Chanyeol .:.:. PLMR

Please Love Me Right

"I know where Sehun and Jongin are..."
    Kyungsoo whispers and I sit up straight away from my lying position on the vintage sofa in the basement. Now that Sehun and Jongin are gone it's just me and Kyungsoo in the basement, and it's horrible, many times had I joked for the two to be quiet, especially Jongin, but now I just want to hold them and make sure they're okay.
    "What do you mean you know where they are?!" I whisper harshly because I feel like shouting at the moment is too brash for Kyungsoo, who had broken into tears only a few minutes before. But also I don't want people to know, not now anyway, about the secrets Kyungsoo is spilling out.
    "Last night when they were leaving the house I was up because of the rain, and I went after them to see where thy were going. They were...they've ran away Chanyeol, they said it was for the best, and they said that no one cared about them, because they were the youngest and-" Kyungsoo coughs up a sob, "A-and they're not coming back I don't think and they went into the woods and they just left Chanyeol, they said n-no one cared about them but we all do, ri-ight? I think we were t-too harsh and we didn't re-realise how fragile and v-vulnerable they were-"  Kyungsoo breaks down, clutching at his hair and almost attempting to pull his hair down to cover his tear stained face.
    I can't believe it, I almost want to just leave and hit a wall because nothing he says can be true.
    I always cared about them, I did many things with them, I played with them, laughed with them, I was a brother to them, hell, I grew up with them.
    If they wanted something more, something special, why didn't they ask?
    But most importantly, how on earth am I, or anyone else, going to break this to Minseok?
    "I t-tried to stop the-them, god, Chanyeol...this i-i-is all my fault!" Kyungsoo chokes, his eyes growing red and becoming more red and teary by the second. Although I'm not good at it, I lean forward to wrap the smaller in my arms, because the responsibility he must be feeling must be crushing him. 
    "It's not your fault Kyungsoo, it's not, I promise," I whisper softly, running my hand through his hair as he sobs on my left shoulder, however the sobs start to die down and his doesn't speak for a while, just clutches at my shirt. I don't know what to do anymore, what to think.
    Should I tell Minseok as soon as possible? No, that's a bad idea.
    Maybe Junmyeon, or maybe Yixing would be better, since Junmyeon is still letting off steam at the moment.
    Yes, when I have the chance I will tell Yixing.
    I continue to hold Kyungsoo and just...process, what he has said, before I feel another presence oddly in the room. I lift my head that hangs slightly to check, my eyes scanning the dimly lit room, my eyes lying on the remote control on the floor, sending several memories back in one big tsunami. And then I turn my head to the other side of the room, to see a figure, and wide eyes most importantly which widen by the second, especially when his and my eyes meet.
    It's Baekhyun, but I don't understand why he looks so shocked.
    did he hear everything?
    And then it snaps...
    But Baekhyun doesn't care about me.
    He said to forget about him.
    And it's not like I like Kyungsoo like...that.
    We hold each over's gaze for a while, until he breaks in a swift motion, dashing away and heading up the stairs, his feet pattering against the concrete steps. I whisper a 'sorry' in Kyungsoo's ear and gently part from the younger, who looks lost as his eyes just gaze to where I was, but I can't help him as I find myself rushing after Baekhyun.

I feel like this is always what I do.
    I run after Baekhyun with these feelings that he can't return.
    I'm scared to tell him I love him because he just wants me to forget what we did that night.
    He's denying me without telling me.
    It would be easier to just forget, but I can't.
    It's hurting me really badly, but he doesn't even know it.
    He thinks he's saving me, him, us.
    But he's not.
    He's just making it harder.

I look all over the house, and finally take my next destination which is upstairs in the attic. I pull the ladder down and proceed to climb up it, wondering who will be upstairs and who won't. Yixing is perched next to the slanted window and is busy reading some Chinese book, while I can hear banging in one of the two rooms, and Jongdae walks out of the other. He emerges from the room and hesitates over the curtains in the corner, but shakes his head and turns to face me, pressing a finger over his lips to indicate for me to be quiet the gently walks over to my head which is still only half emerged from the floor.
    "What did you say to Baekhyun-ah? He's mad at you again."
    I shake my head and pull up my upper half so I can lean my elbows on the floorboards while Jongdae crouches down to whisper. I throw a glance towards Yixing who's attention seems to be caught by the two of us, before letting out a sigh and going back to his book.
    "I didn't say anything, I was comforting Kyungsoo and he just appeared before running away."
    Of course I don't' let out my feelings, despite being close to Jongdae, I think he's had enough on his mind.
    "What's happened to Kyungsoo?"
    I hesitate for a second, before remembering that Jongdae is good at comforting and Kyungsoo is still in the basement most probably breaking down. 
    "He had a bit of a problem with Jongin and Sehun...can you go down and look after him? He's in the basement I think, and I'll take care of Baekhyun."
    Jongdae looks at me questionably, like he wants to know more before setting down, but nods anyhow.
    I emerge further through the ground and stand up next to him, but before he heads downstairs I ask quietly, "What's that banging?" Checking over to the door where the peculiar sounds are coming from.
    Jongdae lets out a heavy sigh and answers, "It's Junmyeon, he told us to leave him alone when we tried to help him," he gestures towards himself and Yixing before said male stood up from reading and came up beside Jongdae.
    "I'll come with you Jongdae, give Baekhyun and Chanyeol some space," he smiles, although it isn't really a joyous smile, before following after Jongdae who heads down the ladder.
    Ignoring the banging, I head over to the curtain while shaking like someone is physically forcing me to.
    I feel sick.
    My fingers brush against the beige curtain, before slowly I pull it back.
    On one of the two beds is Baekhyun, but surprisingly he isn't crying, he's just lying there with his eyes closed, as if he's asleep, and for a moment I think he is until he opens his mouth. "Chanyeol...I don't want to speak to you."
    His voice is serene and low, but I can see the anger rising and it's almost worrying how much he's hiding it and locking it up inside, all in vain anyhow.
    "But we need to talk Baekhyun-"
    "Thats," he's aware he's raised his voice, and lowers it before continuing, "That's what you said last time Chanyeol, and now you've got me thinking weird things."
    I take a step forward, but Baekhyun doesn't flinch one bit.
    "What weird things?" I ask as smoothly as I can as not to disturb him, like one does with an animal.
    "You're weird so mainly you."
    It's like a strangely odd way of saying he's thinking of me, I guess. I would like to laugh at the moment, but I decide the atmosphere isn't exactly perfect.
    "Why?" I ask, taking another step forward. 
    "Because at the moment you're sorta screwing up my life."
    "How?" I take another step.
    "You're always there. I thought I didn't love you and you were just confusing me, that's why I told you to forget about me...but then I saw you hugging Kyungsoo and...something happened..."
    "What happened?" Another step.
    "I don't know, if I knew I'd...actually no, I wouldn't..."
    Another step.
    "What wouldn't you do?"
    His shouting is stopped by a pair of lips.
    It feels so wrong.
    Yet I know it's right.

Need to go to bed





Wuv you~

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Chapter 13: why is everything falling apart? :'(
Catalina390 #2
Chapter 12: Damn soo!! Its kaihun not kaisoo!!!
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why is it always KrisHo that's tragic??? WHY???
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Chapter 10: Did sehun really like kai? Or he usung hin... sorry I just suspicious
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Chapter 10: why are the babies thinking of leaving???
the hyungs will go ballistic WTF
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Chapter 9: I want kai pov
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Chapter 9: WOW... SeKai...
be careful what you wish for Sehun
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Chapter 3: o: wow what
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Chapter 8: enjoy!
we'll wait for your update!