Of memories

Of Love and Life

The following day...

"Hongbin sshi... we need to rethink the treatment options..." the doctor said the very moment the boy reaches the hospital.

Staring at the doctor like the world had just come crashing down on him Hongbin whimpered a little subconsciously. Looking awfully like an injured puppy the boy sat down gingerly on the stool in front of the group of man in white coats.

"Your brother has leukaemia. A bone marrow transplant is inevitable at this point. All non-invasive treatments are explored but unsuccessful at this moment so my team and I are suggesting this to you." Hongbin felt his heart drop as the panel of doctors spoke in turns. Explaining how they need someone to make a decision since Jaehwan does not seem to be able to make his own decision now with him being in a coma.

Hongbin would be first in line as donor and that was also the reason why they had consulted him. Not hesitating even to think, Hongbin agreed eager to proceed with the transplant and anxious to get it done as soon as possible.

Ushered out of the consultation room and forced to wait for the scheduling Hongbin returned to his brother's side once more. Entering the room fully gowned he met the same visitor in black again. Except he is in gown and mask this time, standing tall by Jaehwan's bed as usual in the same position and silent.

"You must know hyung very well... to visit him so often..." Hongbin started and the man turned around this time. Neither could see each other's expression since their faces were covered but Hongbin was obviously smiling through his eyes.

"Your name is? Hyung might have mentioned you before..." Hongbin found himself to be the only one initiating a conversation. Adjusting the blanket to cover more of Jaehwan and wiping the man's face down lovingly with a wet towel Hongbin waited for an answer but as if he had known the man for ages he know there would be none. He felt comfortable around the man despite that enigmatic feel and the air of mystery.

With curious eyes following the man as he paces around somewhat restlessly Hongbin is distracted by the sight of his friend Hakyeon waving from outside the small window on the door. Waving back excitedly Hongbin made his way out, thinking about how he would introduce the two since he does not even know the name of his brother's visitor.

"That's Hakyeon hyung. Hyung knows him too we practically grew up together. He lives two blocks away." Babbling on and on before he can control himself the boy can see that the man is nowhere near willing to play nice with others. There was a subtle glint of recognition in his eyes yet those hollow orbs do not reveal more.

"Do you... want to meet him?" Hongbin asked again a little tired of trying to be nice. He had been nothing but polite but this man had not been a good sport. He simply doesn't bother to play along and it is verging on annoying. Sighing once more quietly the boy simply bowed at the man and exited.

Aware that the man is now watching him like a hawk as he struggles out of his gown and mask Hongbin resisted the temptation to turn back and check out the man once more. Doing the small signature handshake with Hakyeon which consists of a fist pump and some spastic finger movements, Hongbin finally turned to see if the man was still there. He was gone with the wind once more.



Kicking the obstruction at the entrance leading to his home which comes in a form of a dark underground tunnel like crypt, Taekwoon cursed loudly before settling down on his seat- a stone cold throne-like chair.

He used to have a nice brightly lit room when he was up there but the layout is akin to a dormitory. Now he has the entire place to himself. It is better this way since he had the tendency to get a little violent even before he was banished. That would explain why he started out as a power and became a dominion so quickly back in the day. He was a fighter who guarded the sacred sanctuaries, arrested angels who had sinned and defeated demons. He was even hailed one of the great twelve back then. Adorned with golden crest and armour, nick named Leo.

His fate had taken a turn for the worse when he met a virtue- an angel of grace and courage who brings blessing to the human race. That angel liked animals and children, and so does he. Taekwoon had always thought he would be more suitable as a virtue too but apparently the superior being had other plans for him.

They did not hit off the minute the ravishing angel with pink hair is assigned to do his bidding but sparks quickly flew. After all, Taekwoon was one of little words and no matter how many times the other angels in the same sphere tries their utmost best to make him smile none has ever succeeded. Nevertheless the pretty little angel managed to make him feel most comfortable and even though he still hardly smiled, he felt compelled to be near that angelic creature at all times.

They ended up hanging out very often and the always curious angel would be found polishing playing with his weapons and whatnot, asking silly but incredibly adorable questions. Taekwoon felt an attraction so strong it is impossible to deny. Taekwoon quickly found his eyes fixated on that one beautiful creature of his obsession. The urge to touch him became strong and only grew stronger every time they met.

He fell in love. Then lust took over- one of the greatest sins.

He had forced himself onto the kind angel and though it was not fully consensual the other never blamed him. Their secret tryst was condemned immediately and the other's tainted purity was a dead giveaway once his wings started to wither. The court was brutal, casting the virtue down to earth without hesitation. The courageous virtue had stepped up to take full responsibility for their sins so much so that the dominion was spared the permanent exile.

It is still fresh in his memory that no matter how fast he flew to reach out, to grab him, their fingers merely brushed past without really touching. He was mad. So upset that he was the cause of the other's tainted wings yet he was not able to take the fall. He had selfishly destroyed the love of his life. "Don't apologise. I was the one who wanted us. I love you too much." That was his lovely partner's response to his constant apology.

He himself was also punished subsequently except the superior being seemed to feel the need to let him choose his own demotion. He did not prefer the usual route and would rather join Ravi then stay in the wretched sanctuary and remain a puppet. He chose to bear the mark of darkness. To forever lurk in the shadows as the feared angel of death. To be separated and isolated from glory forever.

Yet he savours every moment of that forbidden feeling and keeps reliving it despite the state it had put them in. He cannot forget the mind blowing softness of the lovely virtue's hair and skin, such grace and beauty. So absolutely perfect that he cannot but find himself panting for more. He would still repeat his mistake if he was given a chance to turn back time. He needed to, needed to have more of him- the fallen angel Hongbin. Even if it meant that the other no longer remembered him.

This time he is determined to keep their meeting private and confidential.


Jolting awake for the second night in a row, Hongbin wakes yet again because of the same dream and he subconsciously reaches behind to his scapular to soothe the area that was burning in the dream.

There was nothing but his own unmarred muscles and bones so Hongbin took a deep breath before forcing himself back into dream land. He needed to wake up early the next thing in the morning as his delivery job is still valid for as long as he doesn't make any more mistake.

Tossing and turning around in bed and giving up a short while later Hongbin ended up donning on his hoodie and sweat pants headed out of the house for some fresh air. Shuffling his feet and kicking at the small gravels Hongbin darted in and out of the streetlights illuminating the otherwise dark roads. On reaching the end of the streets Hongbin had walked right into what felt like a walking wall of China.

Momentarily stunned and flustered Hongbin cannot but apologise profusely like how he usually would. There was a small grunt and the boy found himself staring into the face of the one man he didn't quite expect to see. His heart skipped a beat.

Taekwoon was standing tall in front of him like always and that kind of makes Hongbin feel small. There is no Jaehwan present so the boy is no longer feeling pressurised to behave if the man turns out to be the proud jerk Hongbin had made him out to be.

Turning around to leave the minute he is done apologising, Hongbin did not quite expect the man to speak. "Not sleeping tonight?" Taekwoon said and Hongbin's eyes widened to the size of two saucers. A little affected by how the man is sounding so gentle and concerned, the boy stopped in his tracks and whirled around.

"I'm sorry?" Hongbin found himself playing along even before he can decide if he wants to talk to the man about his private affairs.

"You are out late..." The angel said almost painfully softly that the boy had to concentrate hard to hear what he had just said.

"Well... yea. I guess I am." Hongbin scratched the back of his neck awkwardly in an attempt to follow the direction of their conversation.

"It's not safe to be out so late..." Taekwoon quickly caught on and Hongbin is starting to get a disciplinarian vibe from him. He sounded like he meant business but that strong hint of concern still lingers in his tone. Hongbin missed that feeling of having someone worry for him. Having someone show such concern was rare since his grandmother died and Jaehwan started working. The pair of brothers hardly even meet at home and that had been going on for the longest time.

Nevertheless Hongbin quickly snaps back into reality. The man probably hardly even knows his name in full. Hell. He doesn't even know the man's name.

"Says the one who’s out so late." Hongbin retorted and immediately slaps himself mentally for acting like such a rebellious brat. He is usually one to play along but snark seems to be involved a lot recently with his mood swings.

"I mean... I guess you can take care of yourself just fine... if you get what I mean..." stuttering into his next sentence Hongbin signalled to the all of Taekwoon. Indirectly praising the lean body decorated with such admirable compartmentalised muscles and endless limbs. He is quite aware that he is rather scrawny in comparison and he cannot but feel slightly insulted thinking about how the man had put it across so blatantly.

Raising an eye brow at Hongbin the angel continued with his piercing stare, eye contact not faltering as they are trained on the boy's face. Hongbin can hardly control the tomato red blush from occurring so he chose to seek shelter in the cover of darkness. Clearing his throat on purpose Hongbin reached for his overly long sleeves and fiddled with them, rolling them up as if to show the angel in front of him that he still had some fight in him if one is needed.

"You fidget around a lot." Taekwoon commented under his breathe. "You used to do that a lot too..." adding in a barely audible remark, the angel's beautiful almond shaped eyes possessed an almost dreamy quality.

"Well that's... You don't talk much too." Hongbin pouted unknowingly and jumped to his own defence. No need to let some random guy who only happens to know his brother tell him that he lacks confidence. Taekwoon's lips twitched upwards but Hongbin can barely tell if he is smiling. The angel just kept staring and Hongbin is feeling terribly self-conscious in front of those intense eyes that seem to penetrate his very being.

Inching away as much as possible the boy decided it is best to retreat for now. No point being engaged in a conversation that is headed nowhere. "I err. I gotta go. Convenience store."

"I see... mind if I join you?" Taekwoon asked coolly, too coolly for Hongbin's liking. They barely even conversed before today and now they are going shopping together. There is no way in hell is Hongbin going to agree.

"Awesome... it's that way." Somehow his mind doesn't control his speech and actions anymore and Hongbin ended up squeaking in a rather chirpy voice like he meant it. He is absolutely appalled by his own lack of self-preservation.

Strolling side by side in eerie silence the boy sighed internally but keeps their footsteps equally paced. Noticing how Taekwoon appears to be floating rather than walking, Hongbin can feel all the hair on his skin stand. There are virtually no footsteps and that would explain how he would walk right into the man. Taekwoon's presence is so private limited that it is hard to notice.

"Erm... you live around here?" Hongbin enquired at last just as they enter a dark alley. Better to keep talking when you are nervous right? "Did you meet hyung around this part of town often?" "I mean I assume that's how you two met right?"

"Are you nervous?" The angel's question felt like a slap across the face and the boy is thrown into disarray by how straightforward he is.

Hell right I am! You appeared like a ghost and that's making this walk in the darkness feel like the longest one I've ever taken. Hongbin screamed inside his head.

"Nope. I. Nope." Tightening his grip around himself as he wanders further from the angel's side, the boy chuckled dryly. "What makes you say that...?” That was not meant to be a question.

"You used to do that too." Taekwoon replied and Hongbin is beyond baffled.

"I'm sorry?" Staring at the angel with mouth slightly agape, the boy felt as if nothing makes sense anymore. At this moment the automatic door to the convenience store slides open and the sudden influx of light from within intrudes their dark space. The slightly orangey light had an effect on the angel's face and he looked as though he is glowing.

It was a magnificent sight to behold and Hongbin is momentarily mesmerised. A sudden realisation hits him that the probably human in front of him resembles the silhouette he had been coming into contact very often in his now repetitive dream. The shape of their faces looked awfully alike in the blast of light yet Hongbin can no longer remember much of the dream having forgotten ninety percent of it the moment he wakes.

Taekwoon allowed him to simply stare before finally shying away from the presence of an approaching person exiting the store. The angel does not enter even as Hongbin subconsciously steps in.

"It was nice meeting you Hongbin." The angel concluded softly with a gentle soothing voice and before the surprised Hongbin can even respond he had disappeared. Left like he had never been there at the first place. 

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little_yeoja #1
Chapter 13: Is it completed? Oh my god this is too good!
Chapter 13: oh God why I just read it n0w?youll c0ntinue this or this is the end already?i really2x like ur writing authornim ur my number 1 best author and all ur stories I read it many times esp.the leobin war s0mething,i cant get over it coz its to0 perfect,please c0ntinue writing m0re about leobin,thank u a milli0n times
Kyattchan #3
Chapter 13: "Hongbin ah! You have to stop sleeping." Making his way over with an intention to smack his brother on the buttocks again, a gust of wind throws him off course and he ends up cursing while fighting the curtains to close the windows. There is no way Taekwoon would allow anyone to touch the boy's private limited zone in his presence, brothers or not."

LOL This part made me laugh so hard!! XD

I love this story.. it's lots of angsty.. and a bit dramatic.. but there's this little amount of fluffyness (let's call it LeoBin love!) that made me fall completely in love with it. I can't wait to read more.. I wanna know how long Leobin will keep their abstinence.. haha Update soon please! :)
asdfgkl #4
I'm so in love with this ;n;
GTokodi #5
Chapter 13: OMG I want more pls take your time and give us the ty thing lol
Chapter 12: I need more, this fic is so good
GTokodi #7
You're doing a great job! Thank you!
GTokodi #8
Chapter 8: Ahh I want more xDDDD Good job!
Momoleee #9
Chapter 7: This story omg i loveeee it