Yixing .:.:. PLMR

Please Love Me Right

Wow, so many subscribers after so little writing ^^" Thank you so much!

This is where the action sort of begins, and just to warn you there is quite a bit of ual content in this one, nothing major, but...you know XD (I didn't mark it Rated M because I don't really think of this as a Rated M story ^^)

Anyway, again thank youn and please enjoy! ~


The feeling is tense and nobody is looking straight forward, all eyes are right, left, up, down, but even I myself can't bare to look straight at the man who stands out from the eight bustling kids that surround me.
    "Do you...do you want a coffee hyung?" Baekhyun speaks up, and I rise my eyes towards him. He always was a mood lightener, and I internally thank him for breaking the awkward silence.
    "I-" Yifan doesn't even get a chance to speak as he is interrupted by Minseok sharply, "No, Baekhyun, it's okay," and turns his sharp eyes to Yifan who is directly in front of him, but at a safe distance across the room.
    "Why are you here?" Junmyeon tenses beside me, and I lay a gentle hand on his knee, because I know he's feeling the same way as me; scared.
    "I...I need to...to ask for a favour..." Yifan can obviously sense the eyes all settling on him at once as he speaks up, and hangs his head down as Minseok begins to scold him, "You want a favour, hm?" It's not loud or threatening, but his words are lined thickly with a menacing tint and it fills the room quickly.
    I feel almost bad for Yifan, he seems to be scared as well.
    Because everybody knows not to get Minseok angry.
    Subtly he nods his head, "I...I want to ask if I can...I can...stay here...for a while?"
    Everybody grows silent, even breathing is toned down so the room is eerily clothed in a thick blanket of silence.
    Until finally Minseok gives in.
    "You want to stay here?!" He jumps up onto his feet and Yifan flinches at his words, as he continues, "You want to ask me for a favour? What ever happened to your riches in China?! Failing maybe? Not, going, too well? Well look around you Yifan!" He swings his arms around to point out the eight younger teens surrounding him, "I've had to look after these children, on my own, for a year! But have I ever asked for your help? No! Because I know you won't help me!"
    He finishes with heavy shoulders along with heavier breathing, his head slumps to almost as low as his shoulders.
    I sigh and slowly rise onto my feet, walking over and wrapping my arms around my carer in an attempt to calm him down, but he wasn't done yet.
    "One night..." he whispers, and I turn my head to look at Yifan who had already beats me at the shocked expression race.
    After getting so worked up, the shock that Minseok was actually allowing Yifan was very strange.
    "One night and that's it..." before gently pulling away from my grip and disappearing through the door.
    Everyone is still silent.

It's still morning, so I have been granted the pleasure of showing Yifan his room.
    We have a small spare bedroom in case of emergencies close to this one, which normally someone goes to sleep in if they're sick and we don't want the illness to spread or simply as a treat since four sharing a room is a bit, well, crowded.
    But I was surprised I was the one showing Yifan, since Junmyeon seemed to be very close to him back when the fair was still open, and yet as soon as Yifan had entered the house, Junmyeon has been abnormally quiet. 
    I silently tread along, aware that Yifan had the courage to actually pack bags, obviously he knows better than me as I never expected him to allow him to stay for five minutes, let alone a night.
    Minseok didn't need to tell everyone he was angry at the other three when they left, he was very stressed out, but never did he say 'I hate them,' because everyone could sense it and so nobody went deeper into the territory of the matter.
    But then I do start to wonder why Yifan was here? Maybe Minseok was right about his riches, maybe he used to all up by accident and how nowhere to go. But then, it's not my position to ask about it.
    I arrive by the door and open it up, slowly walking in until stopping.
    "Uh..." I quickly try to reverse out of the room and make sure Yifan can't see the tragedy that lapped in front of my eyes, but it was too late as he scoffs behind me.
    "What happened here?" He laughs.
    I sigh, "I honestly don't know," and break out a small smile, a tired smile.
    The room is a mess, literally it looks like a bomb of clothes and ornaments have exploded inside the tiny room, and of course I know who it is.
    "Jongin!" I call, Yifan still chuckling under his breath, and it doesn't take long for Jongin to appear before me.
    "W-what is it hyung?" He gives a nervous smile, the 'I-know-what-it-is-but-please-don't-say-anything' smile.
    I gesture towards the room, explaining, "The only person I can think of when I see this room is you, tidy it up now."
    Jongin doesn't even complain as he knows he's been caught and that it's plainly obvious and he slinks into the room, starting to pick up empty crisp packets and clothes.
    I turn to Yifan, arms crossed, "Sorry about this," I apologise, but he simply replies with a wave of his hand, saying as well, "It's fine, I can only expect this much..."
    He's lucky Jongin doesn't hear him, or he would have been fuming.
    "Wow," I'm suddenly surprised with a pat on the head, "It's only been a year but it feels like longer, I can tell you've grown..." and the man speaking gives a pleasant smile.
    I myself could also tell I'd grown, as I remember distinctly being under Yifan's nose, but now I'm under his eyes instead.
    But then I realise Yifan seems to have grown too, he looks more handsome and sharper.
    "Okay, hyung, I've done what I can," Jongin grumbles, leaving the room with a mountain of clothes in his hands.
    I manage to drag my eyes off Yifan and take a glance at the work Jongin had done; it was better, well actually it was much better than before, not perfect, but it will do and I lead Yifan into the room, explaining, "You can just put your stuff wherever you want, I'm guessing you're leaving tomorrow at some time..."
    I shrug, sighing once again, then turning my eyes back to him as he sets his bag down, "How are Luhan hyung and Zitao hyung?"
    "Fine," he says it really quickly as if he doesn't want to discuss it, and I feel myself not bothered to nag him on about it and turn to the door.
    "But...thank you..." his words make me feel better, and they replace the sharp ones he said before.
    I don't say anything, I don't know why, maybe because it feels strange having Yifan back in the house again, and I leave through the door without another word.

"Maybe someone should call him..." Jongdae explains while settling him down in his usual seat on the dinner table.
    "I'll do it," I find myself volunteering against my own will, why did I volunteer so positively?
    Everyone gives me a questioning look in which I understand since my actions were a little bit strange, but Minseok in particular raises an eyebrow before nodding slowly, "Sure...if you want to," and I feel relieved as I leave the awkward room.
    It doesn't take me long to already be by the door and I give a small knock.
    No reply.
    Maybe he can't hear it?
    I give another knock, louder this time, until I am interrupted by Minseok who appears in the hallways and calls to me, "If he's not coming then we'll just eat without him..."
    I know there's no point arguing against Minseok's brash decisions, but still, I remembered once or twice when Yifan did sleep over, he wasn't a heavy sleeper, in fact he was te total opposite, he was very sensitive in his sleep, and yet a harsh knock on the door didn't wake him at all. 
    I worry as I return back to the dining room.

I give a small knock, and still no answer.
    Everyone was busy in their rooms, playing, talking, reading, but I still grew worried on the older male, and decided to take matters into my own hands after he didn't come for dinner.
    I look right, then left, but the halls were empty, the only person probably on the floor except from Yifan and myself would be Minseok, who looked so tired at dinner from today that had probably fallen asleep in his room.
    Quietly I open the door, not knowing or expecting what to see, and of course I see the unexpected.
    My mouth opens slightly and my eyes widen as I see Yifan in the corner of the small room with a bottle in his hand, two and three more scattered around him and a face that's drawn from  reality.
    "Hyung...what happened?" I ask in the silent room, shutting the door just as quietly as I had opened it behind me, and take a hesitant step forward.
    "W-what d'you mean? Nothing...has happened," his voice is obviously been affected because of drinking, if the state he was in didn't show that already.
    I sigh, I had never expected Yifan to be a drinker, and I knew that if I told Minseok, he'd be out without a second thought.
    "I miss Zitao...he's so cute...I do NOT know why I de...denie...turned him away..." his words made me interested and I take another step forward.
    By the sounds of it Zitao had...confessed, to Yifan?
    "AGH!" He throws his hands in the air, making me almost jump out of my skin as the bottle is flying and clacks against the floor, "I wasn't supposed to tell you, ," and then before I can protest or even help him, he wobbles onto his feet and stumbles over towards me.
    Despite being so drunk and his slouching is terrible, he looks bigger than ever.
    "But you will not, never tell...anybody...right?" He looks down at me and I nod, but before I know it he has a hand on my cheek.
    "You are really pretty though..."
    I raise a hand to block the one touching my face, taking a step back, "You're drunk hyung-"
    "No! No, I am...not..." he grabs onto my hand this time and holds it to his face, "I'm so tired Yixing! And yet there is a load of stuff I want to do, I want to do a load of...stuff, but I used up all my money and I left Zitao and he got all upset and he thinks I'm leaving him forever and ever and ever and..." his head drops, and I don't know whether to be concerned or relaxed as he rubs his thumb across my hand in circles, strangely calming me down from the tantrum he is showing.
    And then suddenly I feel scared, the relaxation he gives me and sadness I feel for him disappearing as quickly as it came as he asks quietly, "Are you still a Yixing?"
    I tense up and try to pull my hand away, but his gentle grip becomes tighter and he brings it up to his mouth and I know what he's going to do.
    Not making a sound at first, he kisses my hand gently, but as he continues to do this the sound of my heart beating loudly in my chest is in my ears and I can hardly hear what he says when he starts to speak, "You are, aren't you? I can tell...how sad, right?"
    I don't say anything as I'm too took back by the moment as slowly he pulls me in by the hand he's got a firm hold on so that I'm right in his chest and he whispers in the depth of my deep black hair, "I need somebody to hold me, to tell me it'll all be okay, but no one can d'that 'cause it won't be ever okay..."
    His words touch me for a moment, but I know I'm in a dangerous situation and despite feeling bad for him I try to gently pull away.
    But even I know there's no chance, not with Yifan.
    And then something else touches me, and it's not in the mind either.
    I feel myself tense up once more as a large and cold hand crawls it's way under and up the back of my shirt.
    "N-no..." I know it's wrong, but then I also know Yifan is drunk, and I try to push away as the hand holding my hand slips under my arm so that I am unable to move, and Yifan's arm goes around the back of my shoulder, and gently he starts to run his frozen fingertips over the back of my neck.
    I'm in an awkward situation, now that one of my arms is slung over his shoulder, I'm stuck with only one that is no where near strong enough to push the older male away.
    How did I get into this situation?
    "Hyung...please, stop," I am aware my voice is breaking up from the weird sensation I feel, but I know I don't want what the drunk man is giving me, and I continue to try and push him away, until my attempts halt to a stop as something firm yet soft is pressed up against my lips.
    The unknown phantom was no other than Yifans' own lips, which aren't just sending off a gentle vibe, but a strong one, and I start to panic.
    Now that he has also a captive of my lips, I can't scream for help, and whenever he does occasionally let my captive lips go, I need take in some precious breaths which come out as heavy panting, and I feel myself growing extremely hot.
    He continues to return his lips though, except even stronger than before, caressing his lips with mine, until I feel something slick in my mouth and I'm brought out of the dreaming gaze I was in before and into a lock of panic.
    A tongue.
    I don't want this, this wasn't supposed to happen, what do I do? How do I get out of the situation?
    But then I realise the answer; I can't.
    I trusted Yifan, I really did, and I know he's drunk, I know he's going through problems but...to do this...
    Yifan pulls away and quickly grabs me by the shoulder and slings me onto the bed.
    No, not the bed.
    My body turning limp from all the touching, I find it difficult to scramble away, and when I do manage to start to move my legs, Yifan is already on top of me, with predator eyes that look like they've just caught prey.
    I need to call for help, now before I don't get the chance...
    But as I open my mouth, Yifan slaps a large hand over it, leaning forward and whispering, "We...why won't you help me? I thought you'd understand me...me...right?" He speaks in Chinese now, which makes my worries increase.
    I need to escape, I need to escape now before he does anymore.
    I struggle, thrashing my legs which still hardly move and I try to shake the hand on my mouth off.
    He sees I'm struggling, he can see it and his eyes are full of sadness, and for a moment I stop and I feel pity for him, that is until he leans down and replaces his hand with his lips once again, and kisses me more vigorously than before.
    And then I feel it, he slips a hand under my shirt and another hovers over my crotch.
    Because his hands are too busy elsewhere, I take the opportunity and manage to pull my lips away, rasping, "N-no...please...get off..." trying to push him away with my already weak hands.
    But then suddenly, my eyes are so watering I can't see anything as Yifan is suddenly yanked off me and lands with a thud on the floor.
    Standing over him is Chanyeol, Jongin and Sehun.
    "You ing..." But Jongin's words are a long blur and I bring my hands up to my flooding eyes.
    It was such a horrible experience, and I don't know whether to feel upset, shocked, disgraced, or happy that my rescuers finally came.
    "GET OUT!" And then as I re-open my eyes, seeing Chanyeol pinning Yifan to the wall and Jongin looking like he's about to kill him if he even takes a breath, I see the faint outline of Minseok at the door, next to him is Junmyeon.
    Sehun wonders over to me, sitting on the bed and trying to help me up, asking quietly and softly, as if to try and distract me from the event I was fully aware of going on behind him, "Are you okay hyung?"
    But I can't speak, the words are stuck in my throat and the only way I can signal my distress is by shaking my head and the maknae bends down and picks me up to embrace me in a warm hug, and I try to hold onto him and listen to his words but my eyes are fixed on the scene in front me, as Yifan is dragged out the room and starts a fight with Jongin as he does so.
    "Don't look, hyung, don't look," Sehun whispers and I try to close my eyes but all I can hear is yelling and screaming and walls being thudded against.
    I felt happy when Yifan returned, but now I wish he never showed his face in the house.
    I gave him such hospitality, I was the nicest to him, and he did that to me.
    Why was nothing ever fair?

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Chapter 13: why is everything falling apart? :'(
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Chapter 12: Damn soo!! Its kaihun not kaisoo!!!
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why is it always KrisHo that's tragic??? WHY???
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Chapter 10: Did sehun really like kai? Or he usung hin... sorry I just suspicious
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Chapter 10: why are the babies thinking of leaving???
the hyungs will go ballistic WTF
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Chapter 9: I want kai pov
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Chapter 9: WOW... SeKai...
be careful what you wish for Sehun
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Chapter 3: o: wow what
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Chapter 8: enjoy!
we'll wait for your update!