Of nature

Of Love and Life

Life on earth went on as usual for everyone else except Hongbin since Jaehwan is finally ready for discharge. He would be going home for the first time in weeks and the boy is over the moon. Cleaning the house down and sanitising everything according to the doctor's instructions, Hongbin had even deposited the pets at Hakyeon's place.

Jaehwan does not know that Hongbin is working and the boy is determined to keep it that way. For as long as he brother is concerned he is still schooling. He would wear his school uniform out of the house just to change at his work place and change back before heading home. Household chores also became his self-assigned responsibility for as long as Jaehwan needs to recover.

Taekwoon is not happy with Hongbin being on self-destruction mode but there is little that he can do. Now that Jaehwan is awake he can no longer come and go at will. He does not wish to be exposed and even though there isn't going to be much repercussion on his side he simply does not want Hongbin to find out about his real identity prematurely. Watching over the boy whenever he is not out on soul collecting trips Taekwoon almost became part of Hongbin's room, watching the boy as he slept.

Days past by in a flash and soon Jaehwan is back to work despite Hongbin's objection. Also, under mysterious circumstances, the older brother had discovered about the boy dropping out of school. Even though Hongbin had vehemently denied that fact, there was no ways to hide the truth. Jaehwan would personally him to classes every morning and back home after school.

Disgruntled as he might be, Hongbin knows that he had just become a new burden for Jaehwan and he will need to behave in order not to be. Swearing before his grandmother's grave that he would get all A's for his next exam, Hongbin is forced to focus on studies once again. No more tricks on his part. Acting cute will get him nowhere too so he knows nothing beats resigning to fate.

Walking home from school after a long day of remedial lessons to catch up with his homework Hongbin walked into the path of an oncoming car since he wasn't paying attention to where he was going. Face buried in his book and ears plugged in despite being told a gazillion times never to do so by his grandmother, Hongbin remained frozen on the spot as the blinding headlights and deafening horns somehow stuns him like a visual and auditory taser.

A pair of strong hands was wrapped around his waist before anything detrimental could happen and he was shoved out the way. He was expecting to hit the ground either ways since the body pressing so close to his was practically leaning most of the weight on him and he can hardly keep his balance. Strangely, he was simply twirled in a full circle and ended up standing on the curb he almost died stepping down from.

It had struck him for a brief moment how familiar this pair of hands felt. The pressure they apply onto his skin is just as evenly spread out. So warm for a cold night like this and the electric feel it possesses is causing his every pore to tingle in a nice way.

Gasping, he was about to spin around to look up at his saviour but the swearing of the maddened driver could be heard through his ear pieces. He briefly decides to apologise for being such a hazard first but the scolding had ceased almost as soon as they have started. The man simply returned to his car looking like he had just been possessed, driving off as if nothing had happened at the first place leaving Hongbin greatly puzzled. Finally looking back to locate the origin of the pair of arms still tangled possessively around his torso, Hongbin nearly jumped out of his own skin.

He almost squealed but managed to suppress the girly reaction on time and exclaimed loudly. He had bumped into Taekwoon once again. In all honesty, the man had just saved him whether he would like to admit it or not. The boy hadn't seen the angel around since their last eye contact back right before Jaehwan's operation so the meeting is even more awkward than before.

Staring at Taekwoon in awe since the man is still dressed in black Hongbin is starting to wonder if the man has some queer obsession for that colour. It was early into the night and had they not been standing under the streetlight Hongbin would not have been able to see him at all. However, seeing him isn't exactly the best thing that has ever happened to him. The angel looked pissed. That was just an understatement.

The man was seething handsomely as he returns Hongbin’s stare from the bottom half of his eyes. In short he was staring Hongbin down and it was far from warm and amiable. The boy knows the angel can appear very unapproachable but this instance is the worse one yet. He can see that he is being given a look of reproach and it is not a nice feeling.

Waving a somewhat reluctant small wave at the man since it is too late for him to pretend that he hadn't spotted him, the boy stood rooted to the ground in silent prayers that the man would leave him alone.

Taking a step back stealthily with his hands still attached to Hongbin's slim waist, the boy does not dare to pry them off since the angel's eyes are still blazing. "T-thank you." "That was close..." Hongbin tried to chuckle but the sounds he managed to summon from the back of his throat sounded more like an unpleasant grunt.

Taekwoon simply continued to stare glare at him and the boy wished he had the power to just disappear. He was never good at responding to other's admonition. "You err... you have great reflexes." Hongbin half whimpered and patted the angel on his arms gingerly as if to remind him where his hands were.

Taekwoon simply slipped his arms up higher till they are under Hongbin's axilla and lifted him off the ground like he is some doll. Whirling him around in circles while inspecting him from head to toe, the angel of death finally ceased the frowning. Patting Hongbin on the head instead of scolding him like all the other adults would, Taekwoon left.

"Wait!" Following with unsteady steps result of the scare he just received, Hongbin felt a strong sudden urge to at least find out the angel's name. At least Jaehwan would be able to thank the man in his stead. Officially since the dude had just saved his life.

Unable to catch up, the boy's instinct had guided him to whip out his phone to snap a picture of the man. Capturing a few zoomed in shots of Taekwoon's back view and side profile, Hongbin finally stopped chasing to check out his proof shots. There were no traces of Taekwoon in his pictures except the background in the first few and the others were just a pitch black.

Hongbin was sure he had seen the man on the small screen right before the capture yet the pictures were useless. Forming a baffled pout with his lips, the boy scratched at his head and gave himself a pat on the cheeks.


A while later...

Face palming himself while slumped in his seat like a pile of melting sludge, Taekwoon subconsciously sniffed at his palms while they rested on his nose. Hongbin’s smell still lingered even though the boy doesn't wear cologne of any sorts. The faint smell of soap and the nice smell of spring the boy had left on his hands are almost ic.

Reminiscing about the warm and soft feel of Hongbin's tiny waist in his arms as they were wrapped tightly around him earlier, Taekwoon sighed loudly. That was his first official hug with his Hongbin even though he had managed to sneak many secret kisses and caresses while the boy was asleep. He found it hard to let go at that moment and at least Hongbin was not too particular about being almost molested by an almost stranger.

He was mad for a short while, mad at Hongbin for being so careless, mad at the driver who refused to slow down even after spotting the boy. Mostly mad at how little importance Hongbin places on his own life. He needs to stay alive and Taekwoon would ensure that. If human Hongbin were to die, that is the end for them both. He had been through the separation once and he is not planning on going through it a second time.

Having never really considered Hongbin growing old and dying eventually, the angel of death is forced to finally think about how he wants to progress from here on.

He needed advice but no one has ever done what he had. They had. Fully aware his still precious intact memory is the worse punishment of all, Taekwoon is hell bent on ensuring Hongbin does not get the shorter end of the stick this time. He will be fully responsible.

 First he needs to stop wasting time following the boy like his shadow.

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little_yeoja #1
Chapter 13: Is it completed? Oh my god this is too good!
Chapter 13: oh God why I just read it n0w?youll c0ntinue this or this is the end already?i really2x like ur writing authornim ur my number 1 best author and all ur stories I read it many times esp.the leobin war s0mething,i cant get over it coz its to0 perfect,please c0ntinue writing m0re about leobin,thank u a milli0n times
Kyattchan #3
Chapter 13: "Hongbin ah! You have to stop sleeping." Making his way over with an intention to smack his brother on the buttocks again, a gust of wind throws him off course and he ends up cursing while fighting the curtains to close the windows. There is no way Taekwoon would allow anyone to touch the boy's private limited zone in his presence, brothers or not."

LOL This part made me laugh so hard!! XD

I love this story.. it's lots of angsty.. and a bit dramatic.. but there's this little amount of fluffyness (let's call it LeoBin love!) that made me fall completely in love with it. I can't wait to read more.. I wanna know how long Leobin will keep their abstinence.. haha Update soon please! :)
asdfgkl #4
I'm so in love with this ;n;
GTokodi #5
Chapter 13: OMG I want more pls take your time and give us the ty thing lol
Chapter 12: I need more, this fic is so good
GTokodi #7
You're doing a great job! Thank you!
GTokodi #8
Chapter 8: Ahh I want more xDDDD Good job!
Momoleee #9
Chapter 7: This story omg i loveeee it