ㅤㅤ。*。。 ☾ㅤMIDNIGHT CHILL : LOREBOOK.ㅤ ☽ 。*。。ㅤㅤ

WEREWOLVES  ☆  gervase of tilbury and petronius are both individuals within history that forged concepts about werewolves, stories and folklore that interwove in europe's middle ages and caused quite a stir within switzerland to mirror the persecution of witches, now hunts for wolves. but the ideologies and images of werewolves within these articles are nothing like how they are today, going from belief of soul leaving a man in a trance to quest for an mammal host to representations of hell hounds who primarily walk upright and are barbarous killers. werewolves today do not resemble wolves or dogs in the slightest, but a mixture of mangled spikes and fur upon a rigid skeleton and a long jaw, the only canine like features being pointed ears and four padded paws. their eyes are a sickly wine color and their teeth are as black as their coloring, continuously sticking out from their lips in uneven rows. they originate from bites and scratches to a human, as a werewolf can only be born from a pair of full werewolf parents. once a human experiences a bite or scratch they will start to gain a boiling temper that aggravates with time, tap into senses that are heightened by fifty percent and then finally shed their form into a werewolf by the next full moon. but after the first change, from there it does not matter if there is a full moon or not, the werewolf will change once a week for the rest of their existence. werewolf blood is the hardest to obtain of the species, as it must be taken while the host is in their werewolf form. considering these creatures function on outrage, they will take down anything that gets too close in proximity.
LIFESPAN & DEATH humans whom have been inflicted with the werewolf's curse live as they would a regular human, but with an added lifespan of an extra one hundred years before they'd die naturally. the older a werewolf gets, the less agile and stealthy they become, and so by the second half of their life they begin to deteriorate the way they would have if they only had a hundred years. within their human form, they stop physically aging in their early thirties. in order to kill a werewolf you must stab it right between the eyes with a blade made purely of silver, and nothing else. you can slow down and harm a werewolf with wolfsbane before you make the kill, but there is no other known method to put down one of these brutes.

SHORTCOMINGS most do not run in packs despite popular belief. because of their insane thirst for fury and violence they tend to rip each other apart rather then stay in formation, and so werewolves often run alone. but some do manage to control their temperament and follow ranks like the typical werewolf party, with an alpha at the head, two betas and the rest being omegas. werewolves can be injured by an herb called wolfsbane, but in recent times it's been difficult to procure. one might find a witch or warlock and see if they have any within their supplies, and if they don't then the next best bet would be to go out of town to locate it within southern states. there is no way to break the curse upon a werewolf. they will live and die with the changes, unless they plan to commit suicide within their human form. sometimes within animalistic rages a werewolf may not be able to retain parts of their memory once they are released from their animal form, and so it makes it possible for a werewolf to have killed somebody and forget it the next day.

VERSIPELIS  ☆ the versipellis is a shape shifting creature that has long been in the world, created to be forest dwelling guardians. they can turn into natural animals, nothing mythical. the more they practice turning, the quicker the process is. which comes in handy. need to escape a cell? turn into a mouse. got a wolf attacking you? turn into a bear. they are stronger in animal form, and faster. but not in human form. they can be turned but most are born seeing as most who are bitten and get the saliva / venom in their veins die from a massive infection because their body rejects it. they do not have any magical powers. in animal form they can communicate with other animals and anyone who can communicate to animals / in animal form. they retain their human mind and emotions as well in these forms. they have regenerative healing. but if one is bitten, and their body accepts the turn while they are very ill - be it cancer, massive infection already in the body - then the process will be drawn out and painful.
LIFESPAN & DEATH the versipellis is an immortal creature. they where blessed with immortality, forest guardians that where created to bring stability to the forests ecosystem. they will live until killed. while they cannot get illness or disease once fully turned (after their first shift) - they can be killed via stabbing / removing head. severe blood loss. destroying the heart. burning. they have advanced healing but it is not good enough to regrow lost limbs, replace lost blood, ext. the more blood lost the harder it is for them to heal.

SHORTCOMINGS while they have advanced healing, it is not as good as some other species. they can die from things like blood loss, limb loss, shot to the head or heart. they are not allergic to silver but they are allergic to copper. copper tipped weapons or bullets would cause wounds to heal normally. so a head shot or heart shot, or a cut to an artery would most likely mean death for them. they are also allergic to wolfsbane and the bleeding heart flowers. these can be used to poison them, or tip a weapon in to make it so it does not heal normally. high doses of poison can kill them, but it will take more then it would to kill a regular human being. the species after their first shift (puberty for born, once dna is fully changed when bitten) must eat and let their animal hunt. it can be an animal or a person. it is not just raw meat they will devour all. skin, hair, bone, internal organs, as well as the meat. while it does not require much it can be difficult still to maintain. even if they retain human emotion and thought in animal form, the hunger can get so overwhelming they attack someone / something they never meant to.
ORACLES  ☆ oracles are minor descents from witches that have obtained few abilities from their genes, but cannot produce any magic whatsoever. their gifts are a result of rewards bestowed by high priestesses and gods from the past, and have always been intended for a use of good to mankind. oracles are considered prophets with the ability for wise counsel, having precognition and predictions about the future through visions and hints around them. in the time of the greeks oracles were highly praised and relied upon to the construction of the hierarchy, but today oracles see their visions as nothing but a grim burden that overcasts their lives. predicting failed marriages before they happen, deaths of loved ones and even catastrophic disasters within the world has made most oracles recluse and bitter, concealing their talents rather then showcasing them.
LIFESPAN & DEATH essentially, oracles are human. they live out as normal humans do, and they are as mortal as regular humans, with the only continuation of their precognition being passed on through the genes of their offspring.

SHORTCOMINGS oracles are not witches, and they can't perform magic. they're only able to see the future through sporadic visions, telltale hints in their surroundings and even sequences in their dreams. it is advised that oracles do not tamper with what is laid out to them through a vision, for altering god's design is considered a betrayal to the natural path of nature. often if a oracle changes something within a vision before it finishes unfolding (such as intervening in a freak accident or bypassing a person with something important to tell) a greater consequence will become of that prediction and cause devastation to the oracle itself.

ALCHEMISTS. FREAKING ALCHEMISTS ☆ about four millenia ago a powerful witch and goddess combined forces to create a set of new beings that would be able to create, control, and embody the elements. there are four alchemists in existence, each with a different element of the environment; earth, wind, fire, and water. while on their own they're strong, and a force to be reckoned with, together they could very well bring hell on earth. which was precisely why the rest of the greek gods and some of the eldest witches banished the beings to separate countries with no memories of their creation. thus, working to keep them apart and from becoming close. it's said that this was all that they could do as killing them would be a mistake if should the world ever actually need their powers. the fear was that they'd wind up in the wrong hands and their abilities would be used for devastating destruction. very little is known about alchemists to other creatures, but they're known about among the gods and witch communities. each alchemist has a tattoo looking birthmark on their left shoulder, a way to identify one another. it's also believed that they can sense one another when they're within 10 miles of each other. (note: not to be confused with the lesser powerful witches that can manipulate elements, these are merely downgraded versions of the alchemists.)

each ability works similar, but also very different from the other. FIRE can create and control fire straight from their fingertips, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, flame being the visible portion of the fire. depending on the substances alight, and any impurities outside, the color of the flame and the fire's intensity will be different. this also means that existing fire can be manipulated, or even extinguished. the flames can also provide strength and the ability to use it as a portal so long as there's flames on the other end for one to come out of. the fire alchemist also runs warmer than a normal human being, with their regular body temperature being somewhere around 115 degrees fahrenheit, making them super warm to the touch. WATER can create and control water, be the cause of or the destruction of a hurricane, tidal waves, or tsunami, inorganic compound with liquid, gas (steam, water vapor), and solid (ice) states, including changing them from one state to other. any existing bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, and oceans can also be evaporated by the alchemist. much like their fire opposite, the alchemist can use large amounts of water as a means of transportation if there's another puddle or body of water to emerge from. the alchemist with this ability has a body temperature that runs lower, at about 65 degrees fahrenheit. EARTH can create and control any "Earthen" elements including most solid objects, specifically all minerals and mineral compositions regardless of their state (mountain, boulder, sand or dust), dirt, soil, etc. they are perhaps the strongest, physically, of the alchemists as their body tends to hold more muscle mass. while they cannot transport themselves the same way as fire or water, they can use the earthly elements to forge paths that didn't exist, also known as burrowing through the earth. AIR can create and control any air, common name given to the layer of atmospheric gases and various compounds (mostly oxygen and nitrogen) surrounding the planet Earth that is retained by Earth's gravity, and wind, movement of air relative to the surface of the planet. It is an important factor in determining and controlling climate and weather, and the generating force of most ocean and freshwater waves. Wind occurs because of horizontal and vertical differences in atmospheric pressure, and include breezes, squalls, gusts, whirlwinds, zephyrs, gales, tempests, and hurricanes. since air cannot be seen by conventional methods, neither can the attacks and derivatives formed by/from it, making it an invisible and versatile weapon that is very difficult to block and dodge. by manipulating the air around oneself, the alchemist can achieve brief stints of aerokinetic flight and levitation. the alchemist's body mass tends to be lighter due to their 'airiness'. they're the lightest and smallest of the four.

LIFESPAN & DEATH while visibly human with a beating heart, emotions, and the ability to procreate, alchemists are magical and god-like creatures; thus it is very nearly impossible to kill them. they are immune to any sort of sirens or spells, their magic being greater than a modern day witches which allows them to defend themselves. there is only two known ways to kill them. one: is to undo the magic that was used to forge them, but that can only be done by the witch who created them, and they are deceased. two: is to behead them with a pure golden ax blessed by the goddess who helped create them, which there is only one in existence, and the whereabouts is unknown. their abilities manifest when they hit puberty, and control depends on a lot of factors. they stop aging between the ages of 25 and 35 years old.

SHORTCOMINGS alchemists are physically human, and thus bleed like humans and can be injured, but they self-heal. they are not immune to being beheaded by an ax forged from pure gold and blessed by a goddess. it's said that the ax has a spell on it that makes it unique. when separated from the other alchemists, they're weaker. still strong, but weaker than they are together. which is how they've spent most of their lives. they're not immune to another alchemist's abilities. there is one sort of 'unknown' way to kill an alchemist. there is basically an achilles heel that each have. one spot that if stabbed, can kill them if not treated properly. however, this spot is different on each alchemist and it's not known where the spot is. which is why each alchemist tries to avoid any sort of fighting or combat. each alchemist's personality is influenced by their abilities. fire has temper issues, water tends to be calm like the ocean (unless stirred up), earth has a knack for being stubborn, and air tends to be a little airheaded at times.
SHAPESHIFTERS  ☆to the mortal eye, a shapeshifter would appear as normal as anyone else. there are no overtly distinguishable features, no markings or odd characteristics. but something always seems just a little bit off. shapeshifters carry with them an air of unease that causes skin to crawl and mouths to get just a little bit drier. shapeshifters are creatures, descended from an ages old blood line that begun with a girl and a curse. the legends and stories told about them are mostly true; shapeshifters hold the ability to rearrange and recreate their very cellular structure and become something entirely new; and with this comes being able to completely alter their appearance.

there are virtually no limits to the forms a shapeshifter can choose to take, but they can't grow extra limbs nor can they shapeshift into other supernatural creatures - only animals and other humanoid forms. the shift - especially the first time - is incredibly painful, and it never quite gets better. if the first shift goes badly, some can even be killed in the process. however, with time and practice they can learn to shift faster, and so alleviate the pain in small ways.

when they shapeshift, all of their vital organs - i.e. lungs, heart, veins, skin, and nervous and digestive systems - are all broken down and recreated, almost as if newborn. in shorter terms, each time they shift, every cell in their body is rearranged and made anew, and their body will heal of all wounds and illness - no matter the state they were in before. however, the weaker they are the more difficult it is for them to shift, and the more dangerous the process.
LIFESPAN & DEATH shapeshifters are unable to be killed unless they are burned completely to ashes and the ashes are scattered. this can be a difficult feat if the shapeshifter chooses to shift and heal themselves, but if they are weak it's possible. they live for unchecked amounts of time, and no one is quite sure how far back the bloodline goes. shapeshifters can also die from shifts gone wrong.

SHORTCOMINGS shapeshifters cannot be born, only turned. they are also infertile and cannot bear children. silver in any form can cause them to shift uncontrollably, and silver left in a wound may cause it not to heal with the rest of their body. the full moon holds sway over them; on a full moon they become entirely feral, driven by animal needs and instinct - they may become strange hybrids of human and beast (i.e. grow sharp teeth and claws, even feline or reptilian eyes) and they become prone to acts of violence.
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mooncastles #1
Chapter 4: This is so amazing!
Like wooow, your effort to do this.
But really, this is great :)
I hope these creatures would appear even just a cameo. Hahaha!!
Chapter 3: this is so expansive and so interesting to read. i am so swept up into the lore of faulkner it's ridiculous.
i could spend hours in this lorebook (as i didn't finish reading it all the way ;;) this is my new reading material yes
meanieful #6
i love love love this thread <3
and I read from the comment below that you're nickname is nads?
we share the name nickname \(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ
elegantly #9
Chapter 1: you're on a roll nads
are u going to reveal the characters soon?