Of sincerity

Of Love and Life

Be warned of the long chapter ahead ^^ 

As if running home on foot after spending a couple of hours lost in the hills was not bad enough, Hongbin found himself in the middle of a merciless downpour. Drenched and dripping from every strand of hair, Hongbin could no longer tell his tears apart from the rain water that is wrinkling up his skin.

Slipping and falling from the umpteenth time, the boy gave up trying to fight back his sobs. Wailing like a big baby not because he is in real pain but because his heart is hurting so badly, Hongbin eventually pushed himself up and even made it home after an hour train ride.

Walking like drowned zombie by the time he arrives home past his curfew hour, Jaehwan was going to scream at him but figured it is better to let him clean up first. Covered in caked up murk and even grass, the Hongbin he was busy dolling up the whole morning is nowhere to be found. Replace by a swamp monster.

Jaehwan can hear Hongbin's crying from inside the bathroom as well and it sounded more like ugly hiccups wheezing. Concerned beyond himself since only two scenarios are cooking up within his imagination, Jaehwan quickly went ahead to fix something for the boy's dinner. Mumbling to himself, formulating a speech to console the boy for failing the interview as he goes.

Watching Hongbin emerge from the latrine eyes swollen and puffy, Jaehwan quickly wrapped him in a warm embrace. Hongbin rarely bawls like that. It is unlike him to be this distraught, not after their grandmother's passing at least. "It's a fail?" Jaehwan started awkwardly.

"Hyung... it hurts..." Hongbin nodded earnestly before starting to wail again.

"Araseo we can always try for another one." Jaehwan said with voice a pitch higher than intended patting the boy's damp hair.

"I don't want another one... you would know if you have found the one... and I'm sure I've found the one..." Hongbin continued between choked sobs and Jaehwan frowned. He was pretty sure Hongbin was not the least pleased with the fact that he needed to go for the interview this morning. He even attempted hiding the offer letter had Jaehwan not done a little accidental digging.

"Then we can always try again." Jaehwan replied, unsure if that is the best response.

"No there is no going back... I told him not to look me up again..." Hongbin added between weak mewlings.

"Well... you could apologise and get him to give you another chance." Jaehwan suggested referring to the interviewer, handing Hongbin the sandwich he had made.

"I want to but I can't!" Hongbin whined between chewing and snivelling. This made Jaehwan wonder how the boy manages to look so aesthetically pleasing despite all that snot and whatnots smudging his face. Pretty probably runs in the family gene.

Making a mental note to speak to the school himself since Hongbin is not willing to the brother remained silent the soft tresses lovingly.



"Ravi I need to talk to you!" Barging into the other angel of death's residence, Taekwoon sighed in realisation that he is not in. Probably out stalking the human called Hakyeon.

Noting the mess all around the relatively spacious cave like structure, it is not hard to know that Ravi is also a very disturbed angel. The way he had thrashed the place is indicative of his frustration and helplessness.

Taekwoon shudders at the thought of the usually resourceful Ravi being trapped in this same hopeless situation, for so long at that. Hakyeon is human. Hongbin is human. Ravi is the angel of death and so is he. Hakyeon and Ravi is impossible so what makes him and Hongbin? Are they never going to work out?

Judging by the additional runes Ravi had carved on himself the last time they met Taekwoon can guess that the other is planning to make himself visible to his human muse. The increasing numbers of tattoos on him is proof of how far he is going. Spells and incantations are almost considered dealings with the demons and Taekwoon isn't sure how legit Ravi's actions are. Yet he feels the other. He would do it too if Hongbin was unable to see him. He would make a deal with Satan himself if the need arises.

Leaving the other's residence to look for him, Taekwoon is not surprised to see Ravi seated in the fast food outlet that Hakyeon works in. Looming behind the fellow angel of death, Taekwoon is stunned to see Hakyeon approach them. He is also smiling at Ravi while Ravi smiles back. The angel of death never looked more suave. He was practically glowing as much as he is dashing.

Ravi had thanked the latter and that somehow made a smile break out on Taekwoons face. He almost laughed out loud had he not regained his composure fast enough. Ravi looked ridiculous with his weird birdman outfit and even though he always had a strange style going on despite no one being able to see him besides Taekwoon, Taekwoon cannot help but notice he had vamped it up to a whole new level.

Landing atop the table which Ravi was dining on, Taekwoon greeted the other angel of death with a dead pan face. "You did it." He initiates a conversation at last.

"Taekwoon ah how do I look?" Ravi asked as he adjusts his hat and the silent angel wrinkled his nose with a look of distaste. Ravi responded with a raised eye brow. Tugging at his coat as he inspects the rest of his apparel with pride, Ravi muttered under his breath. "At least I bother to change unlike you."

"Are those feathers from your wings?" Taekwoon retorted referring to the pile of feathers lining the collar of Ravi's coat and Ravi chortled loudly. Then as if being reminded that he is now visible with all the wide eyes staring at him curiously, Ravi did a small bow of apology. Hakyeon's eyes were particularly big as he blinks adorably.

Cursing under his breath and at Taekwoon who had made him a crazy person in the eyes of the public and especially Hakyeon, Ravi did a flashy wink like a professional and skipped over to the counter. He ended up chatting Hakyeon up and for some reason the human is verily impressed by him. Laughing heartily and even hitting Ravi playfully. Taekwoon felt a sudden pang of jealousy. Why couldn't he be as smooth as the other? Words always seem to jam up at his throat. He would either sound threatening or authoritative, hardly ever funny or pleasant.

It's a wonder why Hongbin was attracted to him at the first place. He knew nuts about flirting. Except for looking handsome, he probably had no other positive traits remotely related to a lover. He was and is still very dedicated to his job: a perfectionist with high expectations. Hongbin was often neglected in the past. He is also stiff and unable to express himself. One of little words. To top it off, the pretty virtue also had a hoard of equally attractive admirers. Maybe Ravi is right about him being a fail.

Even now, Taekwoon wondered about how Ravi would deal with situation he is in. He would probably ace it.

Meeting the other angel of death outside of the relatively crowded restaurant, Ravi seems to know exactly what had happened. Taekwoon is like an open book. Readable. It is only a wonder why he would end up Taekwoons consultant. "Hey. Do you happen to know what a phone number is?" Ravi digressed with a question.

Taekwoon paused for a moment before responding with a hand to the ear, mimicking how one would pick up a telephone. He had seen Hongbin using one. Ravi imitates his actions with a look of understanding.

"Do you think it's possible for you to get his number from your lover boy?" Ravi asked Taekwoon while looking back at the busy Hakyeon. "No wait. Let me guess. You two are not doing well?" Taekwoon nodded.

"Taekwoon oh Taekwoon. What did you do this time?" Ravi asked resignedly.

"Nothing. I just wanted us to be closer." Taekwoon mumbled. "I can't just look at him and not want to touch..." The quiet angel of death lamented. Hongbin obviously has issues and there is no way he is capable of making the boy talk. They need to thrash things out but Taekwoon cannot even bring himself to get the ball rolling.

"Weren't you persistent enough to make him budge the last time?" Ravi suggested.

"It's different this time... he is scared of something and I don't want to push him too far." Taekwoon uttered.

"Well. Then you should've tried to sound him out the first time." Ravi answered in an annoyed fashion. "You are his problem. He's already human. What else do you think he is afraid of asides from dying." Seeing Taekwoon become even more downcast, Ravi ended up reverting to a comforting tone.

"Man... you two sure have issues..." Ravi mumbled and removes his hat to scratch beneath it.

"You need to talk to him. Tell him the truth." Ravi gave Taekwoons shoulder a soft reassuring tap.


The next morning...

"Hongbin ah..." Peering into an almost pitch black room and squinting to focus on the small lump under the thick comforter, a very troubled older brother decided that it is too late into the afternoon to be drawing all the curtains and sleeping.

Hongbin had been acting very weird of recent and the latest episode is merely one of the examples. His mood swings are incredible. Over the moon in the morning and wallowing in the flooded grasslands that very evening, then possibly trying to drown himself in the river some time back. Jaehwan wants to know what is happening. Hongbin hardly ever keeps anything from him and it is worrisome since it is a little late for the rebellious stage to set in. Puberty perhaps but Hongbin is too old for that.

Calling the school to thrash things out, Jaehwan was greatly taken aback to hear that not only did Hongbin not have any issues with the interviewers, he had been accepted. The boy was obviously bothered by something not along the line of that interview and even at the current moment, he is still the wimpy kid refusing to leave his room for reasons only God would know.

Entering and sitting by the boy as gently as he can, Jaehwan reached under the blankets just to come into contact with a hot pile of flesh. Hongbin is almost burning up his bed as he sleeps. Shivering a little when Jaehwan rips the covers off of him, Hongbin snivelled and curled up further despite Jaehwan's attempt to rouse him.

Racing out of the room to dig out the rare few tablets of antipyretic in his closet, Jaehwan hurriedly served it. Practically forcing the medications down Hongbin's throat since the boy is nothing close to being cooperative.

"Taekwoon..." Hongbin mumbled in his sleep as he makes an abrupt turn to hug onto Jaehwan's waist tightly. "You jerk." Scolding the man beside him while half asleep, tears were even flowing down his flushed cheeks.

"Yah Lee Hongbin." Patting his brother on the face, Jaehwan finally manages to get Hongbin's full attention. "Wake up. We are going to the doctor's." Pulling Hongbin up rather forcefully, Jaehwan decided not to probe while Hongbin is still woozy.

"I feel fine hyung." Grumbling as the older person struggles to put his shoes on for him like a nanny, Hongbin refused to budge so both males ended up sitting at the main entrance in a tangled mess. Jaehwan is undoubtedly pissed off at this point but Hongbin seemed too distraught to care.

"How much rainwater did you drink to get so drunk??" Jaehwan berated while slapping his brother on the thighs. Hongbin mumbled an incoherent answer and slips into Jaehwan's embrace for more sleep.

"Who's Taekwoon?" Jaehwan asked carefully and a pained expression immediately works its way across Hongbins face. Jaehwan could swear he sees eyes going all watery even though the boy's eyelids are closed.

"A friend?" Jaehwan is in a fix. He does not want to be too open about what he is assuming at the moment but nobody would act all lovesick just for a friend. He definitely wouldn't if Hakyeon and he were to get involved in a dispute. Hongbin does not respond, lying on the floor like a paralysed undead.

"Hongbin you've got to tell me what is going on or I wouldn't be able to help you." Jaehwan sulked and proceeded to pull the boy back into the living room.

"You can't help me hyung." "Not even god would help me." Hongbin whined cutely and slumped face down onto the couch as soon as they arrive.

"AISH!!" Smacking his stubborn brother's buttock exasperatedly, the older brother threw in the towel and left for the kitchen. He would prepare some remedy for the fever like how their grandmother would. It is not like he would be able to drag Hongbin all the way to see a doctor with him acting like that.

Busy working around with the pots and pans in the kitchen, Jaehwan does not notice the boy wandering back into his room unsteadily. Closing his room door behind him, Hongbin walked right into a familiar chest once again. Looking down at his feet in a stubborn refusal to face the being standing in front of him now, Hongbin bit his lower lip and tried to excuse himself.

Reaching for the door knob once more, he subconsciously whines when the door is pushed shut by a long hand. Trying to dodge the being in front of him and dive back into the safety of his bed instead, Hongbin could not go any further with the wide spread shield of black glossy feathers blocking his way. Acting like a trigger for bad memories, the black wings brought about a painful sob from Hongbin.

Covering his mouth as more cries threaten to escape, Hongbin turned away to look at whatever is behind him. A hand reaches over to grip him on the forehead and he was miraculously healed. No more fever. His head does not feel heavy anymore. His eyes are no longer burning with the heat. "You were sick." A soft voice broke their awkward silence.

"Please leave." Hongbin mumbled almost reluctantly. He was dying to see Taekwoon.

"I'm still your guardian." Taekwoon whispered.

"No... please. I don't want that." Hongbin rasped in response, obviously not taking that proclamation well.

"The truth is I'm not." Taekwoon whispered gently. "I made myself your guardian." Reaching for Hongbin, Taekwoon flinched slightly when the boy shied away with the not so subtle hint that the he does not wish to be touched at the moment.

"I'm no longer an angel in the sanctuary." Taekwoon said after a long pause and Hongbin's eyes widened into the size of saucers. "I chose to leave. Without you in the sanctuary, I would rather not be there." Angry tears immediately springs from Hongbin's eyes and he stood slowly from where he was just seated.

"Why?" Hongbin's voice came out cracked but forceful, face contorted with a look of horror. "Why are you always like that??" "One minded... idiot!"

"I was dying to leave." Taekwoon sounded genuinely desperate.

"After all that I did to preserve your status? My intentions were clear! I wanted for you to stay so I..." Hongbin's voice is getting really loud and he quickly tones down. More than that, his disappointment and helplessness is becoming apparent.

"You were so happy there!" "You were bounded for the first sphere! Why?!" Hongbin spoke through clenched jaws.

"I wouldn't have left for the first sphere if you were still in the second." Taekwoon is starting to feel annoyed that Hongbin would assume he would just move on without him. "I am only happy because YOU were around!" "Stop assuming my happiness for me!"

Taekwoons words came like a slap and Hongbin has had enough. Looking the angel in the eyes, he even took a step forward. "Did you know? ... I have always been interested in you?"

"Even when we were in different spheres?" Hongbin continued as tears started to roll down his cheeks. "You were a power and I was a principality when I heard about you. How accomplished you were as well as how difficult you were. You were practically famous in the third sphere. Then I finally got a chance to see you at the choir. Since then I had worked really hard to become a virtue so I could see you again. I really wanted to meet you... do you know why??"

"Do you know what I saw?? That made me so desperate to see you again?" Hongbin whispered with trembling voice. Taekwoons eyes were wide open now, lips agape.

"You were smiling. Just once but you smiled. You looked so contented and I thought you weren't as bad as they made you out to be." "More than anything else... I fell in love..."

"They asked me when I became virtue who I wanted to serve under and I chose you. None of my fellows dared but for me, it had to be you. I was so excited when I got my assignment too..." Reaching up to cup Taekwoons face with both hands, Hongbin had to tip toe a little.

"I love you and I want you to be happy. Yet I did the opposite... dragging you down this road of destruction with me..."

"How come you never told me these? I thought I knew everything about you." Taekwoon mirrored Hongbin's action and looks intently into the boy's eyes.

"Some things you just don't say..." Hongbin breaks away and takes away step back. "You were so dedicated to your cause that you never noticed those around you. I was really really grateful that you noticed me."

"I wanted you to notice me. I wanted you for myself. I was selfish. I destroyed you." These are the things I weren't able to tell you in time before I fell. Hongbin thought aloud in his mind for Taekwoon.

"No! Get that right! I was the one who destroyed you!!" Taekwoon confronted Hongbin angrily. The angel of death is angry that his lover would not stop dwelling on the self blame. "I WANTED YOU TO LOVE ME! I WANTED YOU!" Taekwoon is so worked up by now that Hongbin's curtains are fluttering violently.

"Doesn't matter now! I should've never chosen to serve under you! I'm such a selfish idiot!!!" Hongbin raised his voice. "At least we still have whatever you are left with!"

"There's nothing left! I'm death now... accept that." Taekwoon said lowly, voice soft but stern.

"What??" Taking a huge step back in shock, Hongbin knocked a pile of books off the table before falling onto the floor as well with buttocks landing first.

"WHY?!" Scrambling to his feet and launching himself into Taekwoon, Hongbin could not stop himself from hitting the angel drumming him on the chest angrily. "How can you do this to me??" "Death of everything you could be!! Why are you so hell bent on destroying yourself?!"

"My existence without you means nothing... NOTHING!! So please stop torturing me... I'm in pain without you Hongbin! Every second of everyday!" Taekwoon pleaded with the boy, pulling him into a tight embrace. "Please understand! I've changed after meeting you! I can't return to existing without you!" The angel spoke with such a pained expression that Hongbin cannot help but relent. As much as he had always wanted Taekwoon to be happy, he does not want the angel to feel any hurt.

"Make me happy again. Please please save me... please." Taekwoon whispered into Hongbin's ear while planting a kiss there, taking in the all of the small body plastered to his.

"Taekwoon you deserve the best... and I'm not the best for you..." Hongbin hesitated briefly before answering.

"I decide what is best for me... and YOU are the best." Taekwoon whispered into Hongbin's ears again sending chills down the boy's spine. Hongbin contemplated pushing the angel of death away but there is no way he could no matter how much energy he is channelling into his arms. His weakness for Taekwoon is taking over him and most importantly, he knows he is not going anywhere with this quarrel.

"They can't condemn me anymore. I'm already the condemned. They cannot do anything else to me..." Taekwoon slid his hands up Hongbin's back as if seeking comfort, egging the boy to return his embrace. "So stop worrying about me... and let's work on you instead..."

Hongbin knows Taekwoon is right. The angel of death had already sealed his own fate. Their fate. He needs to stop deciding what is best for Taekwoon. That was Taekwoon's message to him. He understands. 

"Where did you get all that cheese from?" Hongbin whispered back half smiling.

"Have to agree my cheesiness is of high quality." Taekwoon smirked.

"I decide what is best for me... and YOU are the best." Hongbin imitated Taekwoon and made a face to go with it. This made Taekwoon chortle heartily for the first time in age, burying his face into the boy's soft shoulder.

"I still hate you for doing this to yourself." Hongbin reminded the now gleeful Taekwoon. "And you are going back to heaven with the first chance at redemption they give you you hear me?" chiding the angel of death as they wrap their arms around one another lovingly.

"Not without you."

"I'm human now dummy. I will grow old and die." "We wouldn't be together forever so start planning." Hongbin said resignedly and Taekwoon breaks away, staring at him to bore holes through him.

"You die I die." Taekwoon answered intently.

"Which movie did you learn this line from?" Hongbin snorted and giggled prettily.

"Stop taking yourself so lightly. You are important to me." It became Taekwoon's turn to get all worked up. "I will work this out. We are staying together in live or in death." Pulling Hongbin into a long hug, he was about to kiss Hongbin had Jaehwan not barged in. Stunned, the boy dove under his blanket to hide the strange blush that is now present on his face.

"Hongbin ah! You have to stop sleeping." Making his way over with an intention to smack his brother on the buttocks again, a gust of wind throws him off course and he ends up cursing while fighting the curtains to close the windows. There is no way Taekwoon would allow anyone to touch the boy's private limited zone in his presence, brothers or not.

Leaving his messed up bed, Hongbin did a quick tidy up and made his way out of the room like nothing has ever happened at the first place. "Smells nice hyung~ I'm hungry." 

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little_yeoja #1
Chapter 13: Is it completed? Oh my god this is too good!
Chapter 13: oh God why I just read it n0w?youll c0ntinue this or this is the end already?i really2x like ur writing authornim ur my number 1 best author and all ur stories I read it many times esp.the leobin war s0mething,i cant get over it coz its to0 perfect,please c0ntinue writing m0re about leobin,thank u a milli0n times
Kyattchan #3
Chapter 13: "Hongbin ah! You have to stop sleeping." Making his way over with an intention to smack his brother on the buttocks again, a gust of wind throws him off course and he ends up cursing while fighting the curtains to close the windows. There is no way Taekwoon would allow anyone to touch the boy's private limited zone in his presence, brothers or not."

LOL This part made me laugh so hard!! XD

I love this story.. it's lots of angsty.. and a bit dramatic.. but there's this little amount of fluffyness (let's call it LeoBin love!) that made me fall completely in love with it. I can't wait to read more.. I wanna know how long Leobin will keep their abstinence.. haha Update soon please! :)
asdfgkl #4
I'm so in love with this ;n;
GTokodi #5
Chapter 13: OMG I want more pls take your time and give us the ty thing lol
Chapter 12: I need more, this fic is so good
GTokodi #7
You're doing a great job! Thank you!
GTokodi #8
Chapter 8: Ahh I want more xDDDD Good job!
Momoleee #9
Chapter 7: This story omg i loveeee it