The Star That Made Her Smile.
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Soo Yeong woke up to noises coming from the kitchen. She sat up and looked around, noticing that something was different. Looking down, she saw her blazer was no longer on her, and there was a blanket covering her. Oh! It’s all clean! Who…did this?

Following the noises she went into the kitchen and saw someone pulling out a tray. Just by looking at the golden blonde locks, she recognized the boy. She looked down to his sides and saw two strings dangling and as if acting on instinct, she went behind him and pulled both strings and knotted them into a bow.

She felt him stiffen at the contact, and decided to say something, “The strings, they go behind your back, so, stay still for a while,” it went quiet for a while, but even with the silence, it wasn’t awkward. Luhan picked up tray and turned around, startling the girl standing behind him.

“Oh my gosh, you scared me!” she exclaimed while clutching the cloth covering the skin where her heart would be.

“Ah, sorry, anyways, wanna eat? You can’t say no.”  He walked out and set the tray on the coffee table in front of the sofa, then sat down. Soo Yeong came out too, and sat across from him.

“Sorry for intruding, but you fainted so I brought you here, and then it was kinda messy, so I just cleaned and stuff. Oh, and I,” he paused, an uncertain look on his face, “went inside to find a blanket for you,” he stood up and bowed.

“Oh, no its okay sit down, you’re saying sorry for helping me, and I don’t like it, rather, I should be saying sorry for causing inconvenience,” she stood up and bowed to him too.

“How about we call it equal?” They both asked at the same time. Luhan chuckled, and Soo Yeong could do nothing but scratch the nape of her neck in embarrassment.

“Okay, we’ll do that, but first let’s eat, the food is getting cold.”

They sat back down to eat when Luhan broke the silence once again, “I’m just warning you, it might not be edible. It’s my first time cooking, and I didn’t get to taste it, so I don’t how well it turned out,” Soo Yeong picked up her spoon and took a spoonful of the porridge in front of her.

Luhan followed suit and did the same, both putting the spoons into their mouths, Luhan more cautiously than the other. “Mmm, it’s good,” Soo Yeong pointed out.

“I wouldn’t call it good, it’s decent.”

They finished very quickly, and after being thanked by Soo Yeong once again, Luhan left to his own place. Soo Yeong went back inside and noticed the folded clothes on the chair. She couldn’t say the same she said to the food for the clothes.

The folded clothes were falling apart; there was a sleeve falling out from one, there was one that was barely holding together, and the pile looked like it was about to collapse itself. Something in her brain clicked, and she stopped holding back, resulting in a small smile breaking out on her face.

She realized it too late. Something was happening, and it was making her smile after so many years. Was it because of the boy from her memories? Or was it Luhan? Do they have a connection, or is it just that their faces are similar? She proceeded into the house, when her eyes fell on a letter sitting on her work desk, and her happiness was short lived.

What's this? I don’t remember putting that there? She thought about it some more, and realized that she had never seen that letter before. Picking it up, she saw that it was closed with a seal that had the letter M on it. No one, except for Luhan and her family knew where she was living, so who sent this? But, she looked closely at the seal and it seemed familiar to her, but she didn’t know why.

Nobody has any spare keys, and she was 100% sure that the mailman doesn’t come this far into a house to drop mail off. Scared, she picked up the roll of paper with trembling fingers and peeled off the seal, she rolled open the paper, and saw that the message wasn’t too long, but it was written on long paper, as if to emphasize the importance.  She read it, following as goes;


Soo Yeong? Have you been doing well? Well, I'm fine. I heard you changed your name, and I don’t approve. Your name is fine, and you’re probably just feeling bad about it, that’s why you changed it right? No, I'm not a stalker, rather, I just know you very well, enough to know what’s going on in your mind.

Well, anyways, I'm contacting you now because I want to help you regain your memories, even if u say no, so don’t worry. Don’t try to search for me, or try to remember me; you won’t remember me even if you tried.

I'm close to you, but so far away. Well, do you remember the accident years ago, the one where you lost your memories? Yeah, well, you’re not the only one. There’s one more person that remembers. You left her, forgot her, and now that you’re back, you don’t even realize it. She was important to you and you to her. Find her quickly.

Go back to the places you went to before and try to remember that face. She’s hurt, and you need to fix it quickly.

Don’t try to find me; I'm too far away for you to do that. And don’t tell anyone about me, shh it’s a secret. Don’t worry; you will see me one day.




There’s someone else that remembers, what's that supposed to mean? Who could this girl be, and I forgot her? She means a lot to me? Where am I supposed to get the answers?


Before she knew it, school was almost over and it was last period; gym. They were just playing around, not n

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jiminisbae123 #1
Chapter 9: This story has a very intresting plot
Wow! This is quite interesting...Definitely subscribing^^
Found this story just now and it seems quite interesting. I haven't yet started reading it, but the description is really confusing. When it's the OC loosing her memories, why should Luhan not be able to remember her?
Chapter 8: Omg!!!!!!!! At last.. Does she really remember...?
monica_luv22 #5
They R such cute characters....... is this gonna be like a manga??
Chapter 5: OMG OMG OMG is luhan n sooyeoung have a traffic crash? Or r they gonna realize their love? Can't wait for ur next update!!! Authornim kamsahamnida AAAHHHHH IM LIKE MENTALLY FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW!!!