Han and urges the other to drink up.

“I meant to come earlier,” Lu Han starts as he places the mug back on the table. “But I fell asleep as soon as I checked in and then I got lost. Samcheongdong has changed in the last decade.”

“Of course it has,” Minseok teases, looking tentatively at Lu Han’s hands wrapped around the coffee mug; his eyes darts to the dimple that forms at the corner of Lu Han’s mouth when he speaks. “You’ve been gone far too long. You checked in?”

“I know you’re going to say I can crash in your apartment,” Lu Han leans in, his smile widening, and Minseok thinks it’s driving him crazy. “But I needed a back-up plan just in case I can’t, and you know, I can’t just barge in here as soon as I arrive. I accidentally booked a midday flight – gravest mistake – and I’m not so sure I’ll be welcomed -”

“Shut up, Lu,” Minseok reaches out to hold Lu Han’s face, and the Chinese man immediately leans in to the touch, face warming up with a tinge of pink at the apples of his cheek. “You don’t need to crash, you have a room in my apartment; I thought I’ve told you that.”

“That was five years ago when you bought it,” it was Lu Han’s turn to whine, holding onto Minseok’s hand. “You might have had another tenant for all I know.”

“I drove him out, just so you know,” Minseok retorts pulling back his hands which Lu Han reluctantly lets go. He folds them against his chest and watched Lu Han’s expression turn from shock to exasperation. He’s enjoying the teasing, Minseok is. Baekhyun moved out of his apartment before Minseok announced his retirement, saying he'll probably just be a burden when Minseok gets busy with the planning stages of the store, with the differences in their schedule and all. It was Baekhyun who lived in the apartment when Minseok entered military, and when he returned he had asked Baekhyun to stay until he has found an apartment on his own. Baekhyun did find an apartment but he gave it up when he decided to buy a house for his parents in Bucheon. Three years later, they still found it difficult to part. The vocalist moved in with Chanyeol in a posh apartment near their old dorm along Han River.

Lu Han pouts, “See!”

“I’m just glad you’re finally here,” and the older man means it, and wishes for the younger to stay with him for a long, long time. Forever. Minseok coughs at the thought. Two years is long enough to drive him crazy.

“You okay?”

Minseok nods and urges Lu Han to drink up, pulling a raspberry cheesecake a little bit later when Lu Han has launched into a long story about how he has seen them upon his arrival at the airport. He’s updating himself through social media and the fans praised the dessert specifically for its presentation, taste and texture.

“I think I read somewhere it’s creamy, but not too much,” Lu Hans takes a bite and he’s eyes light up. “This is good, I’m pretty sure it’s not your recipe.”

Minseok kicks him under the table.

“Awww,” the younger complains, his mouth half full, and cream litter. “Anyway, reports said you’re a breath of fresh air, owning one business and personally running it. A lot of people wish for you to succeed, and I’m saying this just because I want you to know that there are more people supporting you than those who are not.”

Minseok nods slowly, amazed, still, at how Lu Han is able to read his mind even after more than a decade of their friendship. He appreciates really just how much Lu Han knows him, knows how to comfort him, both physically and mentally.

At around three, Lu Han stands up and motions for another hug. Minseok gladly wraps his arms around him, noticing just now how Lu Han has physically changed. He’s more muscular, and his shoulders a little wider. It’s been five years since he had last touched him, when during an authorized leave from the military services, he secretly visited Beijing to attend Lu Han’s solo concert. He has seen Yifan, Zitao and Yixing at the after party but it was a private reunion at Lu Han’s apartment later that they were finally able to let lose. Jongdae has followed them at the apartment and the six men – once a part of a group – enjoyed the rest of the night with beers and chips and chicken.

“You’re eyes are half-closed, Minseok. If you can grab your things, I can wash these up and we can go home,” Lu Han offers, his hold on Minseok tightening.

“I’m too tired to argue so you can wash those at that sink, just leave them on the counter to dry. I’ll get my things at the back and we can go.”

Minseok drives up to his apartment, with Lu Han in the passenger seat. The younger man is claiming that he misses Seoul the most during Autumn. Beijing has parks here and there, but the foliage in Autumn is still the best in his second home. Minseok listens intently, interrupts occasionally to correct Lu Han’s grammar, or points out places that has changed, or new spots to visit. He makes a mental note to bring Lu Han within the week to the lighting festival near the Han River.

Lu Han asks about the others and Minseok shares that though they didn’t approve him not renewing, they knew it will happen eventually. Lu Han thinks a decision made in the last three years was enough for the others to think that this is really what he wants to do. Minseok took Lu Han’s advice to take things slow. They’re just grateful – Minseok, too – that it wasn’t such a big deal this time around.


When they reach the apartment door, Minseok is beat. He wants to just lie down and sleep, but he pulls himself to wash up and change out of his work clothes. Lu Han understands and though there’s caffeine still kicking in his system, he reluctantly tucks Minseok to sleep. He rummages through the clothes in Minseok’s cabinet – taking care not to mess up too much but fails anyway – and finds a shirt and pair of pants. He dives in Minseok’s bed sheets like he usually does most nights, years ago, and falls asleep.




Minseok’s eyes opens like clockwork. He reaches for his phone and frowns when it’s not on his bedside table. He freezes when he feels a body beside him.

“Kim Minseok, you’re too fidgety early in the morning,” Lu Han mumbles.

Minseok’s frown turns slowly into a bright smile.

“Ahh, too sunshiney,” Lu Han babbles, his lids half open now staring at the half-up torso of the other man. “You’re phone’s been off the hook since 6, I had to throw it out.”

Minseok’s frown returns, “That must be from the shop.” Minseok shifts and shuffles out of the bed but Lu Han stops him by the wrist.

“Relax, boss, I told – what’s his name? Kangjun? Yeah, that you’ll be there after lunch,” Lu Han’s up now, having exerted force just to hold Minseok back. His hair sticks out at odd places, eyes round and puffy, like a deer caught in the headlights. “You still have about,” he squints at his own phone at the foot of the bed, “three hours to pamper me. Now how about breakfast?”


Minseok groans as soon as he steps out of the room. He should be happy, really, because Lu Han has prepared breakfast, but that also means pans and bowls are scattered on the sink. He’s thankful there’s no smell of burnt anything.

Lu Han pushes on his shoulders and sits him near the counter. He barely notices the food on top of the table because Lu Han has taken the liberty to manhandle his coffee maker.

“Just so you know, I do remember how to use this baby,” he declares. “To be honest, I have an almost similar one at home.”

“That’s the newer version I told you about,” Minseok boasts. “Remember how much I wanted to take home that one from your apartment?”

“Ha,” Lu Han squeals when the coffee starts to drip after tinkering with a number of buttons. “I’ve sold that one out when you told me you’ve bought a new one. I tried to get myself the same, but this version was sold out. I had to buy from a different brand. Here.”

The two spends the next hour eating bacons, eggs, fried rice, and honey-based pancakes with mugs of coffee, and talking about Lu Han’s plans in the next couple of days.

“I’m out of commission for the next three weeks,” he admits. “I begged my manager and he agreed to this vacation only if I don’t cause too much controversy. Seriously. It isn’t like the time I showed up at the tenth anniversary concert in Beijing. Time has passed, people have healed.”

Minseok coughs at the memory of Lu Han standing at the front row watching them perform for their anniversary concert a couple of years back. It wasn’t that big a scandal but a number of fans recognized him and snapped away photos for all to see. Minseok wasn’t even allowed then to meet Lu Han, even if it has been 8 years (regardless the case wasn't completely closed yet), for like kids, they were ushered immediately out of the venue, and kept cooped up in the hotel until the flight early the next day.

In any case, in the present, Minseok agrees to take Lu Han out every night if the latter promises to move his things from the hotel to his apartment.

“They’re only clothes for about a week,” Lu Han voices out. “Besides, I need to keep the unit just in case people ask. But I promise to live here for the rest of my stay if that makes you happy.” He reaches over the table, pulls at Minseok’s face, and kisses the corner of Minseok’s mouth. “And if you can live with that over the course of my vacation, Baozi.”

Minseok tries to hold his smile but gives it up for laughter when Lu Han blows him another kiss.


Thank you again for reading! I just checked my word count and I'm well-over 7,500 words. Teeheee.. Anyway, there's another mistake I made. Apparently, the epilogue is not included in the four chapters, but that's fine because that's really short.

So we're left with one more chapter and the epilogue. And I wish wish wish that I could see you all until the very end.

Thanks for subscribing and reading! And let me know down in the comments what you think. Until next time!

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leaderssi #1
mamski #2
Chapter 5: This is just...beautiful,,,for now,we all know that xiuhan have no interaction in public,but we never know what happen between the closed door...
Lol '69' subscribers. -wiggles eyebrow-
Chapter 5: I love this story, it's really exceptional. I love the way you described them, how they separated maturely and reunited in happy terms and they could finally act upon their love. Thanks a lot for writing this story.
mamski #5
Chapter 4: Luhan is,the best friend,soulmate,brother,lover Minseok can asks for,and vice versa...their understanding for each other is so beautiful,,i wish i have someone who understand me the same way Lu Han did understan his Minseok..hohoho
000054 #6
Xiuhaaaan <///3
This is so cute and fluffy~~ can't wait for the epilogue.

But I think you should try and get rid of the trigger warning and M rating, kinda sends a different message about the fic than what it really is.
Chapter 3: as much as i love canon, it still hurts. thank you for writing this.. :)
WangJaeming #9
Chapter 1: Im crying when Minseok remember what Luhan gave to him... This friendship made me want to back to Wolf Era...