Chapter one

He's back.

2 hours earlier.

There are voices calling out to me.

“Leave me alone,” I said.

“Not until you wake up” The voice told me.

Seriously, can’t that person or thing get the hint that I don’t want to be bothered.

“Elsie, I swear to God, if you don’t wake up right now. I’ll do something ”

“Just five more minutes”

“That’s it.”

It was suddenly quiet. Finally, now I can enjoy my – an ice cold water suddenly hit my face

“What the ” I shrieked.

“I told you I’ll do something”

“So throwing a bucket full of water is the best idea to wake me up, Tiffany?” I glare so hard at her.

All of my bed is wet right now. Great.

“It’s either cold water or hot water. Your choice,” she shrugged.

I finally give in and walk to my bathroom to take a shower.

Fifteen minutes later, I was combing my wet hair.

I wore my yoga pants and a nice “ you, it’s Sunday” tank top and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

Tiffany was already seated at the bar stool.

“Cool shirt.” She said

“Fits today's event, doesn’t it?” I glare at her again

“Oh, grow up, I need you to wake up” she said while chewing her cereal. Well technically my cereal, but hey, sharing is caring.

“And what’s the reason that I need to wake up for?” I raised my eyebrow

Tiffany suddenly stopped eating and looked at me.

Well, she was already looking at me but this time it’s more a of serious look.

This only happened once in a blue moon.

Trust me, I know.

Tiffany is more of a laid back kind of girl while I’m more of the if-you-mess-with-me-I’ll-ripped-your-balls-off kind of girl. So seeing her like this meant something.

“Elsie I don’t want to scare you or anything.” She started off.

“Nothing scares me Tiffy, unless you’re a zombie that’s trying to befriend me so you can later eat my brain then yeah I’ll be scared. Wait you’re not right?” I asked her bewilded

“Wait, what? No.”  She said confused.

“Well. Okay then I have nothing to be afraid of.” I said while drinking my almond milk.

“Okay, then you won’t be scared if I tell you this?” She said slowly.

“Just spit it out.” I said while washing my glass.

“He’s coming back.”

I froze. It’s like everything went dark.

I feel like the world stopped moving.

It’s suddenly hard to breathe.

My brain somehow stopped working, but there is one thing for sure right now.

I think I just sh*t my pants.

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cocoflower #1
Chapter 13: yey i like this story :3 (^v^)
cocoflower #2
Chapter 11: so cute :3
Please don't delete this story T_T
I don't care if the plot is predictable or what but please don't delete this T_T
lovelyarsenal #4
Chapter 12: omg please no!!! you can't delete this! I like it soooooo plssss don't delete!
we reading your story with my friend and I just registered on this site to left this comment for you. I just want you to know we love it so so so muchhhh
Chapter 12: Please don't delete this! Kai isn't even one of my biases and I am reading this fanfic because I think it's funny and you have a refreshing sense of humour. I know it's your choice and if you are busy I understand, I am sure we all do but think about it please, before you erase it. :(
Elsiebear #6
Chapter 12: Please don't delete this~ but it's your choice. I finally found a fanfic which has my name in it! ugh no one has my name :-[
Chapter 10: I think your girl is really cool and Kai, well he is a douchebag, just like you described him to be. I think it's really fun to see those two communicate, and I like it. Also, it's just a thought, and you don't have to use it of course, but what if there is a guy who is hitting on Elsie at school, and she is kinda flirting with him, just for fun. What would Kai do about it? Will he return to bullying her, would he try to make her jealous with a bunch of other girls? Anyway, I'll be waiting for your next update. Good luck with your writing ;)
cocoflower #8
Chapter 10: yes the moments are good i like it :P
Chapter 9: I might kill Kai if he really did this to me in real life...
lovesoshiforever #10
Chapter 7: Woah.. you're progressing rather quick ! Time to change your username, girl ! kekeke
I like it, update soon author~