Sick with Bambam

A Collection of Got7 Oneshots

Walking into your spacious college nurses' office, Bambam spots you sitting on a waiting chair. He places a light hand on your shoulder once he reaches you and speaks softly, "Hey, you okay?"

You look up and nod, find him smiling down at you, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just running a small fever."
"Why'd you need me to come get you, is it that bad?" he asks concerned.
"No, it's not. They just didn't want to risk anything having me driving," you admit. "I actually took a small nap while waiting for you, it helped quite a bit actually."
"Sorry you had to sleep in a chair. You can sleep when we get home." 
"No, I think I'm fine now. I'll just study for my designing class; I have to pick outfits to make."
"Ah, okay. Would you like me to get you some medicine from a corner store then?" 
You smile at Bambam, he's being overly concerned and it warms your heart knowing he cares so much, "Yeah, that'd be nice, oppa." 
Bambam grabs your coat that was laying on the back of the chair and motions for you to follow him while taking your hand, "Come on, let's go get some medicine and hurry home, babe." 
"Kunpimook," you yell towards the half open door that leads out your bedroom.
"What?!" Bambam yells back at you.
"First off, don't yell at me, I'm sick. And secondly, turn down the music! It's loud." 
Hearing a groan escape your boyfriend's lips, you realize you've succeeded and that you can finally go back to examining the magazine sitting in your lap. After ten minutes of flipping through the pages of the Nylon Pop!: Korea magazine, you decide that you need a break. Jumping off your bed, you sneak out of your room and decide to scare Bambam for yelling at you. Slowly pushing the door open, it creaks loudly making you curse at yourself internally. 
God, I hope I didn't ruin this.
Looking around and finding Bambam sitting casually on the couch with headphones on and plugged into his laptop, you realize you can still pull off scaring him. You smirk to yourself and creep towards Bambam out of his sight.  
After sneaking around the room without being noticed you find yourself finally standing behind Bambam. You raise your arms and pray that his music isn't up too loud to hear you scream. "Ahhhhh!" you scream while throwing your hands onto his shoulders to scare him even more. Bambam screams and jumps up from the couch making the laptop from his lap fly to the floor and have you on the floor as well but from laughing so hard. Your cackling fills the living room and eventually makes Bambam start laughing erratically just solely because of how crazy your laughter sounds. 
After the laughter dies down, you say something you've been thinking since the both of you started laughing, "I'm so glad you're not going through puberty anymore."
"Why?" Bambam says in between small laughs.
"Because you're voice would've cracked so much from laughing so hard." 
Bambam starts laughing maniacally and you start giggling but only after a couple seconds it turns into full on cackling once again. 
After finally stopping your own laughing, you realize Bambam is still laughing. "Bambam, quit laughing! It wasn't that funny!" you yell.
"I'm sorry! I can't help it..." "Okay, I'm good now."
"Are you? Are you really?"
With the emphasis that you put on your words, Bambam starts giggling, "Yes! I am."
"Okay, I don't believe you but okay..." 
Bambam throws his head back onto the floor and sighs, "You should be resting you know."
"But being with you is much more fun~~"
He scoffs and after talking to you about it, he figures out the main reason you aren't sleeping is because you were bored from being alone and you were busy doing the schoolwork you had been assigned for your designing class.
"Ah, you told me about that at the nurses' office. How is that going?"
"Not great. I can't find anything I'm in love with." 
"I know you'll find something soon." Bambam puts his hand on your knee and rubs it softly to comfort you.
 You kiss his cheek and thank him, "You're always here for me, thank you for that. It means a lot to me." 
"You're my girl, why wouldn't I?" he laughs. 
You laugh at him in response and slide across the floor to cuddle him. After he admits that the cuddling would work better on your bed or the couch, you can't help but agree with him. 
"Let's do it on the couch though. It's a shorter walk," you respond. Picking you up from the ground, he carries you over to the couch. "The couch is only a couple feet away, Bambam," you question.
"I know but I felt like carrying you."
You giggle at your boyfriend's sweetness and after setting you down on the couch and sitting beside you, he places a kiss on your forehead. After debating about whether or not to let you stay awake, he finally gives and lets you stay awake. He grabs the t.v remote from the coffee table in front of thr both of you and turns on the t.v. 
"Oh yeah, will you pick up my laptop? You know the one that flew across the room because you scared me."
"Oh my god! Because you so couldn't afford a new one if it was broken. You know the job you have where you live your dream and where you make tons of money? Yeah, that one. You so couldn't afford a new laptop if it was broken."
"Quit being sassy. I'm letting you stay awake when you should be resting." 
You groan and give in and pick up his laptop for him. You look over at him and when he smiles at you, you grow irritated and roll your eyes.
"You're lucky I love you."
"Yeah, I am lucky." he says as he wraps his arms around you tightly. You can't help but smile at him. After going through two commercials between Weekly Idol, Bambam grabs his phone and checks the time. "You should go take some of the medicine I got for you. It's in the middle cabinet." 
You push off from Bambam's thighs and begin walking to the kitchen. Screwing back on the cap of the medicine bottle and closing the cabinet quietly, you suddenly get another great idea. 
You run out of the kitchen and sprint towards Bambam who's laying on the couch waiting for you and when you get close enough to the couch you jump and throw yourself onto Bambam. The both of you hit each other's heads and he rubs his from pain and starts laughing at your weirdness before realizing that if he had the chance, he would've done the same thing you just did. The both of you start laughing making you begin your third laughing fit of the day.
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