Of revelation

Of Love and Life

A day later...

Watching Hongbin sit alone on the bench in the basketball court while cheering on some random guys engaged in a game, Taekwoon’s mind wandered to back when his beloved used to smile so brightly for him whenever he returned victorious from a mission. The angel was an angel through and through and even though he is now human he is still angelic.

Snapping back to reality the angel of death is filled with concern that Hongbin is sitting there not because he really wanted to watch the game but because he doesn't have anything to eat. It is his recess break now and while most people would be in the canteen wolfing down their lunches there is nothing for the boy the eat since he does not have a single penny on him.

He had refused Jaehwan’s offer insisting he still had money. He didn't since they all went to paying for the hospital bill deposit.

Entering the crowded food court, Taekwoon gets whatever he wants with ease. Packets of milk and a few kinds of bread, he even got all the available flavours so the boy could choose.

Approaching the boy with much difficulty as he was never much of a talker, Taekwoon only did as much as walk over and left the food items there while Hongbin stares at him with mouth agape.

Then before Hongbin could say a word he retreated. With his back turned it is impossible for Hongbin to tell he is actually flushed and all nerves. Kudos to the shy angel of death. However, in his haste to get away and partially to move on the next assignment just blocks away, Taekwoon notices a ball flying towards him a tad too late.

The player had lost control of the ball and ended up shooting way over the net and into Taekwoon's path. One would usually dodge the ball but an angel does not need to. It will just pass through him as long as Taekwoon wills it to. Absent-mindedly allowing just that since no one would be able to see him anyway, Taekwoon refuses to become the cause of some paranormal event where the ball would be thrown back into the court even though there is not a single soul nearby.

Seeing the player coming towards him or rather the ball, Taekwoon allowed the boy to pass through him as well. It's not like they could interact or run into one another anyways so the angel of death never bothers to dodge as he sees someone coming his way. Old habits die hard and he forgets for a moment that because Hongbin now exists he has to be extra careful.

Then it hit him like an avalanche. Regret. He immediately regretted his actions after briefly taking note that Hongbin had caught up with him from across the court from the corner of his eyes.

Hongbin looked just as shocked as he himself was at his stupid choices.

Blinking non-stop for a good few seconds, the boy also gave his eyes a good rub before taking a step back. Everything had happened very quickly so Hongbin attributes it to his eyes playing tricks on him. Deciding if he should run, the boy quickly links this incident back to when the camera did not work with Taekwoon and all he could see was the background.

Wild thoughts invading his mind triggered a flight response in the boy. Taekwoon took a few steps towards him and Hongbin bolted. The boy can feel his head spinning and he is positive it is most probably due to shock and not hunger or whatever. The sunlight is making him even more giddy and he contemplates the fact that he might really just faint from fright.

Taekwoon and ghost make purpose sense, a perfectly harmonious combination. Nothing is wrong with thinking that asides from the fact that they had indirectly hugged and Hongbin was definitely still sane despite lacking sleep for most of his short lifespan. No one sees their hallucination more than once right? Maybe he was schizophrenic. Maybe Taekwoon was the altered perception of his brother. He had no family history of mental illness did he? Was he actually depressed enough for Taekwoon to happen?

The packet of milk and a whole bunch of bread he is still clutching onto feels real on his sweaty and slippery palms. Perhaps he should consume them up just to see if they are just his hallucinations as well. They might exist because he is feeling too damn hungry. Some great things his mind could do due to hunger.

Maybe this might all just be a bad dream. His life in general.

Falling after tripping over a curb he had failed to notice, Hongbin prayed that he wouldn't feel hurt since that would mean he is in a dream. His prayers are heard under unfortunate circumstances and he found himself in Taekwoon’s arms once again instead of flooring the rough cemented ground.

Wide eyed as he stifles a scream, Hongbin just didn't feel like being rude to his own illusion. Also, if Taekwoon were a ghost the boy is not about to discriminate since he has just about the same rights to exist as every other living thing out there.

Taekwoon doesn't let go this time and he looked like he has a lot that he wants to say yet Hongbin is neither receptive nor in the mood for a conversation.

"That ball. It..." The boy interrupted before Taekwoon could say a word. "Nonono... why am I even talking to him... he needs to get out of my head." Hongbin whispered to himself barely audibly. Taekwoon can hear it perfectly well since angel's can pretty much hear a human's innermost thoughts.

"I exist but only you can see me." Taekwoon said while getting Hongbin back onto his feet.

"I know. I must be crazy to be able to see you..." Hongbin replied with a louder voice then he did like, voice cracking halfway into the sentence. "I just I didn't know I have the ability to see ghosts." The boy is exasperated by now, inching away from Taekwoon. "Bye. It was nice knowing you but I did rather not."

Turning around to look forward as he makes his escape, Hongbin runs into Taekwoon once again and simply could not contain a girly squeal.

"That guy. That... he was able to walk through... that." Ensuring an arm's length distance is maintained as they converse, Hongbin is all nerves with the angel of death staring at him ceaselessly. The silence Taekwoon is offering is driving him nuts as well. "Well I can see you aren't exactly talking which is good... but I need explanations." More silence. "Ok fine.  I will be on my way. Bye."

"I'm your guardian angel." Taekwoon lied.

"I'm sorry?" Hongbin flinched a little while he spoke, as if Taekwoon had just said something unbecoming. Grimacing as he tries desperately to soothe the goose bumps, the boy finally looks Taekwoon in the eyes.

"OK fine I heard you the first time." Hongbin whispered once more before Taekwoon could repeat himself.

"But still. I don't believe in Santa Claus... or guardian angels... or tooth fairies. You guys are in the same category you know." Hongbin digressed and Taekwoon can't help but smile a small but dazzling smile.

"It's really not funny to me. I should stop talking to you. People will think I'm crazy." Hongbin almost rolled his eyes. "Now if you will excuse me." Trying to be as polite as possible since Taekwoon does seem to be there every time he needs him, Hongbin felt like a horrible person for calling him an apparition.

"Thanks for this too but I've already owed you way too many favours." Pausing just before he starts to walk away, Hongbin quickly deposited the food items into Taekwoon’s hands as carefully as he can. Thanking the angel was his initial intentions after all and he is starting to regret ever following Taekwoon at all.  He should have just eaten it and be thankful.

Taekwoon seemed pissed for the most part and Hongbin knew better. He should have let the maybe man talk. Running away without turning back Hongbin had temporarily forgotten the fact that Taekwoon can appear anywhere he likes, as and when he likes.


Taekwoon would have given chase had a pressing job not been lined up. An old man and a young lady from just around the corner, then there was three other old ladies and a boy on the other side of the world.

The angel of death has a notable amount of compassion despite looking like he has a lack of it so he would usually give the family some time to arrive or be there when it happens but not this time. Ravi never gave a damn. The other angel wanted the jobs over and done with efficiently so he and Taekwoon never quite saw eye to eye on some matters. It is still better if Taekwoon is the one collecting your soul.

Jobs do not require very long and even though there are no off days, hundreds of thousands of souls are achievable within minutes leaving the angel of death with pretty much nothing to do most of the time. Which is why Taekwoon chooses to linger for a while longer at every job: to pass time and keep himself busy. He does not need to sleep, eat or use the bathroom so the time he has to spare is mind blowing, multiplied by an eternity at that.

Taekwoon had somehow become a part time guardian angel to Hongbin and what he lied about was the partial truth. Of course he would leave out the part where Jaehwan was one of his assignments. Hongbin would avoid him like a disease if that was the case. Heck the boy is already avoiding him like he is a plague.

Eyes glowing stoically as he stands at the bottom of the Lee brothers' apartment building facing the window on the tenth floor, Taekwoon leapt with grace and landed soundlessly on the windowsill. Letting himself in even though the window is sealed shut. He does not require permission to enter.

The house is empty but the dogs are going crazy so Taekwoon had to put them to sleep literally. Helping himself to the room at the far end of the rather small apartment, Taekwoon sat in the soft neatly made up bed in the corner and crossed his legs as he waited. the photos lining the table, Taekwoon wondered why he was not assigned to collect the Lee brother's relatives earlier- namely their parents' and their grandmother's. He could have met Hongbin so much earlier.

Hearing the main door open followed by a pair of footsteps entering, Taekwoon did not budge. The two tenants who had just returned are laughing and fooling around while the angel of death waits on. The younger of the two opens the door to his room just to shriek and shut it again.

"What's the matter Binnie ah?" Sounding all concerned, the older one of the two approaches the room and opens the door as well. Peeking in, the man sees nothing out of the ordinary.

"Erm... nothing. I just wanted to... you know... scare you." Turning the door knob gingerly and entering the room with much effort, the boy gulped and quickly shut the door behind himself before turning to face his seemingly invisible stalker. Except the unwelcome guest is no longer there.

Steadying his breath before approaching his bed where the creature was located earlier, the boy almost screamed again when the angel lands in front of him with black wings outspread. Falling backwards animatedly, Hongbin cannot but cuss under his breath. "What in the world??"

Flapping his magnificent black wings and sweeping every piece of homework off the table together with their paperweights, Taekwoon just displayed his identity in full glory. Not the least impressed since he is a closet clean freak and almost OCD case, Hongbin whined cutely at the sight. Taekwoon chuckled at his attempt to piss the younger one off. It was hard when Hongbin was an angel and it certainly wasn't easy now but Taekwoon had found Hongbin’s human weakness.

It's magical since the angel Hongbin was neat as hell last time too, polishing Taekwoon’s armour for him and all.

Watching Hongbin in silence like he always does, Taekwoon felt a tug at his lips when the boy raised an eyebrow on finally noting his wings. With his wings, Taekwoon is huge. The room definitely couldn't contain him and Hongbin felt so tiny in front of him. An influx of memories suddenly returns to Hongbin just as the younger one is about to get onto his feet and give the angel of death and piece of his mind.

Staggering back a little when the flashbacks flips irritatingly in front of his eyes like a film rolling, Hongbin grabbed his forehead and tries to suppress them. Shaking them away literally, the boy attributes them to his unknown recurring mental illness.

In the brief few moments of the flashback he saw Taekwoon except that Taekwoon had shimmering wings. There was nothing black about the angel at all in the vision. He looked just as gigantic as he does at this current moment in comparison to everything around him. Then Taekwoon reached out to him as if to caress his cheeks. Hongbin isn't sure why exactly since the scenes were passing too quickly but he is sure he had allowed every advance. Loved it.

Staring at the angel of death all puzzled and troubled, Taekwoon only returned his stares with steady eye contact, as if admiring Hongbin. He wore the same expression as he did in the flashbacks too and Hongbin found that really unsettling. He was convinced Taekwoon is messing with his head since he is very sure that the angel was never an official part of his life. Tampering with his memory even.

"Please stop messing with my head!" Hongbin raised his voice a little but quickly mellows.

Reaching out to pat the boy on his head, Hongbin does not flinch. Both angel and human are surprised and then Taekwoon’s face morphs into an expression of pain, melancholic as if recalling a painful past. Patting Hongbin's head and ruffling his hair, Taekwoon’s hands paused before moving down to cup Hongbin’s ears.

"And my hair..." Hongbin added softly and Taekwoon laughed for the first time in forever.

Sliding his hands up to the boy's hair once again, the angel of death gave the thick locks a brief tousle and Hongbin frowned. Presenting a pout so adorable it makes his cheeks irresistibly squishy. Taekwoon proceeded to pinch his cheeks and Hongbin initially wanted to slap his hands away but an unknown force within him was effectively making sure he does not hurt Taekwoon with any means possible. No hurtful words. No hurtful actions. It's like he had become a sudden saint. He used to be capable of much sass but none applicable for Taekwoon.

"Mister... please stop messing with me." Squeaking weakly instead of speaking with a display of air he had intended, Hongbin could not even get the angel to respect his personal space.

"I get that you are what you say you are but aren't you supposed to be watching me from somewhere above? Where I can't see you?" Hongbin mumbled after shying away from Taekwoon, picking up the scattered pile of papers on the floor. Averting his eyes as he tidies up his room, he could not help but sneak a few glances at the silent Taekwoon.

"You really don't talk much do you?" Taekwoon smiled at Hongbin's exasperated comment. "But then again you never did..."

Looking up once more, Hongbin knows Taekwoon is gone yet again since the blazing gaze directed at him was finally gone. Noticing a wade of cash stashed atop his desk in place of the angel, Hongbin sighed loudly.

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little_yeoja #1
Chapter 13: Is it completed? Oh my god this is too good!
Chapter 13: oh God why I just read it n0w?youll c0ntinue this or this is the end already?i really2x like ur writing authornim ur my number 1 best author and all ur stories I read it many times esp.the leobin war s0mething,i cant get over it coz its to0 perfect,please c0ntinue writing m0re about leobin,thank u a milli0n times
Kyattchan #3
Chapter 13: "Hongbin ah! You have to stop sleeping." Making his way over with an intention to smack his brother on the buttocks again, a gust of wind throws him off course and he ends up cursing while fighting the curtains to close the windows. There is no way Taekwoon would allow anyone to touch the boy's private limited zone in his presence, brothers or not."

LOL This part made me laugh so hard!! XD

I love this story.. it's lots of angsty.. and a bit dramatic.. but there's this little amount of fluffyness (let's call it LeoBin love!) that made me fall completely in love with it. I can't wait to read more.. I wanna know how long Leobin will keep their abstinence.. haha Update soon please! :)
asdfgkl #4
I'm so in love with this ;n;
GTokodi #5
Chapter 13: OMG I want more pls take your time and give us the ty thing lol
Chapter 12: I need more, this fic is so good
GTokodi #7
You're doing a great job! Thank you!
GTokodi #8
Chapter 8: Ahh I want more xDDDD Good job!
Momoleee #9
Chapter 7: This story omg i loveeee it