Of recollection

Of Love and Life

Spending a whole day with Jaehwan nagging at him, Hongbin found it refreshing and wondered to himself if there is even a point in quarrelling. The conclusion is that a Good Samaritan had paid in Hongbin's stead. Jaehwan still doesn't buy the theory.

Hongbin is happy as long as Jaehwan is still healthy and chatty like he is now. Stuffing a piece of sauce laden mcnugget into his brother’s mouth before the man can fire up his motor mouth again, Hongbin smiled evilly and made a break for the exit the moment his brother is about to grab him.

"Come back here you brat!" Howling at the top of his lungs, Jaehwan lunged at Hongbin but the latter had pushed Hakyeon in between them. Mummy Hakyeon to the rescue!

Amidst the commotion happening within the now otherwise quiet fast-food restaurant outlet, two lone figures perched atop the two individual adjacent lamp post watches on. It is dark by now so there are fewer customers within the forever operational restaurant which means Hakyeon will finally have time for his personal visitors.

The motherly person had even made sure that Jaehwan gets only the vegetables. Luckily the man is not a fussy eater either ways so dinner was more or less rabbit food.

"I've tried the pieces of meat they called nuggets from that very shop. The taste is not bad." One of the crouching figures spoke at last, breaking the deafening silence outside which is a stark contrast to the chaotic environment within.

Raising an eye brow in response to the irrelevant comment the other had just made, the only figure who spoke shrugged and sighed at the minimalist response he got. "Taekwoon oh Taekwoon... I really wonder how you managed to get that small one to like you at the first place. You don't even talk..."

"You talk too much." Taekwoon retorted quietly earning another resigned sigh from the other. The lamp momentarily flickered and went off enveloping the other figure in darkness as he stood.

"I get it. I will shut up." The other stretched like an old man and laughed at his own comment. As a seraphim before he fell, this latter is personally exiled by the superior being. He was a lot more powerful than Taekwoon, and experienced, yet no one fazes the angel of little words.

"You don't even need to eat." Taekwoon muttered to himself as if to diss the other further, earning a hearty laugh of agreement.

"I plan to have him. I have made up my mind." The other figure broke another long period of awkward silence by saying definitively while pointing at Hakyeon. "First I will have his soul and then I will keep it." He continued and nodded to himself happily. "You should do that too. We can each keep one."

"That's not possible Ravi. Plus he wouldn't appreciate being a lost soul." Taekwoon narrowed his eyes despite maintaining the still stony expressionless face.

"Either that or I join him. Be human. I wonder how it feels like to be human." Ravi replied and shuddered dramatically. "So fragile." "Maybe we should interview your human muse. He would know."

Ravi's comment felt like a slap across the cheeks to Taekwoon and the angel of death is immediately angered causing the light bulb of the lamp beneath his feet to explode.

"Woah relax dude!" "I'm just sayin." Ravi pursed his lips not the least intimidated. Angels do not usually fight their own kind and he knows Taekwoon will not initiate one despite being rash and impulsive. "Think about it. No sweat alright?"

"He is only human because of what I did." Taekwoon glared death at Ravi while pointing at Hongbin who is now jumping around on the tables and chairs in a bid to act out an internal joke. "And he is not my human muse. I'm not like you! Get that right!"

"Chill Bro... I get it. But it's true that he is human now." Ravi held both palms up facing outwards as if to proclaim his innocence. This remark hurts Taekwoon even more, acting like a reminder that he is just delusional. The angel of death immediately turns away, refusing to face Ravi anymore.

"At least he can see you... right? Look on the bright side." Ravi can tell through his current expression and tries to comfort him.

"You are right... I can be human too..." Taekwoon whispered.

"One thing though. There is no guarantee you will not restart like he did and lose your memory." Ravi added rather solemnly. "I mean... it's all up to those up there." "Or at least that's what's stopping me."

"What do I do?" Taekwoon cannot believe he is actually confiding in Ravi and seeking the other's advice since he had always kept to himself. Hyuk was the only one who is closest to making him talk. Nevertheless, Ravi is radical so he might have a plan. The top it off, they now share the same predicament.

Ravi had been in love with Hakyeon for some time now. Since the latter was in high school. He is not afraid to proclaim his love but Taekwoon knows that behind the happy-go-lucky facade is another very troubled angel of death.

Feeling the lamp post he is standing on dent a little with the presence of another angel landing gracefully behind him, Taekwoon turns around planning to acknowledge the other angel of death at first but it was not Ravi since he is still on his own lamp post.

"Seriously..." Taekwoon muttered upon taking note of the other being's existence and returned to gazing at Hongbin.

"Hey! That's hurtful thanks a lot." The intruder scoffed and sat down beside the crouching angel of death- his ex-mentor.

"Caught anything?" Ravi intervened at last after he was sure Taekwoon is hell bent on ignoring the other.

"Yup. Mission accomplished. Mr grumpy here taught me well." "I'm just dropping by to visit the legendary angel who stole THE Leo's heart." The third angel announced and Taekwoon rolled his eyes at his ex-mentee.

"There he is." Pointing at the oblivious Hongbin who is grinning from ear to ear, Ravi cannot help but snicker at the angel's reaction. Hyuk was frowning a little with lips in a cute ‘O’ shape as he leaves the lamp post to get a closer look.

"Yah! Careful he can see us." Ravi shouted after the other and Taekwoon immediately follows. Three pairs of wings descended together causing the dried leaves on the floor to burst into a messy dance. The flimsy trash cans in the nearby vicinity could not withstand their forces combined and toppled over as well with a loud crash.

"Waaa... he hasn't changed one bit! Hyung you've got good eyes for beauty!" An impressed Hyuk exclaimed as he presses his face against the glass.

Taekwoon is not keen on being spotted and was about to intervene when the door opens right beside them. Hongbin had heard the noise and was about to help reposition the fallen bins for Hakyeon.

Spotting Hyuk was no good for Hongbin. Hyuk's smiling face and still wide spread golden-white wings had sent another wave of memories coursing through his head again and the boy ended up staggering backwards through the door. This is cue for Hyuk to leave since he knows Taekwoon will not be pleased.

"Bin ah! You alright?" Both Hakyeon and Jaehwan reacted at the same time after noticing the boy's strange actions. They were about to get up from where they were seated had Hongbin not stopped them.

The wind caught me by surprise. I'm fine." Reassuring the duo as he races out of the restaurant into the open, the boy squats down and continually hits his head with the heel of his palms.

"No point fighting them. They are your memories." Ravi had somehow appeared behind Hongbin scaring the boy. Taekwoon is pissed off by now and quickly chases the remaining angel of death away before he can do anymore damage. At least Hyuk knows how to make himself scarce.

"My what?" Hongbin asked and Ravi was going to further elaborate but Taekwoon is not going to allow that. Staring daggers at Ravi, the other angel made a zipping motion on his lips and took off back into the skies.

Struggling to get back onto his feet, the angel within Hongbin emerges eager to meet Taekwoon. Human Hongbin disappeared. The dreams are getting more and more frequent and they would invade his head are any time of the day causing him to lose himself more and more. The more those memories pile up, the more his current memories are faded, as if shoved into a corner of his mind. That scares Hongbin. He does not want all the illusions he see to take over his life but there are less and less means to stop them from happening.

"SangHyuk." Hongbin said to Taekwoon while maintaining eye contact with a dimpled grin. The angel of death is stunned, so stupefied that he too ended up taking a step back.

Taekwoon was going to finally react when Hongbin collapses, out. Taekwoon catches him before he hits the ground but he cannot stay since Jaehwan and Hakyeon had spotted the boy and are rushing to his rescue.

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little_yeoja #1
Chapter 13: Is it completed? Oh my god this is too good!
Chapter 13: oh God why I just read it n0w?youll c0ntinue this or this is the end already?i really2x like ur writing authornim ur my number 1 best author and all ur stories I read it many times esp.the leobin war s0mething,i cant get over it coz its to0 perfect,please c0ntinue writing m0re about leobin,thank u a milli0n times
Kyattchan #3
Chapter 13: "Hongbin ah! You have to stop sleeping." Making his way over with an intention to smack his brother on the buttocks again, a gust of wind throws him off course and he ends up cursing while fighting the curtains to close the windows. There is no way Taekwoon would allow anyone to touch the boy's private limited zone in his presence, brothers or not."

LOL This part made me laugh so hard!! XD

I love this story.. it's lots of angsty.. and a bit dramatic.. but there's this little amount of fluffyness (let's call it LeoBin love!) that made me fall completely in love with it. I can't wait to read more.. I wanna know how long Leobin will keep their abstinence.. haha Update soon please! :)
asdfgkl #4
I'm so in love with this ;n;
GTokodi #5
Chapter 13: OMG I want more pls take your time and give us the ty thing lol
Chapter 12: I need more, this fic is so good
GTokodi #7
You're doing a great job! Thank you!
GTokodi #8
Chapter 8: Ahh I want more xDDDD Good job!
Momoleee #9
Chapter 7: This story omg i loveeee it