Chapter 3 - I'm Sorry, Mr. Wu!

Welcome to the Night

“I’m so sorry Mr. Wu! I dropped all my papers and I didn’t know it was a private conversation! I’m so-”


“Calm down,” Kris chided.


Kyungsoo took a deep breath. “You’re blushing,” Kai chuckled.


“I’m sorry!”


“It’s cute,” Kai laughed.


Kris sighed. “Have a seat, Mr. Do. You too, Kai.”


The boys obeyed and listened attentively to the teacher. “Mr. Do, I’m very sorry you had to hear that. You are probably confused right now.”


Kyungsoo nodded in agreement. “Therefore, I’ll leave Kai to explain this to you.”


With that, Kris got up and sauntered out of the room. “But, Kris,” Kai protested. “What do I say?”


“Everything necessary,” the elder called.


Now alone with Kyungsoo, Kai turned to him. The poor boy was sitting there with wide eyes and a terrified expression on his face. “Well, I’d better start over.”


He stuck out a hand for the smaller to shake. “My real name is Kim Jongin but I don’t like being called that. I’m part of an elite team dedicated to ridding the world of evil.”


Kyungsoo’s owl eyes widened. “What kind of evil?”


Kai leaned in close, so close he could feel Kyungsoo’s breath tickling his nose. “Demons,” he whispered menacingly. “Horrible, slimy beings with no concern for humans. They want to kill us all.”


Kyungsoo shuddered. “What do they do?”


“They stalk you, and disguise themselves, and wait for the right moment to attack!”


The shorter let out a shriek. “Now that you know my secret, I guess I’ll have to terminate you,” Kai cackled.


“I’m sorry!” Kyungsoo cried. “Don’t kill me! I won’t tell anyone.”


Kai laughed hysterically. “Sorry, I had to,” he choked out.


Kyungsoo frowned disapprovingly. “What’s the point of this?” he demanded.


“I’m Kai, I’m a demon hunter, and I’m here to recruit you.”


“I’m Kyungsoo, I’m a student, and I’m not interested.”


Sassy, Kai thought. I like it.


“I’m leaving,” Kyungsoo announced, standing quickly. All of his books fell from his hands and scattered themselves over the floor. He groaned. Kai immediately bent over to gather them.


“You don’t have to!” Kyungsoo protested, reaching out a hand to stop him.


Kai delicately laced their fingers together, bringing Kyungsoo’s knuckles to his lips. “I want to,” he whispered, offering the stack of books in his free hand. Kyungsoo accepted it. Kai noticed the flush spreading from his cheeks to his ears. Cute.


Kyungsoo hurried out of the classroom, his shaking with every step. Scratch that. Adorable.




“You what?”


“Calm down, Sehun. It’s not like I hooked up with him,” Kai shushed.


“Still! You kissed his hand! Not to mention you told him about us.”


Kai groaned. “Listen, you can’t tell anyone about this, especially Kris. He’ll kill me for getting involved with the recruit.”


“Fine,” Sehun grumbled. “But you owe me.”


"Shut up, midgets!"


"Evening, Kris!" Luhan chirped.


Kris rolled his eyes. "Kai, did you tell him?"




"Did you scare him?"


Kai cringed. "Maybe a little," he admitted.


"Kai! We need him!" Kris groaned.


"I'm sorry! At least he thinks I like him."


"Do you?"




Kris grumbled something under his breath and slammed his hand on the table. He turned to Luhan and began discussing demon traits.


"I think he wants you to leave," Lay told Kai gently. "Come find me later for your check up."


"Will do, Doc," Kai grinned, offering the shorter a salute. He got up and walked out, stopping only send a glance Taemin's way. He gave him a thumbs up, their signal for " tonight?" Taemin frowned and turned away from him.


Kai shrugged. Guess not.

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kkaebsong365 #1
Chapter 9: I really really really love this and I hope you update soon!! Can't wait for the next chapter and please don't tell that this is gonna end with Taekai cause I will unleash Kyungsoo on you
This is really good, I love the plot and I'm excited to see how it develops!