Chapter 7 - More Homework?

Welcome to the Night

“Morning, Kai.”


“ you, Sehun.”


Luhan giggled. “Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Why so grumpy?”


“Taemin decided his revenge for me bringing Kyungsoo home would be to make me bottom.”


Sehun and Luhan burst out laughing. They stopped, however, when they saw the glare on Kai’s face. “Wait, you were serious?” Sehun asked.


“How did you not hear me screaming in pain?” Kai grumbled, limping over to a chair.


“Lu and I went out.”


Kai sighed and slumped even lower in his chair. “Luhan hyung, could you do me a favor? I need someone to show Kyungsoo around since Kris is too lazy and I’m too sore.”


“Of course,” Luhan chuckled. “Let me just find him.”


“Find who?”


“Speak of the devil and he shall appear,” Luhan snickered. “Come on, I’m going to show you around the house.”


“Why isn’t Kai doing it?”


“He bottomed last night,” Sehun blurted.


Kyungsoo flushed bright red. “I, um, sorry. I don’t really know what to say to that.”


“Don’t say anything, just go,” Kai muttered. “Luhan will introduce you to everyone then take you to the training room. You’ve got a lot to learn.”


Kyungsoo allowed his elder to lead him out of the room and up the stairs. “First things first, the dorms. You’ll be spending a lot of time up here.”


Luhan took his time. He didn’t open any doors, instead naming the residents. “That’s mine and Sehun’s room. That’s Kai and Taemin’s. Suho and Lay, and Kris has his own.”


He turned the knob of the last door. This is the room you’ll be sharing with Key. You’ll meet him soon.”


The room was spacious enough for at least four people. Its furnishings were quite simple, just two beds, two dressers, and two desks. “Good enough for me.” Kyungsoo shrugged. “Wait, I’ll be staying here?”

Luhan laughed. “Where else would you stay, home?”


Kyungsoo nodded. “Oh, ,” Luhan cursed. “I need to talk to Kris about this.”


The walk back downstairs was silent, what with Luhan deep in thought about the housing situation. At the base of the stairs, Luhan absentmindedly led Kyungsoo into a library. “Suho’s our librarian and our secretary. If you ever need help with homework, come in here.”


“Why don’t I just ask my teacher?,” Kyungsoo questioned.


“Not that kind of homework. I mean the stuff I give you.”




He trudged out of the library. Great, more homework. Why did he ever agree to this?


“You’ve already seen the infirmary,” Luhan called, gesturing towards a door on their right. “Over here is where Key spends most of his time. Man’s a fashion freak.”


“Fashion freak?” Kyungsoo repeated.


“Oh yeah. This guy handles all our gear. His motto is ‘safe plus stylish equals badass’. I think he wants you to come in for a fitting later.”


They walked into a large conference room. “We hold team meetings in here.”


Luhan walked out again and this time lead Kyungsoo into an office. “This is where I work. I’m the head of research. Sehun’s office is next to mine. He’s the head of security so don’t mess with him.”


Kyungsoo barely got a glimpse of Sehun’s office as they passed it. It had one desk and one bookshelf, the rest of the room being covered in monitors. “Security must be pretty tight around here,” he commented.


“You have no idea,” Luhan replied. “It’s one of the reasons Kai and Kris are so stressed. We’re trying to figure out how the demons got in here the day of the attack.”


The younger frowned. “Who is this Kris guy? I’ve been hearing about him from Kai.”


Luhan grinned. “I guess you could say you and him are well acquainted.” He opened a door, revealing yet another office and a blond head bent over a stack of papers. The head glanced up, obviously annoyed at the intrusion.


Kyungsoo gasped in recognition. “Mr. Wu? You’re Kris?”


Said man nodded. “There’s a reason I became your teacher, Kyungsoo. I’m the leader of this branch of the organization.”


“Seriously, would it kill you all to stop spring random news like this on me?” the younger groaned. “It’s stressing me out. I have a math test next week, you know? These grades don’t earn themselves.”


Mr. W- Kris raised an eyebrow. “I would be more than willing to raise your grades if you train properly.”


“Hell no! That’s illegal.”


“Just checking your integrity,” Kris chuckled. “Still doesn’t get you out of training, though. Luhan, take him to the basement.”


Luhan nodded. "One more thing, Luhan," Kris called as they were leaving. He said something in a foreign language.


Luhan seemed to understand and he and Kyungsoo left the office and headed to the basement. There, Kyungsoo was met with mats, weights, punching bags, and all kinds of training equipment. Oh yeah, and the really buff dude. The one cracking his knuckles, looking like he wanted to eat Kyungsoo alive. Yeah, that guy.


Mr. Buff walked over and stuck out a hand. “I’m Jackson. I’ve heard a lot about you, Do Kyungsoo.”


Kyungsoo felt violated as Jackson circled him, eyes basically undressing him. “All good things, I hope,” he managed to choke out.


“Yeah, but nothing about how adorable you are.” Jackson cupped Kyungsoo’s face and leaned in.


“Yah, Jackson Wang! Quit flirting with the new kid!”


Jackson let go and turned around to face the blond man that had just entered. “Aw, Markie-pooh, I was just playing. You know I love you.”


"Markie-pooh?" Kyungsoo repeated.


Luhan grimaced as Jackson wrapped his arms around his boyfriend affectionately. "Yeah. Jackson may seem tough but he turns into a puddle of goo around Mark. It's sickening."


"No , Sherlock."


Once Markson, as Kyungsoo had decided to call them, had finished their love fest, Kyungsoo jumped straight into the mountain of questions he had. "Why the am I down here? Who are you? Why is Mark here? What is this place? Why are you two so gross and lovey-dovey?"


"You're here to get an introduction to your training," Jackson started.


"We are your trainers," Mark added.


"I'll be focusing on strength and Mark will be focusing on self-defense."


"And we're lovey-dovey-"


"-because we can be."


"Oh, no," Kyungsoo groaned. "They finish each other's-"


"Sandwiches!" Luhan yelled.


Kyungsoo's gaze grew murderous. "Honestly, I will quit the next time I hear a ing Frozen reference. That movie ."


"You obviously have no taste in movies!" the elder retorted. Meanwhile, Markson had gone back to each other's faces off and rolling around on the floor mat. Luhan reached into his pocket and threw something at them.


"Yah! Get up!"


Jackson stared at him incredulously. "Did you just throw a at us?"


Kyungsoo burst out laughing. He wiped a tear from his eye. "Oh, that was priceless! Your face!"


The trainer glared at him. “Just for that, drop and give me twenty.”


“Hell no.”


“Do it!” Jackson screamed. Kyungsoo’s eyes widened and he immediately dropped to the floor and gave a sad attempt at a push up.


Jackson turned to Luhan. “You’re kidding, right? This kid is supposed to defeat the demon lord? He can’t even do a push up!”


Luhan grimaced. “Sorry, but Kris says it’s him and that’s good enough for me.”


Mark rolled his eyes. "Come on, let's just see what the kid's got. You're scaring him."


He stood in a fighting stance in front of Kyungsoo and commanded, "Hit me."


"What?" the shorter boy responded.


"Hit me. Punch me as hard as you can."


Kyungsoo swung. Mark immediately threw up his hand, blocked him, and flipped him. "Ow, what the ?"


"This is why we train. You don't even have- Mmf!"


Luhan slapped a hand over Mark's mouth to prevent him from finishing his sentence. Jackson looked around nervously. "Kyungsoo, Luhan is going to show you how to punch properly. Mark and I need to have a talk."


Jackson dragged his boyfriend into the corner and began a rapid conversation in a language that most definitely wasn't Korean. As a matter of fact, it seemed to be the language Kris was speaking to Luhan before. It sounded like-


"Mandarin," Luhan confirmed. "You're not supposed to understand this. Now focus."


Luhan spent a few minutes teaching Kyungsoo proper form but the younger's mind was elsewhere. He couldn't help but listen to Mark and Jackson's conversation and try to interpret through his limited Mandarin. He had no such luck, however, as Luhan was quick to draw his attention back to the drill.


As Kyungsoo was hitting the punching bag absentmindedly, Luhan tapped him on the shoulder. "Come on, Kyungsoo-yah. You really need to focus. Honestly, this is just and introduction."


Kyungsoo frowned when he saw the refreshing-looking soda in the elder's hands. He remembered seeing it on the table a few seconds ago. "Hey where'd you get the soda? It wasn't there before."


Jackson's head shot up. He starting yelling something in Mandarin that Kyungsoo translated as "You ing idiot!" and other indecipherable words.


"Sorry!" Luhan cried. "I couldn't help it!"


Jackson was getting visibly frustrated. "Kyungsoo, focus. I want fifteen punches, perfect form."


He sat in a chair directly opposite the training mats. Kyungsoo punched the bag. "Wrong!" Jackson yelled. "Do it again!"


Kyungsoo repeated the move over and over again but nothing seemed to satisfy the trainer. Finally, Jackson got up and demonstrated it himself. "What's the difference?" Kyungsoo screamed. "That's exactly what I did!"


"You little-"


"Calm down, Jackson!" Mark shouted. "Go sit. I'll help him."


Jackson glared at Kyungsoo but stormed off to the chair. So far, Mark was proving to be the most sane out of the team. He was easy to work with and offered a lot more help than his boyfriend. Soon enough, Kyungsoo had the move down.


"Doing well, I see," Jongin's voice interrupted.


Kyungsoo shrieked and whirled around. "Where the hell did you come from?"


"I just-"


"He walked down the stairs!" Mark cut him off. "Like a normal person! Like we did!"


"Shut up, Mark. You're not helping," Jackson fumed.


Jongin frowned. "What's wrong?"


Luhan shook his head furiously. "Kris said not to say anything."


"Say anything about what?" Kyungsoo asked.


No one answered him. "About what?"


"Kyungsoo," Luhan tried.


"Tell me!"


"No!" Jackson screamed. "You don't have to know everything!"


"I have a right to know this!"


"No, you don't!"


"Yes, I do!"


"God dammit, you motherfu-"


"What the ?" Kyungsoo exclaimed. Jackson wasn't in his chair anymore, almost as if he was invisible. "What just happened to Jackson?"


Said man reappeared with an even angrier expression on his face. "Dammit, Mark, I said to control my temper!"


"It's not my fault you're a hot-headed !" Mark retorted.


Kyungsoo stomped his foot. "Someone tell me what the is going on or I swear, I will murder you all!"


Everyone took a step back. "What, afraid of me?"


"Kyungsoo," Luhan said. "You-"


"Tell me!" Kyungsoo could feel his eyes burning. He stomped again. "Tell me right ing now!"


"Kyungsoo, look behind you," Jongin whispered with a look of horror.


Kyungsoo turned around slowly. "Oh, ," he breathed. "Did I do that?"


A long crack ran through the floor and up the wall. "I think so," Mark answered.


Kyungsoo slumped to the ground, his knees hitting the concrete. His fists slammed into the floor. The reaction was immediate; the ground cracked again, this time the sound loud and clear.


Kyungsoo looked up at the terrified men before him and put on his most furious expression. "One of you owes me a damn good explanation," he hissed. "Starting with you, Kim Jongin."

A/N: *whispers* sorry for not updating for more than a month... hope you like the chapter?
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kkaebsong365 #1
Chapter 9: I really really really love this and I hope you update soon!! Can't wait for the next chapter and please don't tell that this is gonna end with Taekai cause I will unleash Kyungsoo on you
This is really good, I love the plot and I'm excited to see how it develops!