
I Need You
Why is it you? Why did it have to be you?

Why can’t I leave you?

I woke up a little earlier than everyone else. It was cold, very cold. Even though I had blankets and warm clothes on, I was cold. Thinking nothing of it, I went to check on everyone else. My six best friends, all still sound asleep. They had all huddled up together on the double bed and the pull out couch in the room, and they were keeping warm.

Smiling to myself, I ordered some breakfast for them all. After a few minutes, the large order came. I didn't know for sure, but some of the boys looked a little too thin for my liking. I set up the food on the floor of the living room so that we'd all have enough room to eat comfortably. Slowly, the boys woke up with the smell and came out to eat, even though they were still half asleep. We all started to eat, and eventually we started to talk.

"It's good to see you all again. I really missed you."

"We all missed each other hyung. But we're glad you helped round us up together again."

"So what should we do now that we're together?"

"I'm not too sure, do we have enough money to stay here?"

"No, we'll need to find a another place to stay."

"I know a few places to stay, they're pretty much free as long as we don't get caught."

After talking for a while about where we'd stay, and how we'd get food, we had decided to get out of the hotel and go. When we were outside, free and together, we walked towards where Taehyung was leading us. We walked together in a big clump on the footpaths, talking a little as we did. We all watched as the scenery slowly changed from that of a busy city to an abandoned one. After a while of walking in the emptiness, we grew quiet. It was kind of eerie, and I would've rather had the rest of them talking. But Taehyung grew a big smile on his face and started to run ahead of us, the rest of us catching up behind him. We eventually came to an old building, it was old and one side of it had started to crumble away, leaving the levels of the building exposed. Taehyung walked in and ran up some stairs, and called us all over.

We all got there, and saw an almost empty room, a couple of car seats and a few tired, an old couch and rotting paper posers on the wall. Taehyung smiled as he waved us over, and we all sat on the couches together. It was becoming mid afternoon, and we were starting to get hungry. We all decided to put all the money we had on us on the floor so that we could figure out a budget for our meals. There was quite a bit of money between the seven of us, but it wouldn't last us long. They all decided it would be good if I looked after the money, because I was the hyung. I then pulled out a small portion of our savings and gave it to Taehyung. He, Jungkook and Namjoon were going to go down to the closest convenient store and stack up on essentials that we would need for the next few days, and those of us staying behind were going to look around and see if we could find anything useful around the building.

The three headed back into town set off, and the four of us staying behind went up another level. We looked around, but there was a lot of old and broken furniture and cobwebs. We decided to bring the furniture down anyway, and continued looking up further until we came across a large chest. The lock had rusted, but we wanted to know what was inside. We brought it down, and it was surprisingly light. We tried to open it in every possible way we could think of, and the other boys came back before we could open it. They had gotten a few bags worth of essentials and even had a bit of change to give back to me. They put the bags on the couches as they came over to try help us open the chest. Taehyhung and Namjoon walked off somewhere, while Jimin looked through the bags with Hoseok so they could see what we'd be eating over the next few days. Namjoon and Taehyung came back with what looked like an old hatchet, and told us we should just hack it open. Jungkook stopped them before they did, saying that we could use the chest to keep our food and money safe. Agreeing, they worked on trying to pry of the rusted lock while I walked over to Jimin and Hoseok to look at our food. They told me of a few meal ideas they had and sorted through them all, so that it would be easier to find all the food. We heard some cheers by the chest, and saw that they had managed to open it without breaking it too badly. They had ruined the latch completely, but it opened. Closing it was the only real problem.

We all wandered over to see what was in the box, and to our surprise, there were some old blankets and clothes. We pulled them all out and shook the dust off, and put our food into the chest along with our money. We had some good blankets that would keep us warm, along with some gloves and cardigans. It was starting to cool down for the evening, and we shared out the blankets and coats as Jungkook and Suga gave us our simple meals. We all ate together while we huddled on the couches to keep warm. It was really nice, and after we had finished we decided to talk and catch up properly while we waited to get tired.

"So what were all you guys up to before today?"

"A lot worse than now."

We all chuckled at that, and took turns telling everyone what we had been doing with our lives.

"Well, I wasn't doing the best. Everyone pretty much hates me and they spread rumours. It's not very fun, their lies really hurt. But Jin-hyung paid me a visit and now I can begin this fun adventure with all of you."

"I've been doing ok. Got a job at a petrol station. I was around bad people there and I was smoking for a little while. I'm getting there, and already I'm doing a lot better just being with you all again.

"Aah, well... I haven't been at home much recently. School is becoming more and more stressful, and my parents were just adding even more unrealistic expectations of me. But that's the life of a school boy, eh?"

"You'd all probably want to know how I found this awesome place, huh? I like to wander around town when my head is clouded. I got a little lost, but I found this place. I've always thought it would be a great place to bring you guys, but I'd always forget to contact you."

"It was perfect timing when I found Jin-hyung. I had been giving and giving and everyone was taking without giving anything back. It got pretty bad, and eventually I just got sick of seeing people and locked myself away. But now I we can have fun again, all seven of us."

"Hmm, I'm looking forward to being with everyone again. I got a bit sick and everything got a bit out of control, but hopefully this will be a healing trip. For all of us."

I smiled, so happy that we were all together. It was just like old times, before we had stress and worries aging us. We could all just be happy together again, even if it was just for a short while.

Nothing could break our smiles, at least not now.

author's notes
This is the first part done! Whoo hoo! I'm thinking they're will be 3 parts? Each part will be seven chapters, one for each memeber. I'm thinking for this part, the theme would be the prologue
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sorry that it's been ages... I'm starting to write this again now that I have time


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viviker #1
Chapter 7: nice chapter authornim ^^
MyImagination1 #2