Sick with Jackson

A Collection of Got7 Oneshots

Sitting on a small seat by the window in your apartment, you stare at the Psychology textbook you've been studying for an hour due to an upcoming exam.

"Jagi..." you hear a needy voice call to you.

"What?" you ask without looking up from the textbook.

"I need attention. I haven't seen you all day."

You sigh while slapping the book shut and you look up and stare at your boyfriend standing in front of you. "Jackson. You know I can't right now, I have to study. I have a really big exam coming up for this class and I'd like to get a somewhat decent grade on it which I won't get if you keep bothering me." He whines and begins flailing his arms in annoyance. "Jackson," you whisper and from trying to speak quietly, you throat becomes irritated making you go into a small coughing fit. Trying to avoid embarassment, you open the book back up and begin reading the passage that you left off on.

"Are you okay, jagiya?" Jackson asks you.

You nod your head and Jackson tries to forget what he just saw to save you from the embarrassment he knows you'll feel if he keeps badgering you about your health. Once again Jackson tries to get you to have fun with him, "Please?" 

"No!" you yell. Trying to elevate your voice hurts your throat so it makes you cough violently into your arm. You turn back to the book and ignore the eyes that are staring at you worryingly.

"You know you have a duty as my girlfriend. I deserve attention, you know." You laugh at Jackson's efforts to try and get you to pay attention to him. He giggles at you and you find yourself smiling dumbly at him. Suddenly, the book that was once sitting behind you is flying across the room thanks to Jackson.

"Jackson, what the actual hell?" you yell at him. The Psychology book hits the wall behind Jackson making him jump and making you laugh.

"See? I can still make you smile even when you're mad at me," Jackson says proudly. You raise your eyebrows at your boyfriend and smile again at his childish antics. Without notice, you see Jackson running to you wrapping one arm under your legs and one arm around your back and picks you up bridal style. 

"Jackson, what are you--," you yell before you are set down softly on the fluffy sheets of your bed. You see Jackson leave your side and go to the wooden dresser across the room that holds clothes and see him grabbing a two pairs of underwear and big billowy shirts for the both of you.

"If you aren't going to let me have fun with you, then at least let me take care of you. You're obviously sick and I want to help you," your boyfriend says quietly. You lay your head down on the bed and smile to yourself remembering how sweet Jackson can actually be. 

"How are you going to help me?" you ask.

"Well, today you are getting a prescription and the prescription is a warm bath with your wonderful, loving boyfriend."  "You know, Dr. Wang is a very smart doctor, jagi. I would take his advice."

You laugh at Jackson's cockiness and turn over on your side to face him. As Jackson comes walking back to you, you watch his movement as he glides across the floor; he oozes confidence just in his stride. You look over his body, admiring all the hardwork God must've put into making this beautiful man. "Are you checking me out?" Jackson says with a smirk.

You laugh, filled with embarrasment you answer while never taking your eyes off him, "I definitely am." 

"I'm going to go run the bath water. Do you mind if I use bubble bath instead of a bath bomb?"

"Yeah, that's fine," you say with a smile. As Jackson leaves the bedroom and enters the bathroom you lay back down on the bed and think. Think about how happy you are, how lucky you are; your life feels perfect when Jackson's in it.

Suddenly, Jackson walks back into the room. "I've been calling your name for a couple minutes, didn't you hear me?"

"Oh no, sorry," you say embarrassed. "I was thinking."

"Come on then!"

You smile at Jackson and jump off the bed. Taking your hand in his, he guides you to the bathroom and sits you on the ledge of the bathtub and starts taking off your clothes for you. After muttering a thank you, he climbs into the bubble filled tub first and outstretches his hand to help usher you into it as well. After taking his hand, he slowly pulls you into the tub, easing you to lay onto his body. Still not letting go of your hand, he runs his thumb over your hand like you do to him, knowing that it comforts you. With your free hand, you begin drawing circles on his right knee to busy yourself. "Can't you just relax for a second, babe?" he laughs. You laugh with him but slowly become aware of how you're always like this. You never take a second to yourself and just let yourself breathe.

You sish in small frustration and take both of Jackson's hands into yours and wrap his arms tightly around you, "We both need a break."

"Tell me about it." Jackson says as he begins  playing with your hair to ease you into sleep.

"Oh my god."

He laughs at the moans that are escaping from your mouth and far back in his mind, he secretly worries about how hard you've been pushing yourself lately at school. After Jackson stops playing with your hair, his fingers trail down your spine making you shiver beneath his touch.

"Oh, that's feels really good, baby," you mutter. Inch by inch your eyelids fall until your eyes are finally shut.

"Hey, don't fall asleep on me now," Jackson laughs waking you out of your small rest. Your eyes flutter open and your half-open eyes blur every thing you try to look at.

"Sorry, I'm just really tired," you mutter.

"I can see that. Your eyes are barely open, jagiya."

You smile weakly and lean back against his chest, fitting your body to match his. With his arms still clutching your body, he makes circles with his fingers on your upper arms. 

Placing a kiss on your shoulder, he says something that quite possible is the best idea you've heard all day, "We could just take a small nap in here." Jackson laughs away the nonsense he just said and his face turns into shock when he can feel you nodding your head against his arm. "You'd actually want to?"

You laugh, "Yeah, why not?"

"Okay, let's do it."

You snuggle against his body and finally get comfortable within a few seconds.

"Are you comfortable now?" Jackson asks you. 

"Yes," you giggle. You close your eyes to fall asleep when you realize Jackson is running his fingers down your sides for contact. You smile at the small yet loving action and slowly drift off into the sleep that was much needed.  




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