Conversation with Cho Kyuhyun

Winter Promise


Rin’s POV

It’s been 2 days since I last saw Donghae present for school. He must be really sick.

“Yah, Hye Rin-ah” Dara called from beside me.

I looked at my right and carefully lowered my head so our teacher wouldn’t see us talking. “What?”

“Are you going to visit Donghae later?” she asked.

“No. Why would I?” I frankly said.

“Yah! You should, I have to ask you a favor!” Dara slightly shouted.

“Why? What do you want?”

“Kyuhyun asked me to visit Donghae and inform him about his new council tasks later today. The problem is, is that I wasn’t able to refuse his order since he was in a VERY bad mood and that I can’t go to Donghae’s house today.” She exaggeratedly said. I glared at her for a couple of seconds and puffed.

“Okay, fine. I’ll visit him after school” I yielded. I heard a low ‘yes’ coming from her and sat up properly again.

=After school=

I decided to go visit Donghae right after the school ends. But I’m now here in the council room, stuck with the ‘always texting Cho Kyuhyun’ and doing all the members’ works. I sighed. Luckily though, Leeteuk agreed to not fetch me home after I told him that I needed stay late at school today to do some undone works.

“Hey, I already finished these” Kyuhyun said as he handed me a bunch of papers. I looked at the papers carefully and gasped.

“Kyuhyun-ssi..” I said lowly but enough for Kyuhyun to hear.


“These are only 13 papers! We’ve been here for almost 2 hours and this is all you give me?!” I shouted.

I saw him look at me with wide eyes and his body not moving even an inch. I sighed and decided to slap him; which I did, and with that, he blinked about 4-5 times and shook his head 3 times.

“Hye Rin-ah, you know me too much so I don’t need to explain, right?” he said while touching his slapped cheek. “You know that texting girls are more important than doing all the lazy members’ works, right? So don’t bother to ask why I just finished checking 13 sheets of papers compared to you who already finished about…”

“102 papers” I continued, my face blanked.

“Right, 102 papers!” he finished and typed on his cell phone again not even caring on how big the difference is between 13 and 102 papers.

“Aish! Why did I even agree on helping you here? I knew it’ll be like this” I mumbled.

“You know, you could actually ask Dara or Taeyeon to do those things since they’re my assistants.” he suggested.

“You know, if they’re actually your assistants then why didn’t you just ask them to do it instead of asking me?” I blurted. Kyuhyun looked at me and blinked thrice, again. “I didn’t think of that”

I sighed and just glared at him since I already knew that an argument would never work with someone like him.

“Who are you texting anyways?” I asked as I continued checking the remaining papers.

“My girlfriend” he stated.


“And 5 more other girls…” he trailed off.

I stared at him with a disappointed look and gasped. How could he flirt with multiple girls and at the same time have a girlfriend? I thought.

“What? Jealous?” he claimed as he saw me staring at him after what he said.

“Why would I be jealous? Who are you to me anyways?” I snickered and continued doing my work.

“Yah, don’t talk to me like that, we still had a relationship with each other even if it was completely fake.” He stated as he continuously kicked the chair I was sitting on and stopped texting, obviously offended.

“I know. I know. Now stop kicking” I chuckled. He looked at me carefully and huffed. “What?” I asked.

“Nothing, it’s just that I noticed that you’re really bipolar when it comes to me and to me only” he said.

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“Like, a minute ago you were irritated because of me then you became jealous and then a second after that you’re chuckling because of the simple thing I did. It’s really weird but cute at the same time” he stated.

I puffed. “Yah, didn’t I tell you I wasn’t jealous. Why would I even be jealous because of you” I retorted.

He looked at me and smirked. “See what I mean?”

I stared at him blankly and coughed lowly as I realized what he meant and what I just did. Was I really bipolar towards him… and only him? I asked myself.

I saw him grab his phone once again on the table and got back into texting. I sighed heavily and just continued checking the other papers.

It was really irritating whenever there’s silence in the room and then he’ll just burst out laughing for nothing. Maybe they’re sending lame jokes to each other, I thought. But heck, how many lame jokes can one even think of? He was laughing for like 20 minutes! I blurted out in my mind and took a quick look at him.

I coughed lightly as I finished checking the last sheet of paper and piled it together with the rest of the other finished sheets. “Done” I said and looked at the person in front of me, who was still busy texting.

“Just put them in there” Kyuhyun said while pointing at a small drawer on the back side of the room. I stood up and did what I was told to do. Once done, I looked at Kyuhyun again and started to get curious.

“Hey, can I ask you something?” I started. He quickly looked at me and back to his phone again. “What?” he asked.

“Do you still care for Seohyun?” I said as I walked back to my seat. He again took a quick glance at me and responded, “What do you mean?”

“I mean, didn’t we set up a fake relationship and got together for like 4 months just to get her jealous and be yours? Now that she’s finally yours, why are you still busy flirting with other girls and not taking care of her?” I asked as I warily looked at his calm face.

“We’re actually not together now. I got tired of her after a month and broke up. This is just another fake relationship she insisted to make from keeping me from being single and for her ideal guy to be envious.” He said while he busily typed a message on his phone.

“So… it’s just an act?” I inquired. “Yeah and plus she doesn’t really mind if I flirt. So it’s like a double win for me, I get to flirt with other girls and have a girlfriend at the same time, isn’t life just great?” he chuckled lightly.

“Wow, you sure are lucky when it comes to girls” I huffed. “And by the way, I noticed that you really love having false relationships.” I said.

“Huh?” Kyuhyun asked, confused.

I giggled softly and said, “You had a 4 month fake relationship with me, an act with your current ‘girlfriend’ Seohyun and that high-pitched girl you told me about before we got together.”

He looked at me and registered in his mind the thing I just said. “Yah!” he yelled as I chuckled. “I only ‘dated’ Jessica because she was a pain to the council. She was clearly obsessed with Donghae after that 214 incident and then started to stalk every guy member of the council including me!” he blurted out with wide eyes and a finger pointing at him.

I laughed silently as motioned my hand for him to calm down. “So Jessica’s the name huh, does she still attend the school? And what do you mean by the 214 incident? What happened? I continuously asked.

“Nope, I told my dad to expel her after she got worse. And 214 means February 14. The students arranged a jail booth for couples to be handcuffed together and stay on the booth for 14 minutes. Eunhyuk, who was fooling around at that time requested Donghae and Jessica to be locked together alone in the jail booth. Unfortunately, the incident happened because of that.” Kyuhyun said relaxing on his seat and clasping his hands together.

“What was the incident?” I started to get curious.

“They kissed” he simply stated. I was slightly taken aback but still remained calm on my seat.

“So to shorten it, it was all Eunhyuk’s fault?” Kyuhyun nodded. “Wahh” was all I managed to say.

I saw him looked at me and chuckled. “What?”

“I’m not holding my phone” he said.

“So?” I asked while looking at the blinking phone on top of the table between us.

“I ditched them because of you. It’s a big deal if you must know” he said pointing at his phone.

I registered the sentence he just said in my mind and immediately smiled. “Then does that mean I’m worth having a conversation with?” I inquired.

“Maybe, I don’t know” He shrugged his shoulders and took his phone again.

I smiled at him and started fixing my bag. “Leaving already?” He asked.


“Look” I heard him say. I looked towards him and saw his phone in front of me.

“137 ignored messages because of you. Does that answer your question?” He smirked.

I chuckled softly. “Yeah, yeah, better reply fast then if you don’t want to lose them all”

“I still have a lot anyways” he exclaimed.

I huffed. “Show-off” I said as I stood up and walked towards the door. “Bye”

“Hm. Be safe” I heard him whisper. I smiled and thought, He wasn’t like that 2 hours ago, and he even dared to say I was bipolar.


A/N: Sorry for the duper super late update... I was in the midst of writing two storylines for 'Midnight Love Story' and i had to redo this chapter since the first one was too crappy -_- On the next chapter btw, Rin will visit Donghae's house and bla bla bla...

Have you guys watched Skip Beat btw?? Is Donghae awesome or what ?! XDD lol. their Oppa Oppa performance was awesome too...the YeWook dance battle was hilarious XD

Another Poll: Please Vote~

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Photoset Bonus~ lol i only noticed this now too xDD


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i want her and kyu to be together in or until the end hehehe pretty pls.....
@Pepperkinbump ok!!! can't wait to read it!!!!!
@Arashinki: thx for voting and commenting :)<br />
<br />
next chap will be posted this weekend x)
done ;) kkkkkkkk
i've thought of something earlier... i post a poll for it next chapter..please vote or you'll regret x)
so if hae is not the winter boy then who???
so hae is the winter boy.......