Of preservation

Of Love and Life

They met on the day Taekwoon’s almost friend had to move to the first sphere as cherubim. Taekwoon was up next in a jiffy considering the fact that he is a glorious combination of everything angelic and powerful except that oddball temper of his. The dominion was not paying attention to his surrounding at all when the newly anointed virtue moved in.

The second sphere was relatively empty at that time as there was a major shift in the sanctuaries so Taekwoon was indulging in the silence. The virtue was as low profile as any insignificant angel would be except he was already virtue. Taekwoon would have mistaken him for a normal angel intruding had the young angel not proceeded with a very awkward self-introduction.

His name was Hongbin and he looked everything like a virtue would. Taekwoon is not easy to impress but just that exquisite face is enough to take his breath away. Hongbin was as delicate as Taekwoon was majestic. It was a cruel joke on the superior being's part for the two angels to spend so much time together since theirs quickly developed into something unholy.

Always Hongbin’s hair or wing subconsciously, there were obvious tell-tale signs that the dominion was infatuated. He felt all sorts of forbidden emotions pretty quickly, learnt them. Jealousy when Hongbin walks too close to others. Unjustified anger when Hongbin accidentally neglected him for his duties. Lust whenever he sees the virtue resting with his shroud hanging too loosely off his shoulders.

It became a dangerous period for Taekwoon when they started frolicking. Hongbin obviously felt something for Taekwoon too but he was more law abiding than the dominion, puritanical in a way that pissed Taekwoon off incredibly. Refusing to do anything other than mischievously flirting with Taekwoon, Hongbin only occasionally allowed the other to kiss him on the cheeks sometimes on the lips under rare circumstances. Then he would go into repentance mode, blaming himself for being so despicable.

Ps: Forgive my penchant for long long rants. ^^

On the contrary, Taekwoon does not blame himself. He loved the virtue. There is no turning back and he is as stubborn as a mule about his feelings. Then Taekwoon could no longer fight the darkness consuming him.

Grabbing the virtue by the hand after forcing a kiss onto the other's soft puckers, Taekwoon refused to allow Hongbin to regret any of it. He subsequently forced himself onto the helpless virtue and even if Hongbin did not want it, the pretty virtue does not want to hurt Taekwoon with his refusal. It is the virtue's job to serve a dominion's purpose after all is it not?

Hongbin struggled but gave up just as quickly as he started. Silently resisting the pulling force of the carnal desire that will destroy his very being, the pleasure Taekwoon gave was too much for him to bear. He fell and he fell hard. It was an irreversible did. Taekwoon had already fallen the moment he took the initiative and there was no way to save the dominion but the virtue could at least save himself. Yet he loved the dominion too much. He would rather fall with Taekwoon then let him fall alone during the inevitable judgement.

The superior being knows everything about the angels, what they are thinking or doing. There is no escape. They can love but it's a see but no touch policy. The moment Taekwoon indulged in the lust coursing through his being and was greedy for more he had already fallen. Hongbin never did feel a tiniest bit of lust but this moment sealed his fate as a fallen. The thrones would swarm in on them any minute so Hongbin could only cling into his partner tightly for dear life. He was not afraid. It was just that he knew their time together is limited and even though the time they have spent together was more than a few millenniums in human years, it is never enough in love.

Being pulled apart by the thrones eventually and thrown in front of a court before they could put up any resistance, Hongbin did not fight nor did he debate. Calmly adjusting his shroud and ignoring his aching wings, the virtue slipped his hands around the dominion's waist and planted a kiss on the back of his neck. He had returned Taekwoon his innocence, taken full responsibility for their sordid act in front of the Seraphims that were judging them.

The rage and outcry of the Seraphims and Cherubims are unparalleled by any previous judgement and Hongbin was cast from the sanctuaries before Taekwoon could say a word. Taekwoon was torn. He was fighting to convince the court to think otherwise but they will not have any of it. Hongbin was the core of Taekwoon's sin that had grown out of hand and Hongbin knows that. He was guiltier than Taekwoon because he could have stopped them yet he allowed their twisted affair. He had fanned the flames instead of putting it out.

"Don't apologise. I was the one who wanted us. I love you too much." Hongbin whispered into the apologising Taekwoon's ear as he leans in for a daring kiss.

His wings had disintegrated pretty quickly and then he fell. There was no way to save himself.

Taekwoon reached out desperately, struggling to cling on to him but to no avail. They could only maintain their last long moment of eye contact, teary with forlorn and helplessness. Hongbin was falling too quickly and Taekwoon’s wings were no good at this moment. The fallen angel had disappeared into the clouds just after mouthing the three words for the last time.


"OMO Hongbin ah!" Exclaiming loudly upon running into his drenched brother in the lift on his way back home from work, Jaehwan forgot that it is already well past the boy's curfew time.

Ushering the despondent latter into his room and pulling out the fluffiest towel he can find, the loving older brother wrapped it around his younger sibling tightly.

"Thank you hyung..." Patting Hongbin's head as the younger one stares at his feet lifelessly Jaehwan is starting to feel concerned. It is not every day one gets to see a downcast Hongbin.

"What's the matter big baby?" Jaehwan cooed and Hongbin pouted.

"Pranks? Were you bullied?" Jaehwan asked gently but firmly. He will not take bullying lightly. Hongbin was bullied a lot after they lost their parents and Jaehwan used to stand up to them with his fist. He may have a gentle facade but no one fools around with the legendary Jaehwan.

Hongbin shook his head. Hanging his head even lower, the boy wrapped the towel around himself even tighter and looked away. Shifting his feet and making his way to the toilet at last, Jaehwan could only watch silently.

Sitting under the shower and allowing the water to run off his hair down his face and body, Hongbin could not stop the influx of memories returning. Except he is no longer denying them. Embracing them was not an easy process at first but Taekwoon had made doing so a natural process today. He was denying his feelings all these while and Taekwoon had also made him realise it would be easier not to fight them.

Yet he knows they can never return to how they were before. He is now human. As much as those memories of his pre-human existence hurts and tortures him, he treasures them. He greatly cherishes the times he had with Taekwoon.

He had to make a decision. If he were to choose Taekwoon, the angel would surely end up committing yet another crime against the heavens. He is human and humans are free to love but not angels. Not Taekwoon. He almost fell had Hongbin not vouched for his innocence in front of the court. Taekwoon cannot afford to fall further.

Taekwoon wanted to fall with him too but Hongbin would rather disappear altogether than allow that to happen. He does not want Taekwoon to become human or worse a demon. That was his sentiment from before and nothing has changed now.

So what if Taekwoon becomes human and joins him? So what if Taekwoon’s memory remains intact and they could love freely? What is the percentage of that happening?

Hongbin had seen the dominion in full glory and it was a sight to behold. His dedication to his role and the good work he did. Best employee of all times if heaven was an organisation. Taekwoon is obviously happy doing what he does and it is not easy for him to actually feel happy. To sum it up, it would be too much of a waste if the magnificent angel had simply became fallen from grace. Being an angel befits Taekwoon and Hongbin will not have him settle for anything less.

Hongbin assumed Taekwoon was merely demoted to being a regular guardian angel, forced to watch over the human version of his lover which is twisted but at least he is still an angel. What Taekwoon hadn't told him was the fact that he is now the taker of souls.

Closing his eyes to allow the soapy water to bypass his eyes, the boy pondered about how his memory had remained so intact despite his fall. They are meant to be forgotten and that is the point of falling. He does not want to remember yet he can't help but feel extremely thankful that they are still there.

The hug they shared and the places Taekwoon had touched still burnt. He loved Taekwoon and still does with all of his existence. The short period of his human years that he had forgotten about Taekwoon, the memories he had made appeared so insignificant: so pale in comparison. He had always felt that a part of him is missing at a tender age and had attributed the cause to the lost his earthly parents which he does not even have any memories of.

Now he knows. Jaehwan had filled the gap for a little more than a decade and a half but now he has recovered his only source of happiness. He is dying not to lose it yet he knows he cannot selfishly keep their relationship going like he had done when he was still an angel.

The more precious Taekwoon is to him, the more he couldn't proceed with rekindling what they shared. He had hurt Taekwoon before and caused their downfall. At least he had gotten the deserved punishment but Taekwoon does not deserve to be demoted.

Taekwoon may have forced himself onto Hongbin but Hongbin could've stopped him. He could have salvaged everything but he had allowed his weakness for Taekwoon to consume him. He is the despicable one for as long as he is concerned. However, what had happened has happened.

As of now, the only favour he can do for Taekwoon as his lover is to stop their love. Put an end to the beautiful emotion they shared. Humans could do it very easily. Change a love within a blink of an eye, a snap of the fingers. He knows angels are different. Their love is steadfast and pure. He was once angel. He was unable to overcome his love. Even the strong Leo had fallen in the face of love.

Hongbin can stop them from spiralling further downhill. He intends to do so now that he finally could. At least he was quick to realise this time around.


The puppy Hongbin had attempted saving quickly became their link. As much as Hongbin wants to abstain from seeing Taekwoon, he would fail miserably every time. Just this once! No more! He would comfort himself.

Every time the puppy barks means Taekwoon is approaching since the angel of death had volunteered to bring the puppy back with him and care for it. He had always particularly liked animals especially those small cute ones. He finally gets to keep one thanks to Hongbin.

"Leo yah!" Running to the puppy instead of the angel of death, Hongbin told himself he would concentrate on the animals instead of the angel. He had even brought his own pets to let the animals mingle. It is tough to keep Taekwoon at bay but it has to be done.

Leo is the name Hongbin had given their shared pet, a sort of symbol of their reconciliation. "Come to papa!" Hongbin laughed as he lifts the puppy into the air like a proud dad.

"Mama." Taekwoon corrected and Hongbin lets out an awkward chuckle, mumbling whatever to the dog and side eyeing Taekwoon purposely.

Letting the puppy down and watching the small bunch dart around the secluded spot in the park, Hongbin took out his homework and settled down on the bench. The animals always seem to behave themselves with Taekwoon around anyway so he hardly needs to worry.

Focusing on the math question with furrowed brows, Hongbin tried to ignore the feeling of Taekwoon watching him from behind. He had been rather impolite by treating his saviour like he was invisible but they need to maintain their distance.

"Don't you have other kids to watch over?" Hongbin asked at last since Taekwoon is not budging, sighing into his remark. His tone came out sour as though he is somewhat angry and mostly jealous. Eyes widening in disbelief that the voice belonged to him, Hongbin face palmed himself.

"You are the only one." Taekwoon leaned in behind him and whispered. This action does crazy things to Hongbin's sense and he found himself near to . Hongbin groaned and tried to wave Taekwoon off.

"Are you still mad at me?" Taekwoon grabbed Hongbin's wrist and whispered again. Hongbin could not keep the small whimper from escaping his lips. Shaking his head almost shyly, all homework is abandoned when Taekwoon pulls him out of his seat into an embrace and kisses the life out of him though not literally. "Good." The angel of death said into their kiss.

Deepening their kiss eagerly, Hongbin cannot stop himself from reacting so. He tells himself it is the bodily attractions but their souls are connected in a very special way. Hongbin used to know what was on Taekwoon’s mind and Taekwoon knew Hongbin through and through as well.

They never really needed to talk back in the day, just enjoying each other's company. They didn't know about things like needs and such but once they got close enough to start touching one another, a sort of craving is created.

Now that the need is present, it is impossible to stay just as innocent as they have started out. It is sad and unholy while they were angels but it is seemingly normal for humans to bond. Their beings simply needed to know more of one another.

An image of the thrones barging in momentarily invades Hongbin's mind and he quickly pulls away from Taekwoon. Maintaining an arm's length between them as he pants all red and breathless, Hongbin returned Taekwoon’s concerned gaze with a saddened one.

"Don't do this to me." Taekwoon whispered earnestly and Hongbin faltered a little. Yet his decision is set in stone.

"We need to stop this..." Hongbin answered affirmatively. "I've said it before and I will say it again." The once angel added.

"No. I have said no before and I will say it again." Taekwoon replied fiercely and took off from his side. Disappearing before Hongbin could protest, Hongbin felt like crying. He is dying to make up for their lost time yet on the other hand he wants to be more practical: more logical.

Taekwoon is as hard headed as he is strong and he is incredibly strong. He had always been extremely attractive even with this bothersome trait. Hongbin loved everything about Taekwoon.

Curling up into a ball on the bench as he lies on his side, the boy watches his new puppy disappear into the bushes after Taekwoon as if sensing that his master has left. How he hoped he could do that too. Stay by Taekwoon’s side.

"OMO Hongbin ah!" Jaehwan exclaimed on spotting his younger brother with puffy swollen eyes after he returns from walking their pets.

He does not ask even when Hongbin does not say a thing. Watching the boy take off into his room and slump face down, the older brother simply took off his socks for him and closed the door behind him.

Hongbin was torn about how to behave around Taekwoon from the incident on. He chose to feign ignorance. Hongbin was never a good liar but at least he has talent for acting.

Taekwoon clearly believes this reconciliation is the best thing that has ever happened to him. Hongbin feels terrible for trying to shunt him every time the angel tries to bring up their relationship but it is imperative that he does that.

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little_yeoja #1
Chapter 13: Is it completed? Oh my god this is too good!
Chapter 13: oh God why I just read it n0w?youll c0ntinue this or this is the end already?i really2x like ur writing authornim ur my number 1 best author and all ur stories I read it many times esp.the leobin war s0mething,i cant get over it coz its to0 perfect,please c0ntinue writing m0re about leobin,thank u a milli0n times
Kyattchan #3
Chapter 13: "Hongbin ah! You have to stop sleeping." Making his way over with an intention to smack his brother on the buttocks again, a gust of wind throws him off course and he ends up cursing while fighting the curtains to close the windows. There is no way Taekwoon would allow anyone to touch the boy's private limited zone in his presence, brothers or not."

LOL This part made me laugh so hard!! XD

I love this story.. it's lots of angsty.. and a bit dramatic.. but there's this little amount of fluffyness (let's call it LeoBin love!) that made me fall completely in love with it. I can't wait to read more.. I wanna know how long Leobin will keep their abstinence.. haha Update soon please! :)
asdfgkl #4
I'm so in love with this ;n;
GTokodi #5
Chapter 13: OMG I want more pls take your time and give us the ty thing lol
Chapter 12: I need more, this fic is so good
GTokodi #7
You're doing a great job! Thank you!
GTokodi #8
Chapter 8: Ahh I want more xDDDD Good job!
Momoleee #9
Chapter 7: This story omg i loveeee it