Sick with JB

A Collection of Got7 Oneshots

Jolted awake, your body feels weak and cold, "Jaebum?" Your eyes land on the body beside you and you look into his eyes with care.

He smiles, "Hey baby, how you feeling?" You go to take in a deep breath and frown, confused at his question. 

What is he talking about?

Afraid of the possibility of morning breath, you close your mouth and try to get air into your lungs and when you realize you can't, the only thing you can hear is your nose being stopped up and your boyfriend chuckling. "You're sick silly, don't you remember?" Embarrassed, you nuzzle your face into the fluffy white comforter on your bed. He takes his index finger and pulls down the bedding that is hiding your face and whispers, "Hey, come out to the living room. I made you something." He places a small kiss on your nose before leaving the room and you suddenly realize you don't want to get out of bed in fear of the cold.

"Jaebutt, but I'm coooold," you yell out.

Not expecting a response, you jump at the sound of your boyfriend's loud voice carrying throughout your whole apartment, "Just bring the blanket with you." You groan at him providing a solution to your problem and follow his advice. You plop down onto your living room couch and watch your boyfriend work in the kitchen.

"What are you doing, JB?" you ask curiosly.

He looks to you and smiles, "It's a surprise."

You giggle and call out to him, "And you say you don't have aegyo."

Quietly, you hear him mutter something under his breath, "Aegyo, my ."

Being around JB makes you forget about your sickness and as soon as you settle down, your body goes back to the chilly state it was in a couple minutes ago. "Jaebum, I'm cold," you call out. 

"I'm almost finished, just hold on," JB says to you. You groan but you are secretly thankful for the patience with you. The next thing you see is your boyfriend scampering over to you holding a gray slate bowl that is steaming. "Sit up, please," he whispers to you while putting his hand on your back to ease you forward.
"Thank you," you manage to say.
"It's kimchi soup, your favorite. Oh, but beware, it's extra spicy. It's supposed to help unstop your nose." You smile at the bowl of soup and thank him, making him blush and stare at the floor.
You put a finger under his chin and guide his head up to face yours like the way he did to you just a bit earlier, "Really, thank you. I love you a lot, Jaebutt." He goes in for a kiss but you put your hand on his lips to stop him. Furrowing his eyebrows with confusion, the only thing he can do is stare at you. You laugh, "JB, I'm sick..."
He chuckles and takes your hand away from his mouth, "I don't care." He places a small kiss on your lips, pulls away and finally rests his forehead onto yours. "Now, finish your soup," he whispers. You cuddle into his chest and bring the soup towards you and take a sip. God, is he trying to kill me with the spice?
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